Last month, the training Cloud computing for water resource analyses in Myanmar using Google Earth Engine, executed by FutureWater and HKV, was successfully conducted at Yangon Technological University (YTU), Yangon, Myanmar.
The training was organized in the framework of the Leapfrogging Delta Management in Myanmar, led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and funded by the Netherlands government (RVO). The training program consisted of presentations, interactive sessions, and, especially, hands-on working from the training tutorial. The objective of this training was to build capacity of the participants on using the basic functionalities of Google Earth Engine, by working on applications specifically relevant for water management in Myanmar.
Overall, the training was judged as successful and useful by both the participants and the trainers, as demonstrated by the evaluation results. Google Earth Engine proved several advantages over conventional GIS, image processing and modelling tools, as no time-consuming software installation was needed, and issues related to software incompatibility or limited processor speed of participants’ laptops were avoided.