Reuse of water in irrigation systems has been ignored to a great extent in developing and rehabilitating irrigation projects. Focus of many projects is on water withdrawals rather than on water consumption. Although this distinction between withdrawals and consumption might seem somewhat academic, it is important in a better understanding of irrigation systems. Moreover, it is key in all aspects of irrigation design, planning, management, and rehabilitation.
The FAO Regional office in Asia and Pacific (FAO-RAP) has therefore embarked on a big initiative to overcome water scarcity by a rigorous approach to water savings in irrigated agriculture. FAO has asked FutureWater to support them in this initiative.
The project will develop a Guidance document, a Tool and a Training package that will enable a better understanding of the role of reuse of water in irrigated agriculture systems. Those project results will support awareness rising, decision making and capacity building for water managers and decision makers.
The project will start in January 2022 and results will become available by the end of 2022.