FutureWater just completed a successful mission to Cambodia, where UNDP Cambodia is implementing the project “Enhancing Integrated Water Management and Climate Resilience in Vulnerable Urban Areas of the Mekong River Basin”, funded by Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea.
Since December 2022, FutureWater has supported UNDP with technical expertise to ensure swift and effective implementation of a range of studies, including baseline catchment assessments, flood modeling, climate risk assessments of key agricultural supply chains, and prioritization of climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures.
With the final year of the project underway, current activities focus on leveraging the key insights from the project and supporting the development of follow-up funding proposals for implementation-focused projects. As part of this endeavor, a number of meetings with key stakeholders, government institutions and development partners were organized from February 24 – 28, aiming to consolidate the main findings from the project and to move forward with the development of concrete ideas for follow-up work.
By integrating innovative technologies and the knowledge of key stakeholders from commune to national level, the project has generated a wealth of information and tools enabling improved risk and vulnerability assessment and advancing an integrated approach to water resources management. FutureWater will now focus its efforts on ensuring that these new insights will be the foundation of effective adaptation measures, benefiting the 3S and 4P population and their livelihoods. In parallel, we are developing an online story-map (coming soon!) showcasing the main findings and lessons learned from the project to a wider audience.