Autor: Martijn
1 mayo 2020
FutureWater launches APSAN-Vale Flying Sensor Portal
Today FutureWater launched a portal for flying sensor imagery taken in Mozambique as part of the APSAN-Vale project. The project, which started in 2018, is piloting innovations to increase the water productivity and food security for climate resilient smallholder agriculture in the Zambezi valley of Mozambique. It will demonstrate what the best combinations are of...
5 marzo 2020
FutureWater and HiView present at the GrowCongo! conference
At the GrowCongo! conference, organized by NABC, FutureWater and HiView conducted a pitch for a delegation from Republic of Congo including Prime Minister Clément Mouamba. Prime Minister Mouamba was accompanied by several ministers of his government, amongst which the Minister of Agriculture. The governmental team was present at the conference to promote agricultural business between...
31 enero 2020
Advanced cloud computing for water resources management in Myanmar
FutureWater, together with HKV and Yangon Technological University, have successfully organized a symposium on Advanced cloud computing for water resources management in Myanmar on 13th of December 2019. The symposium was organized under the framework of the Orange Knowledge Tailor-Made Training (TMT) Program, which is funded by NUFFIC, the Dutch organization for internationalization in education....
9 diciembre 2019
Scientists Rank World’s Most Important, Most Threatened Mountain Water Towers
Research provides new insight on mountain glacier–derived water resource systems, impacting up to 1.9 billion people globally. December 9, 2019 — Scientists from around the world have assessed the planet’s 78 mountain glacier–based water systems and, for the first time, ranked them in order of their importance to adjacent lowland communities, as well as their...
2 diciembre 2019
Hands-on training with Google Earth Engine in Myanmar
From 4 till 15 November, FutureWater and HKV gave a hands-on training at Yangon Technological University on using the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform for satellite-derived data analyses for water resources management in Myanmar. The 8-day training was organized under the framework of the Orange Knowledge Tailor-Made Training (TMT) Program, which is funded by...
4 noviembre 2019
Training on glacio-hydrological modelling at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research
The Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) is part of the Belt and Road Initiative, being a development strategy that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries. Essentially, the SREB includes countries situated on the original Silk Road through Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The initiative calls for the integration of...
30 octubre 2019
Publication of Mekong State Of the Basin Report with substantial FutureWater contribution
Last week, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) released the latest Mekong State Of the Basin Report (SOBR), which is MRC’s flagship knowledge and impact monitoring product. The SOBR provides information on the current status and trends of water and related resources in the Mekong Basin. Key strategic recommendations are provided for uptake in the MRC...
13 septiembre 2019
Scientific field campaign to estimate evapotranspiration at field scale in Ghana
During the last week of August, FutureWater and HiView joined TU Delft and local partners for a scientific field campaign at Nyankpale-Tamale in the northern part of Ghana. This was possible as part of the Horizon 2020 project TWIGA, Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa. Hosted by the...
2 agosto 2019
Modelling training provided to representatives from Madagascar
Futurewater has organized a two-week workshop (from 16 to 30 July) to provide hands-on training in relation to a modelling platform (LANDSIM-R) developed part of its activities undertaken for the LAUREL project. The prototype focuses on simulating hydrological and erosion processes at the regional scale and is provided as a toolbox grouping input data and...
11 julio 2019
HERMANA: Un sistema de soporte a la decisión para la gestión integral de cuencas
Nota de prensa Hoy, 10 de julio, se presenta en Calí (Colombia), y por primera vez al público, HERMANA (Herramienta para el Manejo Integral del Agua), una solución tecnológica que ayuda a la Gestión Integral de los Recursos Hídricos, y la detección y toma de decisiones frente a situaciones de alerta hidrometeorológica. HERMANA es una...