Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NbS) para la seguridad hídrica: FutureWater prepara las fichas técnicas de opciones NbS para TNC

Recently, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has published a How-to Guide to Develop Watershed Investment Programs, accessible here. This important resource was designed to meet the needs of practitioners and investors across a variety of sectors who may wish to improve biodiversity, climate and water security outcomes by employing nature-based solutions. It comprises several components, including...

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InfoSequia, finalista en la segunda edición de Dinapsis Open Challenge

Recientemente, FutureWater presentó la solución InfoSequia en el 2º Desafío Dinapsis, un programa de innovación organizado por el nodo regional de Dinapsis en la Región de Murcia. Este segundo reto lanzado por Dinapsis, que es la red de hubs para la transformación digital del grupo Agbar, se centró en la búsqueda de soluciones y aplicaciones innovadoras...

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Video: Usuarios y beneficiarios comparten sus experiencias en el uso de innovaciones geoespaciales en escuelas de campo de Egipto

The project ‘A Practical Farmers Toolkit – Geodata for climate smart agriculture in Egypt’ has successfully finished last month. An exciting video was made, which gives a short overview of this agricultural project. An interactive training programme started in April 2021 with online training, field schools, and group projects. The ‘toolkit’ provided in this project...

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Training Course on Flying Sensors for Agricultural Systems Kicked-off in Kenya

Today FutureWater and HiView kicked-off stage 2 of the Nuffic TMT training course on ‘Crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems’ at Egerton University in Nakuru, Kenya. After a series of online training courses in stage 1 last year, this in-country follow-up training focusses on flying sensors (drones) for agricultural systems....

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Training to Enhance Agricultural Production in Iraq Completed Succesfully

The Nuffic TMT training on ‘Climate smart irrigation strategies to improve salinity control and enhance agricultural production in Iraq’, provided by FutureWater and Wageningen University, in collaboration with Basra University has been completed successfully. The training, using the FutureWater Moodle School, was aimed at building capacity of participants in accessing and using innovative public-domain data,...

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APSAN-Vale project in Mozambique extended till December 2022

We are very happy to announce that our APSAN-Vale project in Mozambique will be extended till December 2022! The APSAN-Vale project has as its overall aim to increase climate resilient agricultural productivity and food security, with a specific objective to increase the water productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers in Mozambique, prioritizing small (family sector)...

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Farmer Field School Days Organized in Egypt as Part of a New Project for RVO

FutureWater has kicked off a new RVO project: A Practical Farmers’ Toolkit. The project is ongoing in 2021 and the consortium consists of Dutch and Egyptian partners. The Dutch partners are Delphy, Irriwatch, and HiView. Among the Egyptian partners are Cairo University and Bio Oasis. ​Water management in Egypt needs to cope with the increasing water scarcity issues. Especially the agricultural sector, being...

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ThirdEye Limitada Provides Successful Drone Training for NCBA CLUSA Technicians in Mozambique

Last week FutureWater assisted ThirdEye Limitada (Central Mozambique) in providing a training on the use of drones for agricultural purposes for NCBA CLUSA technicians. The trainings and technical assistance for the NCBA CLUSA staff are provided in collaboration with project partner HiView (The Netherlands). Eight technicians of NCBA CLUSA were trained in using flying sensors...

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FutureWater Continues Its Collaboration in Rwanda to Improve Sustainable Water Management Practices

After succesfully finishing the Bio-Physical Assessment and Hydrological Analysis for the Mukungwa and Akagera Lower catchments in Rwanda, FutureWater will remain active in Rwanda in a new project that has been granted to FutureWater and ENTREM Ltd. by FONERWA. In close collaboration with the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB), we will work towards Integrated Strategic...

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FAO Training Program on Real Water Savings Kicked Off in Thailand

This week the training program on Real Water Savings in Thailand was started. This training is part of the project ‘Delivering Training on Real Water Savings (ReWaS) for the Regional Water Scarcity Program in Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Thailand and Afghanistan’ that FutureWater is rolling out in cooperation with the Regional Office for Asia and the...

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