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3 junio 2021
HiHydroSoil v2.0 now available on Google Earth Engine
We are excited to announce that our high resolution dataset with global maps for Soil Hydraulic Properties HiHydroSoil v2.0 is now available on Google Earth Engine! It’s made available through the github page «Awesome GEE Community Datasets» by Samapriya Roy. A sample code on how to access the HiHydroSoil v2.0 dataset in Google Earth Engine...
20 mayo 2021
FutureWater and SEI launch the WEAP Erosion Plugin
Erosion plays a critical role in soil and water resource conservation projects. The WEAP model (Water Evaluation And Planning Tool) is widely used for water planning assessments, but an erosion module was lacking so far. The new WEAP Erosion Plugin (WEP) will fill this gap. The new plugin, referred to as WEP (WEAP Erosion Plugin)...
4 mayo 2021
FAO Water Report published featuring FutureWater’s work on Real Water Savings
We are proud to announce the publishing of the FAO Water Report No.46, which results from the work done in a FAO-funded FutureWater project on Real Water Savings. This publication provides clear and practical guidelines on realizing real water savings and selecting crop water productivity interventions. The approach for “following the water” is presented as...
23 marzo 2021
eTrainings in Kenya: Flying sensors and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems
In March and April 2021 FutureWater, together with HiView, is conducting a series of online training courses on flying sensors (drones), agricultural applications, hands-on processing and interpretation of aerial imagery, setting up a drone unit, the use of WaPOR to access remotely sensed derived data, and real water savings in Kenya. In a comprehensive course, HiView...
10 marzo 2021
Training course on climate risk assessment for Panama Canal river basin started
This week a training to various experts in Panama has started on the use of the WEAP tool to assess climate risks and future water resources availability and demands. The training will focus on water users in the river basin belonging to the Panama Canal, including the water requirements for the operation of the canal...
10 marzo 2021
Results from Pilot Project on ‘Cadastre Mapping with Flying Sensor Imagery in Mozambique’ Now Published
FutureWater conducted a very interesting and innovative pilot project for TerraFirma (Mozambique) on using flying sensor imagery for cadastre mapping. Flying sensor imagery was obtained through various flights in Quelimane, Mozambique for an area with small-scale agriculture. Field boundaries were determined with the flying sensor imagery using various classification and segmentation algorithms, namely R packages...
23 febrero 2021
Kick-off eTraining on Flying Sensors for agricultural purposes in Jordan
On the 22nd of February we had the Kick-off event of the training on “Flying Sensors for agricultural purposes”. IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and the National Agricultural Research Center of Jordan (NARC) are collaborating with FutureWater and HiView in providing this tailor-made training. With a grand opening by both IHE Delft and NARC...
22 enero 2021
eTraining in Rwanda finished: Rwanda water professionals ready to use WEAP and Google Earth Engine
Last week FutureWater has finished the Tailor Made Training for the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on Water Allocation Modeling and Remote Sensing Analysis. We taught about 20 participants of the RWB how to work with the Water Evaluation And Planning model WEAP and the Remote Sensing platform of Google Earth Engine (GEE), state of...
15 enero 2021
FAO and FutureWater Putting Emphasis on Reuse of Water in Irrigation
Reuse of water in irrigation systems has been ignored to a great extent in developing and rehabilitating irrigation projects. Focus of many projects is on water withdrawals rather than on water consumption. Although this distinction between withdrawals and consumption might seem somewhat academic, it is important in a better understanding of irrigation systems. Moreover, it...
17 diciembre 2020
eTraining in Malaysia and Vietnam: Real Water Savings in Agricultural Systems
Does drip irrigation lead to real water savings? What is the impact of changing the irrigation efficiency on basin scale water flows? How can water managers implement water savings technologies that lead to real water savings? FutureWater provided eTrainings to water managers from Vietnam and Malaysia about these subjects. A training manual and several supporting...