Satellite technology and drone images to reduce groundwater use in Iran

The SMART-WADI project (SMART Water Decisions for Iran), carried out by a consortium of FutureWater, IHE-Delft, and local partner EWERI, focuses on farmers who irrigate their crops with groundwater. The aim is to provide up-to-date information and advice on water productivity, irrigation and farm management. The project combines the latest satellite technology for the quantification...

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FutureWater to launch RainMyanmar at the 2018 Greater Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy

Although rainfall stations continue to be an irreplaceable source of data, satellite-derived products provide valuable additional information on spatial patterns and remote sites where no stations are present. Thanks to Google Earth Engine, these data products are now publicly available and can improve water management policies, practice and research worldwide. RainMyanmar is an app targeted...

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Even 1.5 degrees is too much for South Asia

The river basins of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra in South Asia are seen as climate change hotspots. These river basins, which are largely fed by mountain water are home to a population around 900 million people, which is likely to increase to al 1 billion halfway the 21st century. Climate change is expected to...

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Evento de innovación y reunión de coordinación del proyecto BRIGAID en Cartagena (España)

Durante los días 17, 18 y 19 de octubre tuvieron lugar en Cartagena varias actividades co-organizadas por FutureWater e Icatalist en el marco de la reunión de coordinación del proyecto BRIGAID. Durante el primer día, una selección de innovadores, usuarios y agentes de financiación de la región y europeos se congregaron alrededor de un taller...

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Press release: Traditional Japanese cuisine is under threat from global water problems

Water scarcity and extreme weather events – both now and under climate change – outside Japan’s borders are expected to pose an increasing risk to Japan’s agri-food importers and to the wider consumer market. In Japan, many traditional culinary ingredients such as rice, edamame, miso and tofu (soybean products) – as well as increasingly popular...

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Stockholm World Water Week 2018: FutureWater will present ThirdEye’s Water Productivity service

FutureWater will participate in the African Spatial Delight side event of the Stockholm World Water Week 2018, convened by VIA Water, AfriAlliance and the G4AW programme of the Dutch government. The ThirdEye service of FutureWater and HiView, currently applied in Mozambique, Kenya and Ghana, is one of the innovations that will be presented and demonstrated...

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FutureWater participa en la impartición del Curso en Teledetección y Servicios Agrarios en Angola

El Gobierno de Angola está desarrollando una política para diversificar la economía del país, fuertemente dependiente de los ingresos del sector petrolero. La agricultura se considera uno de los sectores prioritarios para ser desarrollado. Un clima favorable y una relativamente elevada disponibilidad de recursos hídricos y suelos fértiles, pueden propiciar que Angola se convierta en...

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Mekong State Of the Basin Report 2018: FutureWater prepares Upper Mekong Chapters

The Mekong State Of the Basin Report (SOBR) is published by the Mekong River Commission (MRC) every five years, in advance of the cyclic updating of the Basin Development Strategy. The SOBR plays a key role in improving monitoring and communication of conditions in the Mekong Basin, and is MRC’s flagship knowledge and impact monitoring...

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FutureWater and HiView give lectures on the use of flying sensors

Last week FutureWater, together with its partner HiView, gave 2 days of lectures at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, which partners with UNESCO. As part of their master degree, around 25 students were taught on the theory behind flying sensors (also known as drones), the different types of applications and how to use them...

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Seminar on the use of flying sensors in agriculture held in Kenya

In a bid to create and increase more awareness on the use of flying sensors (drones) in agriculture, FutureWater and HiView, held a seminar on March 2, 2018 at the KALRO (Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization) Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. The seminar was attended by KALRO researchers, representatives of SNV, government employees, as well...

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