FutureWater presenta públicamente el trabajo de cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor

El pasado 25 de Abril tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena la presentación en público del estudio que FutureWater ha realizado recientemente sobre la cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor. La descarga subterránea procedente de los retornos de riego de origen agrícola hacia el Mar Menor se encuentra...

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Training on Google Earth Engine for water resource analysis organized in Myanmar

Last month, the training Cloud computing for water resource analyses in Myanmar using Google Earth Engine, executed by FutureWater and HKV, was successfully conducted at Yangon Technological University (YTU), Yangon, Myanmar. The training was organized in the framework of the Leapfrogging Delta Management in Myanmar, led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and funded...

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Tercera misión de HERMANA: Presentación de la versión beta del Centro de Información para la Gestión del Agua del Valle del Cauca

Del 5 al 9 de marzo de 2018, un representación del equipo de HERMANA integrada por personal de Deltares, FutureWater y las Autoridades del Agua Holandesas presentó una primera versión del Centro de Información para la Gestión del Agua (WMIC) de la Corporación del Valle del Cauca. Este centro de información pretende ser una piedra angular...

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La investigación de FutureWater citada en el informe de las Naciones Unidas

Los 22 de marzo de cada año celebramos el Día Mundial del Agua y ponemos especial atención a la importancia del agua como elemento esencial del desarrollo sostenible. Bajo el lema “La respuesta está en la naturaleza”, este año el Día Mundial del Agua explora cómo la naturaleza puede ayudarnos a superar los desafíos que...

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ThirdEye makes drone technology accessible for African farmers

In the Netherlands, drones already play an important role in agriculture: from the air they can monitor the growth of crops very precisely. Here high-quality sensors and relatively expensive drones are used. Thanks to these sensors and special software the needs of the crops (e.g. water, fertilizer or plant protection products) can be calculated. «A...

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New Horizon 2020 project TWIGA officially started

Last week the kick-off meeting took place of a new Horizon 2020 project TWIGA; Transforming Water, weather, and climate information through In situ observations for Geo-services in Africa. The project aims to provide actionable geo-information on weather, water, and climate in Africa through innovative combinations of new in situ sensors and satellite-based geo-data. With the...

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New IMPREX policy brief: EU’s vulnerability to climate change impacts outside its borders

Climate change is leading to increased water scarcity and drought in many parts of the world. This has implications for the European Union (EU) because a lot of the goods consumed or used in the EU are produced abroad. This makes its economy dependent on water resources from beyond its borders. As part of the...

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First ThirdEye flying sensor operators trained in Kenya

The ThirdEye project supports farmers in Kenya by setting up a network of flying sensors operators. These operators are equipped with flying sensors and tools to analyse the obtained imagery. In December ThirdEye staff conducted an intensive two weeks flying sensor training at Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) Kaguru, 15 km south of Meru, Kenya. The...

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Study conducted on water productivity mapping using flying sensors and crop modeling

Recently, FutureWater conducted a study for RVO to test the feasibility of mapping water productivity and yield gaps based on a combination of Flying Sensor imagery and crop water productivity modeling in order to provide plot-level recommendations to farmers. The objective of this pilot study was to achieve plot-level maps of water productivity and yield...

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Climate change will result in increased hydrological extremes in the upstream domains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra

Hydrological extremes, such as the South Asian monsoon floods of last year, have a devastating impact on a society. Evidence suggests that hydrological extremes are increasing. To reduce the adverse impacts of hydrological extremes, adaptation strategies need to be developed, which requires knowledge on which drivers/processes are responsible for changes in hydrological extremes. For this...

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