FutureWater comenzó el proyecto HERMANA con dos misiones a la Corporación del Valle del Cauca

Dos misiones de una semana de duración cada una, la primera del 4 al 8 de septiembre y la segunda del 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, se celebraron en Calí (Colombia) como puntos de partida del proyecto HERMANA. Durante estas misiones, el equipo HERMANA compuesto por personal de Deltares, FutureWater y las Autoridades...

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Higher crop water requirements due to climate change in Kazakhstan

The government of Kazakhstan with financial support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to upgrade and rehabilitate its irrigation sector. A detailed Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) has been undertaken by a consortium led by FutureWater in 2017. The team collected all available data on the project and had undertaken a rigorous...

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Dutch climate experts join forces

Fourteen Dutch knowledge organisations have joined forces to provide government bodies and companies in the Netherlands and abroad with better policy advice on adapting to the enormous challenges posed by climate change. Today, they signed agreements to establish the Netherlands Consortium on Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA). The consortium will integrate knowledge and expertise from various...

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At least one-third of Asian glaciers will disappear

Even if the planet only warms up by 1.5 degrees Celsius – which is what the signatories to the Paris climate agreement are aiming for – one-third of all Asian glaciers will have melted by 2100, according to a study carried out by Utrecht University and FutureWater, which is published in Nature on 14 September....

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FutureWater releases new study on monitoring Water Productivity

Water Productivity, expressed as the amount of crop yield over the amount of water consumed (kg/m3), has been accepted as the standard to monitor sustainable water management. FutureWater has evaluated various methods, including satellites and Flying Sensors (drones) to monitor Water Productivity for a demonstration project ThirdEye in southern Mozambique. Monitoring Water Productivity is set...

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Recientemente publicado Libro Blanco sobre Servicios Hidrológicos Ecosistémicos. Guía metodológica sobre técnicas espacialmente distribuidas

FutureWater acaba de publicar un Libro Blanco que demuestra que, mediante la utilización conjunta de tecnologías y datos de teledetección, se pueden identificar y evaluar los Servicios Hidrológicos EcoSistémicos (SHES) a escala cuenca, en el tiempo y el espacio. Este trabajo describe el estado del arte de los métodos para evaluar diferentes SHES y sus...

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Boussinesq Prize 2017 awarded to Walter Immerzeel

Text adopted from: Boussinesqcenter.nl On Friday June 2nd Walter Immerzeel (Utrecht University) received the Boussinesq Prize 2017 awarded by prof. Bob Su. Walter Immerzeel has quickly become one of the most influential and highly cited young scientists in mountain hydrology, in particular on the effect of climate change on snow and glaciers in High Mountain Asia...

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FutureWater at FAO seminar on drought and agriculture: Close the drought management cycle in Vietnam

FutureWater has presented work in Vietnam on the development of a drought information system, during a high-level event at UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters, gathering specialists from all over the world. The international seminar on drought organized by Iran, the Netherlands, and FAO in Rome aimed to catalyse a renewed international push to tackle...

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MSc thesis research on efficient use of water in agriculture: visiting Xai-Xai, Mozambique

Increasing world population, rising food demand, limited water resources. Currently 70% of the fresh water uptakes are already used for irrigation. The need for efficient water use in agriculture is undisputed! The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6.4 is set at the improvement of efficient use in order to reduce water scarcity and maintain food...

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Regional Training on Hydrological Modelling in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, Nepal

The Hindu Kush-Himalayan region is highly dynamic as there are many socio-economic and environmental drivers at play, including climate change. The impacts of these changes challenge the resilience of natural and human capacities and environments in the region. Recent studies have shown that the Himalayan region and the downstream areas that depend on its water...

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