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26 mayo 2017
Successful scoping mission for new World Bank project on enhanced landscape resilience in Madagascar
Deforestation, population growth, and climate change are only some of the challenges to sustainable landscape management in Madagascar. Severe impacts of land degradation on crop production, water availability and biodiversity are already observed and expected to exacerbate in the future. To address these challenges, the World Bank is supporting the PADAP project, which is based...
22 mayo 2017
Field visit on monitoring water productivity in Quelimane, Mozambique
To follow up a good practical example of a our Masterclass on Water Productivity, our colleague Nadja den Besten went on a mission to Quelimane in Mozambique. FutureWater was invited to assess project APROVALE, Água Produtiva no Vale do Zambeze, in the Zambezi Valley. The project is led by Agencia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Zambeze...
21 mayo 2017
A4Lab deploys FutureWater’s drone technique to explore water potential of dry river beds in Mozambique
Text adopted from Research group A4Lab deployed a drone of FutureWater’s Mozambican ThirdEye project, to assess the water availability in the dry river beds of the Limpopo river, near the city of Chókwè in Moazambique. The exploration is to deliver more data on the amounts of water in the sandy river beds throughout the dry...
17 mayo 2017
Expert mission to Bolivia on drought early warning systems
The Ministry of Water and Environment in Bolivia has asked the Dutch Government for support in relation to the drought issues they face. Last week, a team consisting of team leader Otto de Keizer (Deltares) and Johannes Hunink (FutureWater) left for Bolivia. As a result of El Niño, the country is struggling with a long...
10 abril 2017
Water Productivity Masterclass: From Monitoring to Improvement
Water productivity is a much discussed topic in the water and agricultural sector, especially in water-scarce countries. Between March and May 2017, a series of master classes on water productivity are organized by MetaMeta together with RAIN and NWP, under the auspices of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The masterclasses are meant for SMEs...
20 febrero 2017
Workshop and training on hydropower and forestry management in Gabon
Last week, the final results of the work in the Mbé basin in Gabon were presented to the stakeholders. The presentation was followed by a very participative discussion on the next steps. The study provides solid evidence that there is a clear economic benefit in the sustainable management and conservation of the watershed. The Nature...
26 enero 2017
ThirdEye project featured in USAID Water Sector Activities Report
SWFF Innovators FutureWater was featured in USAID’s recently published Safeguarding the World’s Water: Report of Water Sector Activities, which details the Agency’s investments and efforts in WASH and nutrition, agricultural water management, sustainability of WASH services; sanitation; and water quality. This report describes a wide range of programs consistent with USAID’s Water and Development strategy’s focus on maintaining...
27 diciembre 2016
Final block of training in Water Resources Modelling for ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte
During the weeks of 21 November through 2 December, Wilco Terink and Sonu Khanal from FutureWater provided the final block of training in Water Resources Modelling to ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte in Pemba, Mozambique. This training was funded by NUFFIC’s Tailor-Made Training Programme, which is part of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP II), and is specifically...
29 noviembre 2016
Fruitful kick-off meeting of the System-Risk project in Potsdam
The System-Risk kick-off meeting hosted by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences took place from 10-14 October in the Potsdam. The 1st day of the meeting started with presentations about challenges imposed at different levels of flood risk chain assessment by the lead scientist from each Work Package, followed by a short research plan...
10 noviembre 2016
New publication on the impacts of climate change on the upper Indus basin
The Indus is one of the most meltwater-dependent rivers on Earth, and hosts a large, rapidly growing population and the world’s largest irrigation scheme. Understanding the hydrology of the upper Indus basin is challenging. The Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges are difficult to access, hampering field measurements of meteorological, glaciological and hydrological processes....