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25 octubre 2016
IMPREX partners kick off the second project year in Crete
Text adopted from Time flies when you’re passionate is an apt saying to describe the three intense and productive days of the IMPREX General Assembly. The meeting was hosted by the project partners from the Technical University of Crete and took place from 26-28 September in the scenic landscapes of the Crete island. The...
18 octubre 2016
FutureWater trains national experts in Armenia on climate change, water and crops
FutureWater provides a training program to technical staff of relevant institutes and organizations in Armenia, on using simulation models for assessing vulnerability and planning of climate adaptation measures, with emphasis on water and agriculture. This week (17-Oct until 22-Oct 2016) a 1-week training is given, on using AquaCrop for assessing water-related and climate change-driven impacts...
3 octubre 2016
InfoSequí Un servicio climático e interactivo para el seguimiento de la sequía en la España peninsular
FutureWater rediseña el portal InfoSequí mediante la inclusión de mejoras de visualización y consulta interactiva. InfoSequía posibilita el seguimiento semanal de las sequías y sus efectos mediante la publicación de boletines, mapas e series históricas de índices satelitales que complementan los índices de sequía hidrológicos publicados por las Confederaciones Hidrográficas y el Observatorio Nacional de...
22 septiembre 2016
FutureWater awards two young scientists at the BioHydrology2016 International Conference
FutureWater attended the 4th Biohydrology International Conference “Walking on drylands” and awarded a prize to the best oral communication by a young scientist. For taking the end-decision, members of the Scientific Committee and of FutureWater scored all the candidates according to three main fields: Scientific relevance for the management and planning of water resources Applicability...
14 septiembre 2016
ThirdEye presented as innovative technology in Mozambique
From August 29 to September 4 the International Trade Fair FACIM took place in Maputo, Mozambique. On this fair the Dutch Embassy organized a Holland pavilion where several Dutch organisations presented themselves to the Mozambican market. On Wednesday August 31 this pavilion was market by the FACIM WATER EVENT ‘The adaptation of innovative technologies in the Mozambican...
25 agosto 2016
FutureWater Co-Convenes Session at the World Water Week
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), FutureWater and Statkraft convene a session on Mountains, glaciers, and hydropower in a changing climate at the World Water Week, organized in Stockholm 28 August – 2 September. This session will highlight the role of mountains in providing water, food, and energy for sustainable growth using examples...
7 agosto 2016
First week of successful training in Water Resources Modeling for ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte, Mozambique
During the week of 11-15 July, training in Water Resources Modeling (using SPHY) was provided to ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte (water boards) in Mozambique. This training was funded by NUFFIC’s Tailor-Made Training Programme, which is part of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP II), and is specifically meant to enhance the overall functioning of an organization by...
11 julio 2016
FutureWater co-organiza una reunión de coordinación del proyecto IMPREX en el Joint Research Centre de la UE
Los socios del proyecto IMPREX involucrados en el paquete de trabajo “Agricultura y Sequía” se reunieron durante los días 27 y 28 de junio en las instalaciones de Joint Research Centre (JRC) en Ispra (Italia). A lo largo de la reunión, co-organizada por FutureWater e investigadores del Instituto de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad del JRC...
20 mayo 2016
FutureWater en la reunión inicial del proyecto BRIGAID
Durante los días 12 y 13 de mayo se celebró en la Universidad Técnica de Delft (Holanda) la reunión inicial del proyecto europeo BRIGAID «BRIdging the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilence». BRIGAID tiene como objetivo apoyar la inserción exitosa en el mercado de innovaciones-prototipo mediante el desarrollo e implementación de herramientas estandarizadas que permitan...
13 abril 2016
PhD position: Development of Future Weather techniques for flood risk assessment
We are delighted that you consider joining the ETN System-Risk as an Early Stage Research (ESR) fellow. System-Risk is a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network which aims on developing and implementing a systems approach for large-scale flood risk assessment and management and provides a framework for training and career development of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). The network brings...