Las cuencas hidrográficas son la unidad básica de gestión de los recursos hídricos. Con la intensificación del uso del agua, el cambio climático y los cambios en el uso del suelo, lograr una gestión sostenible del agua en la escala de la cuenca del río se está volviendo cada vez más desafiante.
El agua debe asignarse entre diferentes sectores y usuarios, como la agricultura, la industria, la población a través del suministro de agua potable, la generación de energía, y el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas naturales. Para lograr esto, se deben implementar planes a escala de cuenca para la distribución de agua y la priorización de los usos del agua en condiciones de escasez hídrica. Es necesario tener en cuenta una serie de cuestiones ambientales, sociales y políticas para lograr un suministro de agua de calidad aceptable en cada sector y momento. Dado que las demandas de agua ya exceden la disponibilidad en muchas regiones, se espera que los cambios en los patrones climáticos (que a menudo conducen a sequías prolongadas y eventos de lluvia más extremos) exacerben aún más el grado de complejidad al que deben de enfrentarse los tomadores de decisiones.
Los gobiernos nacionales, las autoridades de gestión de las cuencas hidrográficas (incluidas las transfronterizas), las juntas regionales de agua y las ONGs requieren cada vez más herramientas de apoyo para la toma de decisiones y asesoramiento que aborden los problemas relacionados con el balance entre demandas y disponibilidad hídrica, y su asignación óptima entre los usuarios de cuenca en el corto y largo plazo.
Enfoque FutureWater
FutureWater tiene experiencia en proporcionar soluciones para la gestión sostenible del agua a escala de cuenca hidrográfica. Nuestros proyectos se gestionan a través de la cooperación y la participación con las partes interesadas (ejemplo, gobiernos, administradores y gestores del agua, y usuarios) para garantizar la absorción del conocimiento local en nuestros sistemas de apoyo a las decisiones e informes de consultoría. Al emplear expertos internacionales, líderes en los campos de gestión de recursos hídricos e hidrología, FutureWater puede ayudar a los clientes de varias maneras:
Disponibilidad de agua en toda la cuenca bajo condiciones cambiantes
FutureWater utiliza una variedad de herramientas y modelos de simulación diseñados para la evaluación cuantitativa de la disponibilidad de agua en diferentes escalas espaciales. Estas herramientas se implementan para evaluaciones de línea de base, así como análisis de escenarios, con el fin de evaluar una gama de proyecciones futuras (clima, demografía, uso de la tierra, desarrollo de recursos hídricos) que permitan al tomador de decisiones anticipar las condiciones futuras y ajustar sus estrategias de adaptación. Para la generación de escenarios y el análisis de impactos, FutureWater utiliza herramientas big data que permiten el procesamiento rápido y eficaz de grandes volúmenes de datos, y la generación de resultados comprensibles e intuitivos. Los escenarios generalmente se desarrollan en estrecha colaboración con los clientes y otras partes interesadas relevantes en la cuenca.
Optimización de la planificación de la cuenca fluvial y la asignación de agua
Para fines de planificación de cuencas hidrográficas, es esencial relacionar la disponibilidad de agua con la demanda de agua en el espacio y el tiempo. Se deben definir reglas óptimas de asignación de agua para lograr políticas de gestión del agua que sean resistentes a los patrones cambiantes tanto en la oferta como en la demanda. Esto se relaciona tanto con el uso humano del agua como con los requisitos de flujo ambiental. Al trabajar con herramientas de optimización de asignación de agua bien establecidas, FutureWater apoya a gobiernos y organizaciones de cuencas hidrográficas en la formulación de políticas de asignación de agua e identificando oportunidades para un mayor desarrollo sostenible de recursos hídricos. Por lo general, los modelos de apoyo a la decisión basados en conceptos se combinan con modelos de disponibilidad de recursos hídricos físicamente más avanzados (ver arriba), para proporcionar una imagen completa y precisa de los procesos que ocurren a nivel de la cuenca.
Planificación integrada basada en el nexo agua-alimentos-energía-ecosistemas
En el contexto de cuencas hidrográficas complejas, el análisis solitario de los los flujos de agua no resulta suficiente para lograr una gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos. FutureWater tiene muchos años de experiencia en el desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas para la evaluación espacio-temporal de la producción de cultivos, el potencial de energía hidroeléctrica y una gama de servicios ecosistémicos relacionados con el agua. Al proporcionar información sobre los beneficios que se pueden obtener de los recursos hídricos de la cuenca en diferentes escenarios, FutureWater permite a los tomadores de decisiones disponer de una visión más cercana y precisa del nexo entre la funcionalidad de los ecosistemas, y la generación de alimentos y energía.
Proyectos relacionados
Assessment of the Water/Energy/Food/Ecosystem Nexus in Selected River Basins in Southeast Asia
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Water Allocation for Biodiversity Conservation in the Lower Amu Darya
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Water Footprint Literature Review
This project, commissioned by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and conducted by FutureWater, concerns a systematic literature review of the strengths and limitations of the water footprint concept.
Monapo Catchment Water Allocation Model in Support of ARA-Norte in Mozambique
The aim of this project is to advance water system analysis for ARA-Norte, the regional water administration authority in Mozambique, focusing on the Monapo Catchment. In collaboration with ARA-Norte's hydrologists, we're crafting a Water Allocation Model employing the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) system.
Updating the Operational Water Allocation Model for the Pequenos Libombos Reservoir for ARA-Sul
This project supports ARA-Sul (Administração Regional de Águas do Sul) in the licensing of water users in the Pequenos Libombos Reservoir area, FutureWater, in a project commissioned by Blue Deal Mozambique, updated the operational WEAP water allocation model, originally developed in 2014, to reflect the 2023 water demand and hydrological...
Sustainable Water Resources Management in Mongolia
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Scientific Support for a Watershed Investment Program for Addis Ababa
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Pre-Feasibility Work to Identify Nature-based Solutions for Multiple Catchments in Nigeria
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Capacity Building on Water Accounting Under the Water Scarcity Program for Asia-Pacific
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Development of Environment and Climate Change Chapters of the Mekong State of the Basin Report 2023
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Integrated Water Resources Management in Tajikistan
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GLOW: Global Water Availability Forecasting Service to Support Water Security
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Enhancing IWRM and Climate Resilience in Vulnerable Urban Areas of the Mekong River Basin
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Strategic Climate Adaptation Planning for the Amu Darya Basin in Uzbekistan
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Hydrological Assessment for the Lunyangwa Dam
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Informe sobre el Estado de la Cuenca del Río Mekong 2023: Apoyo técnico a la Comisión de Cuenca en la generación de datos y redacción del informe
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Follow the Water: Reuse of Water in Irrigated Systems
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Groundwater Recharge in the Campo de Cartagena Quaternary Aquifer
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Advancing the Monitoring of Water-Related SDGs in Myanmar: an Issue Brief
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Training on Real Water Savings for FAO’s Regional Water Scarcity Program
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Technical Coordination for the Norfolk Water Fund
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Water Risk Assessment for Private Farming in North Spain
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Technical Annexes on Nature-based Solutions for Water Security
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is producing technical modules and guidance documentation to enable water sector actors and their funders to invest in Nature-based Solutions for Water Security (NbS-WS). Part of the material being developed is a module on technical options, which will include annexes with key information for each of...
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Bio-Physical Assessment and Hydrological Analysis for Mukungwa and Akagera Lower catchments in Rwanda
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Development of a Glacio-Hydrological Model and IWRM Plan for the Uttarakhand subbasin in India
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Estudio de diseño del Fondo del Agua de Mombasa
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Improved Watershed and Forestry Activities to Secure Hydropower
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Tailor-made Training on River Morphology and Flood Risk using State-of-the-Art Open Satellite Data and Processing Tools
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Baseline Assessment for the Identification of Landscape Restoration Options in Kyrgyzstan
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HiHydroSoil v2.0: Global Maps of Soil Hydraulic Properties at 250m Resolution
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Tailor Made Training for the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on Water Allocation Modelling and Remote Sensing Analysis
FutureWater will provide a Tailor Made Training to water professionals at the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on Water Allocation Modeling and Remote Sensing Analysis. About 20 participants of the RWB are thought to work with the Water Evaluation And Planning model WEAP and the Remote Sensing platform of Google...
WAT4CAM: Mekong-Bassac Hydrological and Hydraulic Study
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Training in Hydrology and Water Allocation Modelling for Kenyan Water Resources Professionals
This course on hydrology and water allocation modelling is organized for the Kenya Water Resources Authority (WRA) and funded by the Blue Deal program of the Netherlands. The first four-week course block introduces the participants to the main concepts in hydrology, hydrological modelling and data collection, including remote sensing. Exercises...
Future Evapotranspiration in the Souss-Massa Basin
In this project, FutureWater used the outputs of the bias corrected "EuroCordex" RCM ensemble generated for IMWI in a previous work package. Using temperature and precipitation trends from this dataset for both past and future, an application of the Budyko methodology combined with the Modified Hargreaves approach was implemented to...
Climate Risk Assessment for the Li River in China
The Li River basin in China is a basin that is prone to floods because of its mountainous character, narrow floodplains and extreme rainfall events. In 2020, large floods have occurred in this basin when enormous amounts of precipitation were observed in just a few days. A total of 272...
Metodología de Decisión Robusta aplicada a la ordenación del territorio de la cuenca del Canal de Panamá
A través de esta cooperación técnica, IDOM y FutureWater, bajo la supervisión del BID y la ACP, construirán el Plan Indicativo de Ordenamiento Territorial Ambiental (PIOTA) de la Cuenca del Canal de Panamá y definirán los instrumentos de gestión necesarios para su puesta en marcha. El PIOTA se rige como...
Hydrological Assessment for Hydropower in the Lukhra River
The objective was to develop a hydrological assessment for a planned run-of-river hydropower plant in the Lukhra river basin in Georgia. There is no observed river discharge data available. Hence, the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et al., 2015) and...
CAREC: Developing the Water Pillar for Central Asia
For the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, a scoping study was commissioned to develop a framework for the Water Pillar: an investment vehicle for water infrastructure and capacity development that generate regional benefits. The objective of the study is to develop the scope of the Water Pillar Framework...
Integrated Catchment Management in the Cagayan River Basin
The Ridge to Coast, Rain to Tap: Sustainable Water Supply Project (R2CR2T) is an integrated approach to addressing flooding in the Cagayan River basin on Mindanao in the Philippines. FutureWater was hired to support the R2CR2T project and their local team on the development and application of a Decision Support...
InfoSequia-4CAST: Forecasting and Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing
InfoSequia-4CAST combines historical and up-to-date observations of satellite-based meteorological and agricultural drought indices with climate variability indices, to generate seasonal outlooks of water supply and crop yield failure alerts. These impact-based indicators are computed using a simple, robust and easily understandable statistical forecasting-modelling framework. By making use of multi-sensor, state-of-the...
G3P: Development of a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product
Groundwater is one of the most important freshwater resources for mankind and for ecosystems, and has been declared as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by GCOS, the Global Climate Observing System. However, the Copernicus Services do not yet deliver data on this fundamental resource, nor is there any other data...
Flood Risk Assessment of a Water System Under a Future Climate
In 2009, the former Velt en Vecht Water Board (now part of the Vechtstromen Water Board) and in consultation with the municipalities of Emmen, Coevorden, Hardenberg and Ommen concluded an agreement in which agreements were made about the scope and interpretation of the development of storm water retention areas. This...
Boundary Demarcation and Ecosystem Services Mapping of Inle Lake Region, Myanmar
The assignment supports the newly established Inle Lake Management Authority (ILMA) by developing up-to-date, spatial datasets, which are to be included in the ILMA geodatabase. More specifically, the existing Inle Lake MAB boundary and zoning are confirmed and updated. Maps of land-use and different ecosystem services are produced and validated...
Transboundary water management between Thailand and Cambodia
Transboundary projects aid the development of effective water resource management (WRM) by helping to limit competition over resources and in creating a dialogue for the transferral of beneficial lessons between the countries. This project takes an integrated approach to support the development of a water resource management plan for a...
Tailor-Made Training for water professionals in Myanmar
This tailor-made training enhanced capacity of Yangon Technological University (YTU) educational staff in using Google Earth Engine to analyse water resources and support water management. Technical staff of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) and the Department of Water resources and Improvement of River systems (DWIR) also participated to gain...
Training Package and Technical Guidance for Water Productivity and Real Water Savings
The overall project objective is to compile an inventory of agricultural field interventions and develop a training package to evaluate Real Water Savings from irrigated fields, to systems and basins. A guidance document is developed for agricultural field interventions by compiling a literature database containing published experiences and results of...
Feasibility Study for the Development of a ‘Small-hydro Climate Risk Assessment Tool’
Small hydropower (1 - 20 MW) does not require a Climate Risk Assessments yet, but this will eventually happen in the future. Investors are highly interested in the profitability of these small hydropower stations, especially because of the uncertainty caused by future climate change. Current methods for Climate Risk Assessments...
Evaluación de recursos hídricos y servicios ambientales en las cuencas Tonle Sap y del Delta del Mekong
El objetivo general del proyecto es apoyar al Ministerio de Recursos Hídricos y Meteorología de Camboya (MOWRAM) para la toma de decisiones informadas y basadas en evidencias que mejoren la gestión de los recursos hídricos y de nuevas inversiones en proyectos de riego en dos cuencas del país: Tonle Sap...
Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower in the Nakhra River
The objective was to develop a glacio-hydrological assessment for planned run-of-river hydropower plant locations in the Nakhraa river basin in Georgia. The availability of observed river flow data is limited. Hence the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et al., 2015)....
Glacio-hydrological assessment for hydropower, Mestiachala river, Georgia
The objective of this project was to develop a hydrological assessment for two potential hydropower plant locations in the Mestiachala basin in Georgia. The availability of observed river discharge data is limited. Hence the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et...
El Marco del Árbol de Decisión: Aplicación a la Cuenca de Chancay-Lambayeque, Perú
Para lograr mayores cuotas de seguridad hídrica y garantizar el uso sostenible de los recursos hídricos, en un contexto de reducción de disponibilidades de agua y aumento de demandas, se requieren inversiones en infraestructuras a escala de cuenca. Sin embargo, la existencia de una fuerte competitividad por el agua entre...
Thought Leader Convening on Water Towers
Scientists from around the world have assessed the planet’s 78 mountain glacier–based water systems and, for the first time, ranked them in order of their importance to adjacent lowland communities, as well as their vulnerability to future environmental and socioeconomic changes. These systems, known as mountain water towers, store and...
Improved catchment management for small hydropower
This study assessed the impacts of various investment portfolios for catchment management activities on the cost-benefits of small hydropower schemes, in two case study catchments in Kenya and Tanzania, and analyzes the return-on-investment for the hydropower developers. Catchment degradation trends, climate change impacts and socio-economic changes increasing competing water use...
Review of the Kisii Water Supply project
A large water supply project is being planned in the Lake Victoria region, Kenya, potentially providing reliable and clean water to around 500,000 people. The Dutch Government supports this project. An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was made by the developer. This ESIA needed to be reviewed by a...
Climate Risk Assessment: Yanji City China
Jilin Yanji Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient Urban Development in China is supported by the Asian Development Bank. In the context of this investment project FutureWater will undertake a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA). The CRA will be based on the bottom-up approach where climate models (GCMs) are not the guiding boundary conditions, but...
Hydrological and water resources assessment for the Muhazi Dam
The current infrastructure at the outlet of the large Muhazi Lake in Rwanda is highly unstable and causes a risk to the surrounding and downsteam inhabitants. The authorities want to improve this situation by building a new dyke. A feasibility and detailed designs study was performed for this new structure....
Agricultural Water Consumption in the Australian Border Rivers Catchment
FutureWater was hired to use satellite-derived data to provide a preliminary spatiotemporal assessment of water consumption across the Border Rivers catchment, one of the MDB catchments where excessive agricultural water use is an urgent issue. For relevant specific lots / properties, monthly water consumption dynamics were evaluated. This study is...
Hydrological assessment for two potential sites for run-of-river hydropower, southwestern Georgia
A hydrological assessment was carried out for two sites where run-of-river hydropower plants are planned, in the southwestern part of Georgia. Only very limited streamflow data were available, so the assessment was based mainly on hydrological modelling of the basin upstream of the points of interest. Principally global datasets were...
MRC Mekong State of the Basin Report 2018: China and Myanmar
The Upper Mekong Basin has seen rapid economic development, radical land use changes and extensive hydropower development on the mainstream. FutureWater was hired by the Mekong River Commission to evaluate hydrological, environmental, economic and social indicators of the Upper Mekong Basin in China and Myanmar. Current status and trends in...
NL-RIA: Satellite-based altimetry data for hydrological assessments
A Dutch consortium has joined in the project “Dutch network on small spaceborne radar instruments and applications (NL-RIA)”, led by TU Delft. The objective is to bundle the radar-related knowhow available in The Netherlands, and fill the knowledge gaps, in order to boost SmallSat radar-based Earth Observation technology. The task...
Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for a potential hydropower plant, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Following the successful development of hydropower facilities in Indonesia, a new project was established to study the potentials for the development of a hydro-electric power plant in the Tripa Basin, North Sumatra, Indonesia. To make a go/no-go decision of a more detailed feasibility study, a pre-feasibility study is undertaken to...
Lower Mekong: Development State of the Basin Report
The Mekong State of Basin Report is updated every 5 years serving as an important reference for the cyclic updating of the Mekong River Commission (MRC). This consultancy is supporting the development of the 2018 report focusing on the hydrology, environment and climate change chapters. The Mekong River Commission Secretariat...
Building Climate Change Resilience in Asia’s Critical Infrastructure
Critical infrastructure in South Asia and Southeast Asia needs to become more resilient to climate change. A Technical Assistance project, supported by Asian Development Bank (ADB), looks at three key sectors: transportation, transport and water. FutureWater is responsible for the assessment of the water sector which will aim to increase...
Pre-feasibility study of run-of-river hydropower plant, Georgia
There is great potential for hydropower in Georgia. Critical is to conduct accurate feasibility assessments for hydropower generation at the different potential sites of interest. This pre-feasibility assessment delivered daily flow estimates at several locations in Georgia. These flows were used as input into an economic analysis.
HERMANA: Herramienta para el Manejo Integral del Agua
HERMANA (Herramienta para el Manejo Integral del Agua), tiene como objetivo fomentar el desarrollo de un Sistema Integrado de Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones en materia de recursos hídricos, que facilite la toma de decisiones diarias, tácticas y estratégicas relacionadas con los recursos hídricos en Colombia, específicamente en la...
LAUREL: Land Use Planning for Enhanced Resilience of Landscapes
Deforestation, population growth, and climate change are only some of the challenges to sustainable landscape management in Madagascar. Severe impacts of land degradation on crop production, water availability and biodiversity are already observed and expected to exacerbate in the future. To address these challenges, the World Bank is supporting the...
Cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor
La descarga subterránea procedente de los retornos de riego de origen agrícola hacia el Mar Menor se encuentra entre una de las posibles causas que explican los altos niveles de eutrofización (hipereutrofización) y elevada proliferación de algas alcanzados en este ecosistema lagunar. Una de las alternativas planteadas para reducir las...
Leapfrogging Delta Management: Showcase operational rainfall monitoring
Significant decisions are to be made to manage and engineer the water systems in Myanmar and to develop large structural and non-structural projects (e.g. hydropower dams, urban water use, industrial development, extension of irrigation capacity, operational quantity and quality management, etc.). The Myanmar and Dutch governments have agreed to cooperate...
Impacts of climate change and sustainable land management investments on the Upper Tana
As part of the WISE-UP to Climate project FutureWater evaluated the impacts of climate change on investments in sustainable water and land management in the Thika/Chania watershed. The previously built SWAT model for this area was used to assess the impact of land management interventions under six different climate scenarios....
Modelización de balances de agua y asignación de recursos hídricos en Ruanda
En su esfuerzo por introducir el marco de Gestión Integrada del Territorio y el Agua, el Gobierno de Ruanda a través de la iniciativa “Agua para el crecimiento de Ruanda”, empezó a desarrollar planes de gestión de cuenca. FutureWater apoyó este esfuerzo utilizando el la plataforma de modelización WEAP para...
Capacitación técnica en modelización de recursos hídricos para las agencias de gestión del agua de Mozambique
Se implementó un programa de capacitación teórico-práctica diseñada a medida para fortalecer el conocimiento del personal técnico de las agencias del agua de Mozambique (ARA) y fortalecer su capacidad para asesorar a los tomadores de decisión y políticos del agua. La capacitación abarcó los conceptos teóricos sobre modelado hidrológico y...
Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps
The Lukanga Swamps in Zambia are an important biodiversity area and serve as a major hydrological component of the Kafue basin. FutureWater was contracted to assess the value and contribution of the Lukanga Swamps to the Kafue Basin. FutureWater applied a combined approach of (i) remote sensing, (ii) SWAT hydrological...
Hydropower Development Assessment for the Tamakoshi River Basin
The overall objective of this project is to improve the understanding of the expected impacts of climate change on water availability in the context of potential hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin. Specifically, the project aims to (i) Understand the current baseline hydrological regime of the Tamakoshi River Basin,...
Mejora de las prácticas agroforestales para la generación hidroeléctrica en el río Mbé
It is essential for Gabon to identify sustainable financing mechanisms for the long-term conservation of its protected areas. The development of economic instruments such as Payment for Environmental Services (PES) that take into account the non-market value of ecosystem services is considered one promising response to the challenges of linking...
Development of a Water Allocation Model of the Incomati River Basin
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were implemented in WEAP to show the impacts of possible changes and...
System-Risk: A large-scale systems approach to flood risk assessment and management
System-Risk is a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network which aims on developing and implementing a systems approach for large-scale flood risk assessment and management and provides a framework for training and career development of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). In collaboration with the Royal Meteorological Institute (KNMI), FutureWater is the hosting...
Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales
The outputs of this project can be summarized as providing real time dike and levee information at local scales (up to 10,000 ha) that is collected, analysed and used at the same local scale. The output is divided into two components. First, the Flying Sensor information will be used for...
Evaluación económica de las alternativas de gestión en los espacios naturales protegidos del Grupo de Acción Local Campoder
El Grupo de Acción Local (GAL) CAMPODER es una Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural que tiene como objetivo mantener programas, proyectos y actuaciones para el desarrollo integral y sostenible de su territorio. Las actuaciones comprenden acciones en el ámbito de la conservación y restauración del medio ambiente, la explotación y promoción de los recursos locales...
Preliminary Study for a Payment for Watershed Services Scheme
This project pilots a Payment for Watershed Services (PWS) scheme in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP) in Uganda. The goal of the pilot is to study the feasibility of the PWS scheme in the watersheds of the Mubuku and Nyamwamba rivers and supporting nature conservation and a healthy watershed...
Strategic Basin Planning Ganga River Basin
The World Bank has assigned Deltares and its partners AECOM India and FutureWater to carry out the project ”Analytical Work and Technical Assistance to support Strategic Basin Planning for Ganga River Basin in India”. The key objectives of this project are (i) Significantly strengthen the capability of relevant central and...
Training in Water Resources and Allocation Models
A Tailor-Made Training was provided to three ARAs in Mozambique, being ARA-Centro (Beira), ARA-Centro-Norte (Nampula), and ARA-Norte (Pemba). The provided Tailor-Made Training focused on learning to work with a Water Resources and Water Allocation Model, and apply them to a catchment in Mozambique. Emphasis was put on how these tools...
Erosion assessment for Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania
The purpose of this study is to support The Nature Conservancy in its effort in a first level scoping assessment on erosion levels in the Tuungane project area in Tanzania. Hydrological modelling is used to quantify erosion patterns and its relations with land use and management in a number of...
Review Climate Change Hindu-Kush-Himalaya
FutureWater provided a comprehensive review study on climate change and the impacts on cryosphere, hydrological regimes and glacier lakes in the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. This review study was done in the context of future hydropower development in the region.
Demonstration of Remote Sensing Information for Integrated Reservoir Management in the Red River Basin in Northern Vietnam
In 2011 the Vietnamese and Dutch government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Government to Government (G2G) program for improved integrated planning and monitoring of water resources for transboundary water management and disaster risk management. This project was formulated as part of the G2G trajectory towards...
Water Allocation Model Development to Support Decision Making Procedures
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul, which is one of the five water management organizations in Mozambique. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were...
ASSET: Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Económica del Agua en la Cuenca del Segura
Frente a un escenario caracterizado por una demanda creciente de recursos hídricos y una mayor presión sobre las masas de agua y los ecosistemas asociados, la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA) exige a los estados miembros de la Unión Europea el desarrollo de Planes Hidrológicos de Cuenca en los que se cuantifiquen los balances de...
HI-AWARE: Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience
HI-AWARE aims to contribute to enhanced adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poor and vulnerable women, men, and children living in the mountains and flood plains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. Research, including modeling, scoping studies, action research, and randomized control trials, is conducted at 12...
OWASIS-UK: Observatory of Water Availability – System of Integrated Services
The main objective of this study is to explore the potential to combine optical and gravity data from Earth Observation with meteorological data, together with innovative in situ sensors, hydrological modelling and crowd sourcing technologies, and the advanced visualization of the information through situation awareness platforms and decision support tools,...
Impacts of Climate Change in Uganda on the Water Sector
Uganda’s 2010–2015 five-year National Development Plan (NDP) recognizes that addressing the challenges of climate change is crucial to enhancing sustainable economic and social development. One of the key aims of the present study is to make an economic and social assessment of climate change impacts on the water sector in...
Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment for Water Related Energy Sector Impacts
The objective of this study was to support the “Central Asia Regional Energy Sector Vulnerability Study” led by Industrial Economics (IEc) and funded by the World Bank, by carrying out an expanded risk assessment for water availability and water related energy sector impacts in Central Asia. The work built on...
Water and Climate Services for Transboundary Water Management and Disaster Risk Management
During this pilot project the applicability of the in-house developed Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment Toolbox (DMIAT) and HiP2P rainfall downscaling methodology were demonstrated for the Red River Basin in Vietnam. Furthermore the first steps in developing an integrated product for transboundary water management in the Red River Basin were...
SWIMM: Soil Water evaluation system based on Integrated Measurements and Modelling
The main objective of the project was to support policy making, under current and future climate conditions, on optimal water management in nature reserve areas, based on uniform and consistent data collection. The project built upon knowledge developed under the “Klimaat voor Ruimte” framework and refined and demonstrated a method,...
The Nairobi Water Fund: hydrologic modelling and economic valuation of investment options
In 2013 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) started working to launch the first Water Fund in Africa to restore and protect the condition of the Tana River and improve Nairobi’s water security. Key questions that needed to be answered were “Where and in what activities should the fund invest its money?”...
Gridded Meteorological Datasets and Hydrological Modelling in the Upper Indus Basin
Understanding of the hydrological regimes in the mountainous Upper Indus basin (UIB) is essential for water resources management in the region. High-resolution gridded meteorological datasets, which capture the spatial variability of precipitation, are critical for modelling the hydrology of high-mountain regions. Improvements to existing gridded datasets using high-elevation station data...
Herramientas para la evaluación de la seguridad hídrica de Colombia y posibilidades de adaptación al cambio climático
En 2011, la cuenca del Río Magdalena en Colombia fue severamente afectada por grandes inundaciones, a la misma vez que ciertas regiones de la misma padecían situaciones de severa sequía y escasez hídrica. El objetivo general del proyecto fue brindar un conjunto de herramientas de para la evaluación de los...
Water Planning Tools to Support Water Governance
ARA-Centro is one of the five regional water management organizations in Mozambique and has to advise on the water availability and the required number of reservoirs that are needed to make the envisioned economic developments possible. For this advisory role, tools are needed like a water allocation model that can...
Climate change indicators for Mekong River Commission
With this study, the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) offers a review of existing monitoring systems and indicators of climate change to improve the understanding of riparian governments, relevant line agencies and others on the status and impacts of climate change. The report should...
INTOGENER: La integración de datos satelitales y modelos de previsión para aplicaciones energéticas
La necesidad de tener un pronóstico preciso a corto y mediano plazo de los caudales de rio generados por el deshielo en las cuencas de alta montaña es un componente importante para la gestión del agua y las actividades hidroeléctricas en varios ámbitos a escala global. Debido a la lejanía y el difícil acceso en...
Green Water Credits demonstration project Algeria
In cooperation with Algerian partners the “La Mina” basin was selected to demonstrate the potential for Green Water Credits (GWC) in Algeria. GWC can be seen as an investment mechanism for upstream farmers to practice soil and water management activities that generate benefits for downstream water users, which are currently...
Evaluación de patrones espaciales y temporales de precipitación en la provincia de Tungurahua (Ecuador)
La planificación y la toma de decisiones requieren una mayor precisión a menor escala que las estimaciones existentes del recurso proveniente de la precipitación. Existen actualmente lagunas de datos en las series pluviométricas registradas por las estaciones meteorológicas y falta una red de observación hidro-meteorológica bien establecida. Por lo tanto,...
Water Availability Analysis for the Upper Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basins
As part of the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Program (HICAP) ICIMOD has contracted FutureWater to generate climate change and water availability scenarios for the upstream parts of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins based on a high resolution hydrological model that FutureWater has developed.
Green Water Management and Credits Toolkit for China
Green Water Management & Credits is a concept developed by ISRIC. It allows quantification of water supply and demand, erosion reduction, yield increase, sedimentation amounts, and hydropower production that is needed to calculate the economic costs and benefits of environmental protection measures. In order run this concept in areas, an...
Towards a Mekong Delta Portal
Studies have shown that the Mekong Delta is very vulnerable to floods and droughts, which will intensify due to climate change. Currently, these threats are not adequately monitored and information on such threats is inconsistent and only scattered available. Therefore Vietnam is in need of data sharing systems and advanced...
Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Into Agriculture in the Southern Caucasus
This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World...
SIRRIMED: potenciar el uso sostenible del agua mediante la mejora de las técnicas de riego y el desarrollo de herramientas de gestión
El proyecto “Sustainable use of irrigation water in the Mediterranean Region” (SIRRIMED) es un proyecto europeo de cooperación del VII Programa Marco, enmarcado en la temática “Alimentación, Agricultura, Pesca y Biotecnologías”, que cuenta con un presupuesto superior a 4 millones de euros, y en el que participan quince socios de ocho países distintos: España, Italia,...
Monitoring of Glacier, Climate and Runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan Mountains
For this project a review was conducted of current state of knowledge in (i) climate change datasets and downscaling used for glacier and high mountain modelling, (ii) glacier and snow contribution to river runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, (iii) hydrological modelling studies used for glacier and...
Water and Adaptation Interventions in Central and West Asia
To assess the water resources availability in the Central Asia region under climate change hydrological models were developed for the two major rivers in the region, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Capacity building activities were undertaken to develop the capacity in each of the participating countries to use the...
Hydrological Impact of Green Water Credits Measures in the Sebou Basin in Morocco
Green Water Credits (GWC) can be seen as an investment mechanism for upstream farmers to practice soil and water management activities that generate benefits for downstream water users, which are currently unrecognized and unrewarded. The GWC methodology was applied to the Sebou river basin. Data was gathered, prepared and verified...
Bias Correction for Satellite Precipitation Estimation used by the MRC Mekong Flood Forecasting System
The Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre (RFMMC) has been established in Phnom Penh, Cambodia under the umbrella of the Mekong River Commission (MRC). One of the main objectives of the RFMMC is to establish an improved, robust and reliable flood forecasting system for short and especially medium-term forecast periods....
Erosion and reservoir sedimentation in Tana basin, Kenya
In this project an assessment of the soil erosion and sediment loads in Upper Tana Catchment areas was undertaken and the impact of sediment deposition on the reservoir capacities of the principal dams was estimated. A physiographical baseline was established through an intensive monitoring campaign of flow and sediment loads...
Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Bunyala plains, Kenya
In this project an Integrated Water Resource Management Planning Tool for improved planning and management of sustainable food and sustainable livelihoods for the Bunyala flood plains of western Kenya was developed together with training materials for technical support in the maintenance and implementation of the planning tool and the facilitation...
Nile Basin Data Base Development
The Nile Basin Decision Support System (NBI-DSS) will provide the necessary knowledge base and analytical tools to support the planning of cooperative joint projects and the management of the shared Nile Basin water resources. FutureWater was asked to support this NBI-DSS and to undertake preliminary data collection and compilation. The...
Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania
A study was undertaken to evaluate and rank five potential irrigation schemes in the Tanzania part of the Lake Victoria Basin. The study focused on the following five thematic areas: (i) land suitability, (ii) water resources assessment, (iii) water requirements, (iv) environmental considerations, and (v) institutional aspects.
Hydrological seasonal forecasts in mountaineous basins
This project focused on the hydrology and cryosphere of the Himalayas and dealt with the influence of snow cover of the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau on Asian monsoon dynamics, and the possibility to forecast the strength of the monsoon and the hydrological effects in downstream areas.
Groundwater Management and Exploration Package, Northern China
In northern China, groundwater depletion reached catastrophic levels. Therefore, the Chinese government was looking for improved groundwater assessment and management tools. The GMEP (Groundwater Management and Exploration Package) project demonstrated that better observation and planning tools can assist decision makers. Focus of the project was on the Yellow River Basin...
Mekong River Basin Modeling Framework Development
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Information and Knowledge Management Programme (IKMP) is developing and expanding its modeling framework. FutureWater was asked to support the process by developing a complete strategy and to prepare a set of tender documents for implementation of the strategy. The project resulted in six specific Program...
Controllable weir in the Olstertocht River
This study investigated if the possibility for upstream water retention would increase significantly with the construction of a controllable weir in the Olstertoch river. The input data and results of a previous water retention suitability analysis were evaluated and compared to expert knowledge. The methodology of the previous suitability analysis...
Determination of surface water evaporation
In this project the suitability of five methods for calculating surface water evaporation was evaluated for the province of Friesland.
Green Water Credits Mechanism to support sustainable water use in Africa
Green Water Credits can be seen as an investment mechanism for upstream farmers to practice soil and water management activities that generate benefits for downstream water users, which are currently unrecognized and unrewarded. FutureWater coordinated and carried out the biophysical assessment that quantified the impact of Green Water Credits practices...
Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Rio Bravo, Aguascalientes and Central Northern Valleys
The project has shown how modern analytical tools such Remote Sensing, GIS and simulation models can help to swiftly obtain data to support the water management decision making process. A diagnosis of the Rio Bravo and Northern Central Aquifers has been made to demonstrate management options as well as how...