Last two weeks, the GLOW project held a roadshow through Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa presenting the innovative water management solution GLOW to local stakeholders. By combining weather forecasts, hydrological, and water resource modelling, together with visualisation tools, the GLOW service addresses transboundary water challenges, enhances water security, and provides actionable water management advice in the transboundary Maputo and Umbuluzi River Basins.

The GLOW team, composed of FutureWater, Hydrologic, and Emanti Management, recently completed a roadshow to present the progress and advancements of the ‘GLObal Water Availability Forecasting Service to Support Water Security’ (GLOW) project. The roadshow demonstrated how GLOW integrates weather forecasts, hydrological, and water resource modelling, together with visualisation tools to address the challenges of water availability and demand in the transboundary Maputo and Umbuluzi River Basins. Piloted with the support of the Partners for Water programme of RVO and Blue Deal Mozambique, the project focuses on scalable solutions that strengthen regional water security and governance.

GLOW addresses challenges in transboundary water resources management, which are increasingly complicated by climate change-driven droughts, flooding, and rising water demands. By integrating hydrological models such as PCR-GLOBWB and the water allocation model WEAP with meteorological forecasts, GLOW delivers accurate forecasts of water availability and demand. These forecasts, ranging from short-term (10 days) to seasonal (6 months), provide stakeholders, including water managers, dam operators, and decision-makers, with early warnings for droughts, floods, and actionable water allocation advisories. Delivered through the HydroNET platform, GLOW’s forecasts are easily accessible via user-friendly dashboards and reporting tools, helping support both operational and strategic water management across the region. The pilot demonstrates GLOW’s potential to improve water management by simulating a variety of user-defined management scenarios, highlighting the system’s role in supporting transboundary water governance and achieving SDGs 2, 6, and 13. 

From the inception of the project, GLOW has been developed with involvement from the stakeholders in the Maputo and Umbuluzi River Basins, including the Joint River Basin Authorities (JRBA) of Eswatini, Mozambique’s Regional Administration of Waters in the South (ARA-Sul), National Directorate of Water Resources Management (DNGRH) and South Africa’s Inkomati-Usuthu (IUCMA) and Pongola-Umzimkhulu (PUCMA) Catchment Management Agencies. Through user requirements sessions, the varying needs of these authorities were mapped to ensure that GLOW is tailored to their specific challenges. The recent roadshow served as a platform to present the project’s progress, share key findings, and engage in open discussions about further enhancements. This ongoing dialogue is crucial for ensuring its alignment with the needs of water authorities and maximizing its impact in addressing real-world water security challenges. 

Presentation of Evelyn Aparicio Medrano
Presentation of Tijmen Schults

FutureWater recently concluded a two-week training program for the Blue Deal partnerships of Mozambique and Eswatini, aimed at enhancing the technical skills of water management professionals from ARA-Sul (Administração Regional de Águas do Sul), ARA-Norte (Administração Regional de Águas do Norte), and the Joint River Basin Authorities (JRBA) from Eswatini. For the training, six water experts travelled to The Netherlands to follow training sessions on a variety of topics related to water management. The collaboration between FutureWater and Blue Deal, funded through the Dutch Water Authorities, was organised to strengthen local capacity in water resource management and transboundary cooperation between the regional institutions.

The training, mostly held at the FutureWater office in Wageningen, focused primarily on applying WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning), open-source data, tools, and flying sensors for agriculture. Over the past year, multiple WEAP models were co-created by FutureWater together with the local water authorities of Mozambique. For ARA-Norte, a strategic water allocation model for the Monapo River Basin was developed in WEAP. This basin is important for domestic and industrial water supply for Nampula, the third largest city in Mozambique inhabited by close to a million people. The model can be used for long-term planning and decision-making in the basin. For ARA-Sul, two WEAP models were developed. At first, an operational water allocation model was created for the Pequenos Libombos Reservoir, which supplies water to the Maputo City metropolitan and surrounding irrigation schemes. Additionally, a groundwater balance tool was developed for the same area. Both models can be used in assessing requests for water licensing and operational reservoir management and planning. During the training weeks, the water experts were trained in the use of the models and discussions were held on further improvement.

Besides WEAP modelling, the training program featured visits to the Water Boards Rijn & IJssel, and Vallei & Veluwe where firsthand experience was gained in Dutch water management. The training participants visited the control room at the water boards and several hydraulic infrastructure works or projects such as Room for the River. A demonstration day on flying sensors was provided together with our partner HiView providing practical knowledge on the use of drones in mapping floods or agricultural fields. We took the opportunity to hold user validation sessions to further develop the services of the GLObal Water Availability Forecasting Service (GLOW) with Hydrologic. Our collaboration with Blue Deal continues for the coming period.

Drone demonstration in Wageningen
Participants with certificates
Training at FutureWater office

The Asian Development Bank, the Netherlands Water Partnership, and the Dutch Government hosted an intensive week-long programme that brought together 48 delegates from 12 project teams across 11 Asian participating countries and water experts from the Netherlands. The Asian and Dutch parties expanded their knowledge and shared experiences regarding Nature-based Solutions for cities, coasts, and river basins through lectures, interactive sessions, and field visits. The participants came from Armenia, Bangladesh, the Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. 

On the day preceding the week, FutureWater participated in the Asian Development Bank’s Business Opportunity Seminar on Water, organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) in The Hague. Sonu Khanal and Arthur Lutz met with ADB representatives and shared FutureWater’s experiences in working with the Asian Development Bank in the plenary panel discussion. 

During the Asia-Netherlands Water Learning Week, Evelyn Aparicio Medrano and Arthur Lutz joined the programme to learn more about the Asian project teams, and the challenges they face in implementing Nature-based Solutions in their projects. Besides sharing our experience with Nature-based Solutions with the participants, Evelyn Aparicio Medrano presented work done by FutureWater in the Masterclass on financial sustainability of projects with Nature-based Solutions. She presented a How-to Guide to develop watershed investment programs which FutureWater developed jointly with The Nature Conservancy. 

We thank the Netherlands Water Partnership, the Asian Development Bank and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency for organising these fruitful events!

Presentation by Evelyn Aparcio
Social Event


To achieve the objectives the project has a technical component and stakeholder engagement component. On the technical side, hydrological models will be updated and validated. Climate change scenarios will be used as inputs for the testing of adaptation strategies within the Limpopo Basin. The adaptation include traditional grey infrastructure and additionally nature based solutions. The benefits analysis of the adaptation measure will cover macro and micro socio-economical benefits.

The results of this study will then be used to inform the development of a first-generation Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Limpopo River Basin (LRB). Through this, the individual basin countries will agree on a set of transboundary development priorities for the basin, which will guide both transboundary and national investments in the future, through a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and National Action Plans (NAPs).

Within the project we cooperate with the hydrologists of ARA-Norte to discuss and establish the baseline for a water system analysis in the Monapo Catchment. Following discussion and mapping sessions, FutureWater is developing a Water Allocation Model in WEAP that includes climate change scenarios and mitigation and adaptation measures to asses the water availability of the catchment. Part of the assignment includes continuous training to local professional, to ensure the application of the developed model in the analysis of the system and elaborating specific proposal for implementation in the region.

The objective is to support the delineation and launching of a a Watershed Investment Program to improve multi-stakeholder collaboration and sustainable funding mechanisms to protect and restore riparian buffer zones and to implement runoff attenuation features to reduce eroded sediments entering the river.

To support the science streams, FutureWater is applying open source tools such as INVEST and RIOS Tool, together with Remote Sensing analysis to elaborate on a NbS opportunity mapping analysis. Besides, we aim to provide quantitative results on NbS benefits to reduce sediment loads entering the river system.

FutureWater recently completed a visit to Mozambique, collaborating with the regional water authorities in both the north (ARA-Norte) and south (ARA-Sul). The visit was part of the Blue Deal Mozambique program aiming to strengthen the cooperation between the Dutch and Mozambican water authorities. Additionally, the mission supported the GLOW Project funded by the Partners for Water Program.

At ARA-Norte FutureWater delivered WEAP training sessions and held technical discussions on the water system of the Monapo River catchment. The training sessions on the WEAP modelling tool were tailor-made for intermediate and advanced WEAP users. Mapping sessions were held to identify key model components and possible scenarios that would aid the water authorities in designing their strategic water allocation plans. Through collaborative efforts a WEAP model for the Monapo River Basin will be developed in the first trimester of 2024. This will guide the water resource managers from ARA-Norte to develop their own WEAP models in the future.

At ARA-Sul, the visit built on existing cooperation with the local water resource managers to improve their strategic water allocation WEAP model for the Umbeluzi River catchment. Advanced training sessions were provided to the experts, as well as beginner training for the recently graduated professionals. A session was held especially dedicated to the analysis of the groundwater balance around the Pequenos Libombos Reservoir. FutureWater presented a tool to model the changes in groundwater storage resulting from climate change and groundwater exploitation. Both the strategic water allocation WEAP model and the groundwater tool are built from a strategic water resource management perspective, aiming to answer what-if questions for the coming 100 years.

Another important element of our visit was highlighting the progress on the GLOW project, discussing the water availability forecasting results, and improving the information that the dashboard is delivering, based on the user needs of ARA-Sul. Within the GLOW, we are providing information based on medium-range weather information and advanced hydrological models.

WEAP training theoretical session
Interactive sessions among participants
WEAP training session

Groundwater availability is critical to the Umbeluzi Catchment. Currently, there is a need for a simple tool that can asses the availability of resources in the ground.

This especially to asses the permits for groundwater extractions. It is expected that a simplified modelling approach can provide a trend analysis sufficient for the water authorities in Mozambique to perform assessments of the sub-surface water availability. Furthermore, the water availability will be assessed for current and future conditions, under different scenarios of climate change and demand increase.

Within the project, FutureWater will develop a groundwater model in WEAP, using the Strategic Model previously build for the Umbeluzi catchment. To this end a detailed data gathering activity will take place proceed by developing the model. We aim to validate and improve the model with measurements available of groundwater levels in the catchment. The model will be validated with the technical team of ARA-Sul. Ultimately, a dedicated training session for ARA-SUl will ensure that model operation is performed by local experts.

In our ongoing commitment to bolster the efforts of ARA-Sul in Mozambique, FutureWater recently conducted an intensive training course focusing on the application of the Strategic Water Allocation Model within the Umbeluzi Catchment area. This significant initiative entailed the utilization of the renowned Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) model, coupled with a comprehensive update of critical information and underlying assumptions.

The primary objective of this training was to empower the dedicated professionals at ARA-Sul with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and optimize water resources within the region. The strategic allocation of water resources is of paramount importance, especially in areas like the Umbeluzi Catchment, where water plays a pivotal role in sustaining livelihoods, ecosystems, and economic activities.

One key aspect of this training involved fine-tuning the analysis-scenarios to comprehensively assess potential bottlenecks and challenges within the water allocation system. Identifying these bottlenecks is essential for making informed decisions, developing mitigation strategies, and ensuring the sustainable utilization of water resources.

Our collaborative efforts with ARA-Sul extend beyond the training itself. We are committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure the long-term success of this endeavor. Through regular follow-up activities and consultations, the technical professionals at ARA-Sul are now well-equipped to independently maintain their model and conduct the essential analyses required for informed decision-making.

More information on the training here

Training on WEAP. June 2023.

In June, FutureWater visited Mozambique for a training session on the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) model. The training was held at the Mozambique Regional Administration of Waters in the South (ARA-Sul) based in Maputo and was funded by the Blue Deal programme of the Dutch Water Authorities.

The training on the WEAP model comprised of a general introduction, knowledge clips, practical hands-on exercises, and a refresher course on the existing Strategic Water Allocation Model (WAM-S) that FutureWater developed for ARA-Sul in 2014.

In the forthcoming months the WAM-S will be updated to align with the current socio-economic and climatic developments of the region. The updating of the model will be performed in close collaboration with ARA-Sul. The update of the WAM-S model includes the addition of a groundwater component to support decision-making regarding water extraction licensing. We would like to express our gratitude to the Blue Deal programme for enabling the training and model update.

Theoretical session on WEAP modelling
Participants of the training