Dr. Peter Droogers es experto en agua y clima, con especial atención a cuestiones como la evaluación de los recursos hídricos, la detección de riesgos climáticos y la evaluación y adaptación a los mismos. Peter tiene la combinación única de poder contribuir a la toma de decisiones de alto nivel y, al mismo tiempo, ser muy útil en la modelización, el análisis de datos y la elaboración de informes.
Peter tiene más de 25 años de experiencia trabajando en los Países Bajos y en el extranjero (como residente en Sri Lanka y Turquía). Como no residente ha trabajado en más de 40 países. Peter ha trabajado en diversas instituciones y empresas, como la Universidad de Wageningen (Países Bajos), el Instituto Internacional de Gestión del Riego (Turquía), el Instituto Internacional de Gestión del Agua (Sri Lanka), el SEI (Suecia), HiView (Países Bajos) y FutureWater (Países Bajos).
Peter ha trabajado en numerosos proyectos de diversa envergadura para una amplia gama de clientes. Algunos de los clientes recurrentes son el Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, el Banco Mundial, el Green Climate Fund (GCF), Water Boards, la Comisión Europea, la Comisión del Río Mekong, Nile Basin Initiative, gobiernos nacionales, World Wildlife Fund y The Nature Conservancy, entre otros.
Peter es profesor a tiempo parcial en varias universidades y ha escrito más de 200 publicaciones, de las cuales 70 aparecieron en revistas peer-reviewed (h-index 30). Peter es asesor externo de varios proyectos e instituciones, entre ellos: Banco Mundial, Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, Green Climate Fund (GCF), Comisión Europea, FAO y National Science Foundations. Peter es fundador y director científico de FutureWater (con oficinas en los Países Bajos y España).
Proyectos relacionados
Climate Risk Assessment for wastewater treatment plants in Kazakhstan
The proposed Kazakhstan Urban Infrastructure Modernization Program – Wastewater Treatment Project aims to construct / reconstruct climate-resilient wastewater treatment plants operationalized in four cities. FutureWater supported ADB by assessing the climate risk and adaptation options for this investment to enhance the wastewater treatment plants climate resilience and secure the proposed...
Climate Risk Assessment: Golovnaya Hydropower Plant, Tajikistan
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting the rehabilitation of the 240-MW Golovnaya Hydropower Plant in Tajikistan, aiming to increase renewable energy supply from 743 GWh to 1,130 GWh. The project includes refurbishing the generation units. FutureWater supported ADB by assessing the climate risk and adaptation options for this investment...
Climate Risk Scoping Chao Phraya River, Thailand
A comprehensive review of existing work and data on climate change/climate risk and adaptation/mitigation for Thailand was undertaken. This provided background information and data (and data gaps) for subsequent climate work to be carried out under the project design. Focus was on the Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand.
Capacity Building on Water Accounting Under the Water Scarcity Program for Asia-Pacific
Growing water scarcity continues to threaten the agricultural sector in Asia. In order to address this critical issue, FAO and partners have been developing a comprehensive Asia Pacific Water Scarcity Programme (WSP) since 2019. Under this program, a series of trainings on water accounting will be held in Indonesia, Vietnam...
Capacity Building on Water Accounting in Pakistan
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Pakistan has recently secured Green Climate Fund (GCF) funds for increasing the climate resilience of agriculture and water management in the Indus Basin. Given the region’s climate vulnerability, it is critical to improve information services and build the country’s...
BONEX: Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean
BONEX es un proyecto financiado por la Fundación PRIMA-UE específicamente para la región mediterránea. Esta región se enfrenta a varios retos para garantizar la seguridad futura de los alimentos y el agua, preservando al mismo tiempo los ecosistemas. BONEX explora y desarrolla soluciones específicas que promueven la vinculación de la...
Follow the Water: Reuse of Water in Irrigated Systems
Reuse of water in irrigated systems is a key component in design and management of irrigation systems. FAO and FutureWater developed a Guidance document, a Tool and a Training package demand for a better understanding of the role of reuse of water in irrigated agriculture systems. Those outcomes will support...
Gestión y Planificación Integrada de Recursos Hídricos en Ruanda
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Paisajes Resilientes al Cambio Climático en el Nepal occidental
Nepal, with support from The Asian Development Bank (ADB), is developing a climate change adaptation project in the Karnali and Mahakali Basins in western Nepal. The overall objective is to develop climate resilient landscape and livelihoods in those regions. FutureWater contributes by developing the initial scoping project documents to be...
Training on Real Water Savings for FAO’s Regional Water Scarcity Program
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Climate Risk Assessment for ADB’s Sustainable Urban Development Program in India
The Indian government is developing a new program under the country’s urban flagship programs referred to as Jal Jeevan Mission – Urban. The program is being implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) and The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to provide support. FutureWater contributed by...
Development of a Glacio-Hydrological Model and IWRM Plan for the Uttarakhand subbasin in India
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HiHydroSoil v2.0: Global Maps of Soil Hydraulic Properties at 250m Resolution
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Climate Risk Screening: Water Availability Indonesia
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Training in Hydrology and Water Allocation Modelling for Kenyan Water Resources Professionals
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Climate Risk Assessment for the Li River in China
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Climate Risk Assessment for Kazakhstan’ Urban Infrastructure Modernization Program
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eLearning on Hydrology and Climate Change for Hydropower Professionals
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Training Package and Technical Guidance for Water Productivity and Real Water Savings
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Feasibility Study for the Development of a ‘Small-hydro Climate Risk Assessment Tool’
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Supporting Adaptation Decision Making for Climate-Resilient Investments in Asia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to scale-up its investments in climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. FutureWater is asked to support this by developing a “Good Practice Guidance” on climate-resilient infrastructure design in the water sector.
Evaluación del riesgo climático usando el Marco del Árbol de Decisión para dos proyectos hídricos en Kenia y Nepal
La novedosa metodología del Marco del Árbol de Decisión (DTF) del Banco Mundial se emplea para evaluar los riesgos climáticos versus otros riesgos no climáticos asociados a dos inversiones planificadas: (1) la infraestructura de protección contra inundaciones y expansión de tierras de cultivo irrigadas en el río Nzoia (Kenia); y...
Climate Risk Assessment: Yanji City China
Jilin Yanji Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient Urban Development in China is supported by the Asian Development Bank. In the context of this investment project FutureWater will undertake a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA). The CRA will be based on the bottom-up approach where climate models (GCMs) are not the guiding boundary conditions, but...
Lower Mekong: Development State of the Basin Report
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Building Climate Change Resilience in Asia’s Critical Infrastructure
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Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Irrigation in Kazakhstan
The government of Kazakhstan with financial support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to upgrade and rehabilitate its irrigation sector. A detailed Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) has been undertaken by a consortium led by FutureWater in 2017. The team collected all available data on the project...
Climate Resilient Water Supply System for Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is upgrading and further developing its domestic water supply system in the western part of the country (Republic of Karakalpakstan). Tthe water supply system must be full climate proof in design and operations. The Green Climate Fund (through the Asian Development Bank) will be asked to finance the climate...
Modelización de balances de agua y asignación de recursos hídricos en Ruanda
En su esfuerzo por introducir el marco de Gestión Integrada del Territorio y el Agua, el Gobierno de Ruanda a través de la iniciativa “Agua para el crecimiento de Ruanda”, empezó a desarrollar planes de gestión de cuenca. FutureWater apoyó este esfuerzo utilizando el la plataforma de modelización WEAP para...
Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales
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IMPREX: Mejora en la predicción y gestión de los eventos hidrológicos extremos
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Water Resources Model for the Kenate Basin in South-Sudan
As there is an urgent need for informed decision making in ongoing and upcoming land and water resource development plans, the governments of South Sudan and the Netherlands (GoN) initiated a program for the Water Sector in Eastern Equatoria State (ProWasEES). The overall objective of this program is that “Kenate...
Water Allocation Model Development to Support Decision Making Procedures
Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul, which is one of the five water management organizations in Mozambique. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were...
HI-AWARE: Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience
HI-AWARE aims to contribute to enhanced adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poor and vulnerable women, men, and children living in the mountains and flood plains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. Research, including modeling, scoping studies, action research, and randomized control trials, is conducted at 12...
OWASIS-UK: Observatory of Water Availability – System of Integrated Services
The main objective of this study is to explore the potential to combine optical and gravity data from Earth Observation with meteorological data, together with innovative in situ sensors, hydrological modelling and crowd sourcing technologies, and the advanced visualization of the information through situation awareness platforms and decision support tools,...
Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment for Water Related Energy Sector Impacts
The objective of this study was to support the “Central Asia Regional Energy Sector Vulnerability Study” led by Industrial Economics (IEc) and funded by the World Bank, by carrying out an expanded risk assessment for water availability and water related energy sector impacts in Central Asia. The work built on...
Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting under Various Scenarios
Identifying areas where rainwater harvesting is a feasible solution is one of the aims of the RAIN Foundation. In 2010 FutureWater and Deltares were asked by RAIN Foundation to develop maps indicating the potential for rainwater harvesting (RWH) for Mali, Senegal and Burkina Faso. FutureWater and Deltares used the same...
The Nairobi Water Fund: hydrologic modelling and economic valuation of investment options
In 2013 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) started working to launch the first Water Fund in Africa to restore and protect the condition of the Tana River and improve Nairobi’s water security. Key questions that needed to be answered were “Where and in what activities should the fund invest its money?”...
Herramientas para la evaluación de la seguridad hídrica de Colombia y posibilidades de adaptación al cambio climático
En 2011, la cuenca del Río Magdalena en Colombia fue severamente afectada por grandes inundaciones, a la misma vez que ciertas regiones de la misma padecían situaciones de severa sequía y escasez hídrica. El objetivo general del proyecto fue brindar un conjunto de herramientas de para la evaluación de los...
Climate change indicators for Mekong River Commission
With this study, the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) offers a review of existing monitoring systems and indicators of climate change to improve the understanding of riparian governments, relevant line agencies and others on the status and impacts of climate change. The report should...
Addressing Climate Vulnerability of Africa’s Infrastructure
Climate change is expected to have important implications of the cost, design standards and location of Africa's infrastructure projects. Since what climate will actually occur will remain largely uncertain in the foreseeable future, the challenge is to develop decision making frameworks capable of leading to investment decisions that are “desirable”...
Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Into Agriculture in the Southern Caucasus
This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World...
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Nile Countries in Central Africa
In order to fill gaps in the Nile Basin Initiative and member country information bases on agricultural water use the irrigation potential of seven Nile countries was assessed. This project consisted of several consecutive steps, in which hydrological modelling, the use of remote sensed data, ArcGIS analyses, consultation workshops and...
Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania
A study was undertaken to evaluate and rank five potential irrigation schemes in the Tanzania part of the Lake Victoria Basin. The study focused on the following five thematic areas: (i) land suitability, (ii) water resources assessment, (iii) water requirements, (iv) environmental considerations, and (v) institutional aspects.
Mekong River Basin Modeling Framework Development
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Information and Knowledge Management Programme (IKMP) is developing and expanding its modeling framework. FutureWater was asked to support the process by developing a complete strategy and to prepare a set of tender documents for implementation of the strategy. The project resulted in six specific Program...
Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Rio Bravo, Aguascalientes and Central Northern Valleys
The project has shown how modern analytical tools such Remote Sensing, GIS and simulation models can help to swiftly obtain data to support the water management decision making process. A diagnosis of the Rio Bravo and Northern Central Aquifers has been made to demonstrate management options as well as how...
Adaptation to Climate Change for Agriculture in The Gambia
Methodology Development of adaptation benefit-cost framework: The framework was developed in a manner to make it possible to isolate development- and climate-related benefits and costs of individual projects and to assess the sensitivity of adaptation benefits and costs to the uncertainty inherent in regional climate change scenarios. Development of analytical tools and procedures: The project...
Publicaciones relacionadas
2024 - Technical report
WEAP Erosion Plugin manual
Droogers, P., J.E. Hunink, T. Schults, J. Sieber
2023 - Asian Development Bank Report
Incorporating Climate Resilience in Urban Planning And Policy Making. Focus on Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan
Beard, J.E., P. Droogers, A. Lutz
2023 - Final Report
Integrated Strategic Water Resources Planning and Management for Rwanda
D'Haeyer, B., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, C.Nolet, D. de Condappa
2022 - FutureWater Report 253
Water Allocation in Bhagirathi Basin, India
Droogers, P., Khanal, S., Hunink, J.E.
2022 - Technical report
Design study for the creation of a Water Fund for Mombasa City
Droogers, J.E. Hunink et al
2022 - Technical report
Mombasa Water Fund: Business Case
Droogers, J.E. Hunink et al
2022 - Technical report
Mombasa Water Fund: Business Case Summary
Droogers, J.E. Hunink et al
2021 - FutureWater Report 224
Effectiveness of Improved Watershed and Forestry Activities to secure Hydropower, Komo river, Gabon
Droogers, P., J.E. Hunink, R. Koster
2021 - FutureWater Report 223
WEP: WEAP Erosion Plugin
Droogers, P., J.E. Hunink, J. Sieber
2021 - FAO Water Reports 46
Guidance on Realizing Real Water Savings with Crop Water Productivity Interventions
Van Opstal, J., P. Droogers, A. Kaune, P. Steduto, C. Perry
2020 - FutureWater Report 216
The impact of enhancing storage capacity on water shortages in North-western Cambodia under a changing climate
Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers
2020 - FutureWater Report 213
HiHydroSoil v2.0 – High Resolution Soil Maps of Global Hydraulic Properties
Simons, G.W.H., R. Koster, P. Droogers
2020 - FutureWater Report 200
REWAS: REal WAter Savings tool: Technical Document
Kaune, A., P. Droogers, J.D. Van Opstal, P. Steduto, C. Perry
2020 - FutureWater Report 199
Training Manual: Crop Water Productivity Options to Achieve Real Water Savings
Droogers, P., A. Kaune, J.D. Van Opstal, P. Steduto, C. Perry
2020 - FutureWater Report 198
Guidance on Realizing Real Water Savings with Crop Water Productivity Interventions
Van Opstal, J.D., P. Droogers, A. Kaune, P. Steduto, C. Perry
2019 - FutureWater Report 205
Rapid Assessment of the State of Water Resources for the Tonle Sap River Basin and Mekong Delta River Basin, Cambodia
Droogers, P., A. Green, G.W.H. Simons, I. Brownhall, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar, J.E. Hunink
2019 - FutureWater Report 206
Rapid Assessment of Eco-Hydrology for the Tonle Sap River Basin and Mekong Delta River Basin, Cambodia
Green, A., K.G. Hortle, W. Giese, B. van Balen, D. Yem, J. Mills, I. Brownhall, P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, J.E. Hunink, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar
2019 - FutureWater Report 207
Detailed Surface Water Resources Assessment for the Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta River Basins, Cambodia
Green, A., P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, B. van Balen, K. Hortle, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar, D. Yem, J.E. Hunink
2019 - FutureWater Report 193
Haalbaarheid van ‘small-hydro climate risk assessment tool’
Koster, R., P. Droogers
2019 - Environmental Modelling and Software
Global to Regional Scale Evaluation of Adaptation Measures to Reduce the Future Water Gap
Straatsma, M., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, W. Berendrecht, J. Buitink, W. Buytaert, D. Karssenberg, O. Schmitz, E.H. Sutanudjaja, L.P.H. van Beek, C. Vitolo, M.F.P. Bierkens.
2019 - Internship Report
Historical climate analysis of the Third Pole Region between 1979-2018
Tiwari, S.
2017 - FutureWater Report 173
Earth by Night: Exploring Night Light Satellites Imagery for Water Management
De Klerk, M., P. Droogers
2017 - FutureWater Report 171
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Western Uzbekistan Water Supply
Droogers, P., A.F. Lutz, J.E. Hunink
2017 - FutureWater Report 170
A First-Order Water Productivity Assessment for the APROVALE Project, Mozambique
Simons, G.W.H., N.I. den Besten, P. Droogers
2017 - FutureWater Report 169
Monitoring Water Productivity: Demonstration Case for ThirdEye Mozambique
Droogers, P., G.W.H. Simons, N.I. den Besten, J. van Til, M. de Klerk
2017 - White paper
On Spatially Distributed Hydrological Ecosystem Services – Bridging the Quantitative Information Gap using Remote Sensing and Hydrological Models
Simons, G.W.H., A. Poortinga, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, D. Saah, A. Troy, J.E. Hunink, M. de Klerk, M. Rutten, P. Cutter, L. Rebelo, L. Thanh Ha, V. Phuong Nam, T. Hessels, M. Fenn, B. Bean, D. Ganz, P. Droogers, T. Erickson, N. Clinton
2017 - FutureWater Report 168
Effectiveness of Improved Watershed Activities in Mbé River, Gabon
Hunink, J.E., M. de Klerk, F. de Boer, P. Droogers
2017 - FutureWater Report 166
Change in Water Productivity as a Result of ThirdEye Services in Mozambique
De Klerk, M., P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, J. van Til
2017 - FutureWater Report 165
Water Balance and Allocation Modelling in Rwanda
Droogers, P., M. Kruisheer, F. de Boer, W. Terink, M. Andriessen, H. Pelgrum
2017 - FutureWater Report 164
Hydrological and Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin, Nepal
Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers, S. Khanal, S. Nepal, A.B. Shrestha
2017 - FutureWater Report 163
Pilot optimalisatie waterverdeling Hunze en Aa’s
De Boer, F.S., M. de Klerk, G. Simons, P. Droogers
2017 - Remote Sensing
Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale
Hunink J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, A. Baille
2017 - FutureWater Report 167
Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps
Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers
2017 - FutureWater Report 162
Assistance in using Modeling Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Assessment, Armenia
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers
2017 - FutureWater Report 161
Impacts of climate change on water and sediment flows in the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya
Simons, G.W.H., J. Buitink, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink
2016 - FutureWater Report 158
Filling data gaps using the GapFiller tool
De Boer, F., P. Droogers, W. Terink
2016 - FutureWater Report 159
Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een prototype informatieproduct voor natuurbrandbeheersing (SVIPE-W)
Simons, G.W.H., F. Heuff, P. Droogers, F. Witte
2016 - Journal of Environmental Management
Valuing investments in sustainable land management in the Upper Tana River basin, Kenya
Vogl, A.L., B.P. Bryant, J.E. Hunink, S. Wolny, C. Apse, P. Droogers
2016 - Agricultural Water Management
Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing
Romero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás
2016 - FutureWater Report 155
Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales – Inception Report
De Klerk, M., J. van Til, P. Droogers
2016 - FutureWater Report 157
Large scale adaptation strategies to climate change in the water-sector: An overview of the water allocation model WatCAM
Buitink, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, P. Torfs
2016 - FutureWater Report 154
Water Allocation Models for the Incomati River Basin, Mozambique
De Boer, F.S., P. Droogers
2016 - FutureWater Report 153
Satellietdatagebruik bij natuurbrandbeheersing: haalbaarheidsstudie naar de ontwikkeling van SWIPE
Simons, G.W.H., F. Witte, P. Droogers
2016 - One Health
Human Q fever incidence is associated to spatiotemporal environmental conditions
Van Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, J. Brandsma, W. Terink, J. Van de Kassteele, P. Droogers, F. Sauter, A.H. Havelaar, W. Van der Hoek
2016 - FutureWater Report 152
Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer
Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers
2016 - STOWA Report
Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer
Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers
2016 - Aerobiologia
Climate change effects on airborne pathogenic bioaerosol concentrations: a scenario analysis
Van Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, P. Droogers, A. van Pul, D. Heederik, A.H. Havelaar
2016 - FutureWater Report 151
Flying Sensors informatie voor een duurzamere water en energie economie
De Klerk, M., P. Droogers
2016 - FutureWater Report 150
Inspectie van waterkeringen met behulp van Flying Sensors en lasertechnieken
De Boer, F.S., J. van Til, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel
2016 - FutureWater Report 149
Preliminary Hydrological and Agronomic Study for a Payment for Watershed Services Scheme in Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
Hunink, J.E., A. Kasangaki, H. Edison, P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 140
Water Resources Model for Kenneti Basin South-Sudan
Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, M. de Klerk, G.W.H. Simons
2015 - FutureWater Report 148
Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania
Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 139
Water Allocation Planning for Vega Baja del Segura Spain
De Klerk, M., P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 137
Online Parcel-scale Irrigation management in Romania: spatio-temporal soil moisture modeling using SPHY
Simons, G.W.H., G.A.P.M. Van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers
2015 - Geoscientific Model Development
SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology
Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 141
Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers
2015 - FutureWater Report 135
De toegevoegde waarde van hoge-resolutie neerslagradar voor het waterbeheer. Case-study binnen het «Daring Applications & Innovations in Sensor Systems» (DAISY) project
Terink, W., P. Droogers, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh
2015 - Report
Van SWIMM-methode naar NatuurVerdrogingsmonitor
Van Den Eertwegh, G., F. Witte, G. Simons, P. Hoefsloot, P. Droogers
2015 - Water2Invest Report
Data-base and report on global analysis of water gap investments
Brandsma, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, M. Straatsma
2015 - FutureWater Report 133
Impact Assessment of Investment Portfolios for Business Case Development of the Nairobi Water Fund in the Upper Tana River, Kenya
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers
2015 - Geoscientific Model Development Discussions
SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology
Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2014 - FutureWater Report 196
Regional Risk Assessment for Water Availability and Water-related Energy Sector Impacts in Central Asia
Hunink, J.E., A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers
2014 - FutureWater Report 132
Water Allocation Models for the Umbeluzi River Basin, Mozambique
Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, W. Terink
2014 - Data Water Sector Report
Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Uganda
Taylor, T., A. Markandya, P. Droogers, A. Rugumayo
2014 - FutureWater Report 128
Climate adaptation Colombia: Climate data scaling and analysis for the Magdalena basin
Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., A. Lutz, P. Droogers
2014 - FutureWater Report 126
Hydrological analysis and modelling of the Pungwe River Basin, Mozambique. A study performed under the ‘Water Planning Tools to Support Water Governance’ (WatPlaG) project
Terink, W., P. Droogers
2014 - FutureWater Report 127
Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting under Various Scenarios
Droogers, P., C. van Kampen
2014 - FutureWater Report 129
Water Allocation Planning in Pungwe Basin Mozambique
Droogers, P., W. Terink
2014 - Bachelor Thesis
ONLine parcel oriented irrigation advice Romania. Optimization of agricultural water resource management by using the SPHY model
Wehling, M., P. Droogers, W. Terink, G. Simons, S. Eeman
2014 - FutureWater Report 124
Bodemvochtgegevens ter ondersteuning van leverbot analyses
Terink, W., P. Droogers
2014 - International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management
Green Water Credits – exploring its potential to enhance ecosystem services by reducing soil erosion in the Upper Tana basin, Kenya
Kauffman, S., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, B. Mwaniki, F. Muchena, P. Gicheru, P. Bindraban, D. Onduru, R. Cleveringa, J. Bouma
2014 - FutureWater Report
Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin
Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, T. Piman
2014 - FutureWater Report
Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. Appendices.
Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel
2014 - FutureWater Report
Past and Future Trends in Crop Production and Food Demand and Supply in the Lower Mekong Basin
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers, K. Tran-Mai
2013 - FutureWater Report 123
KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen
Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P.J.T. van Bakel, L. Stuyt, A. van Iersel, L. Kuipers, M. Talsma, P. Droogers
2013 - FutureWater Report 120
KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: analyse van kosten en baten voor waterbeheerder en agrariër. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 5: Economisch onderzoek
Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P. Droogers
2013 - FutureWater Report 117
KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 2: Rekenmodules (SWAP)
Terink, W., J. van Bakel, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers
2013 - FutureWater Report 129
Benefit-Cost Analysis Based on SupplyDemand Modeling by WEAP for the Upper Duhe Basin, China – Feasibility Study
Droogers, P., J. Brandsma, Z. Bai, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.W.J. van Lynden
2013 - International Journal of Climatology
Climate change projections of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration for the Middle East and Northern Africa until 2050
Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2013 - FutureWater Report 126
Green and Blue Water Resources and Management Scenarios using the SWAT model for the Upper Duhe Basin, China – Feasibility Study
Brandsma, J., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers, Z. Bai, S. Zhang
2013 - FutureWater Report 128
Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Towards a widening of the water agenda
Droogers, P.
2013 - Journal of Hydrology
Economic concepts to address future water supply–demand imbalances in Iran, Morocco and Saudi Arabia
Hellegers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2013 - Remote Sensing of Environment
A High-resolution Precipitation Two-step mapping Procedure (HiP2P): development and application to a tropical mountainous area
Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2013 - FutureWater Report 130
Agricultural runoff and urban flooding in Mauritius: evidence, methods and mitigation measures
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers
2013 - 11th International Precipitation Conference
Estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation using remote sensing proxies and observed data in a tropical mountainous region
Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2013 - Advances in Data Mining, Workshop Proceedings
Satellite based data mining to support Egypt’s agriculture
Terink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt, A. Ines
2013 - FutureWater Report 125
Análisis de Patrones Espaciales de Precipitación en la Provincia de Tungurahua
Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2013 - Hydrological Sciences Journal
Targeting of intervention areas to reduce reservoir sedimentation in the Tana catchment (Kenya) using SWAT
Hunink, J.E., I.A. Niadas, P. Antonaropoulos, P. Droogers, J. de Vente
2012 - FutureWater Report 122
«Spatial Processes in Hydrology» (SPHY) – Bodemvocht bepaling ter ondersteuning van analyse Q-koorts transmissie risico
Terink, W., J. van Leuken, P. Droogers, A. Swart, W. van der Hoek
2012 - FutureWater Report 116
The added value of high-resolution above coarse-resolution remote sensing images in crop yield forecasting: a case study in the Egyptian Nile Delta
Terink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt
2012 - H2O
Model voor landsdekkende berekening bodemvocht in wortelzone en actuele verdamping
Terink, W., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers
2012 - FutureWater Report 124
SPHY (Spatial Processes in HYdrology) toepassing Hupselse Beek
Droogers, P., W. Terink
2012 - FutureWater Report 115
SPHY – Een hydrologisch model gericht op de berekening van bodemvocht en de actuele verdamping
Terink, W., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, G. van den Eertwegh
2012 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Water resources trends in Middle East and North Africa towards 2050
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, M.F.P. Bierkens, L.P.H. Van Beek, B. Debele
2012 - FutureWater Report 114
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Burundi
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix DR Congo
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Kenya
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Rwanda
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix South Sudan
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Tanzania
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 113
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Uganda
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - Journal of Environmental Management
Quantitative simulation tools to analyze up- and downstream interactions of soil and water conservation measures: Supporting policy making in the Green Water Credits program of Kenya
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers, S. Kauffman, B.M. Mwaniki, J. Bouma
2012 - FutureWater Report 111
Addressing Climate Vulnerability of Africa’s Infrastructure. Stock-Taking Exercise: Overview of Existing Analytical Work
Helleman-Melling, J., S.S. Awadalla, P. Droogers, J. Neumann
2012 - FutureWater Report 110
Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on the Water Resources in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins
Lutz, A.F., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel
2012 - FutureWater Report 108
Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Wheat in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
Droogers, P., J. Hunink
2012 - FutureWater Report 107
Climate Change Impacts on the Upstream Water Resources of the Amu and Syr Darya River Basins
Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2012 - FutureWater Report 109
Correlation between C. burnetii Transmission Rates and Satellite Based Vegetation Indices
Brandsma, J.E., J. Leuken, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, A. Swart, W. Hoek
2011 - FutureWater Report 101
Green and Blue Water Resources for the Sebou Basin, Morocco- Soil-Water Management Scenarios using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
Terink, W., J. Hunink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, G. van Lynden, S. Kauffman
2011 - FutureWater Report 102
Water Use and Demand in the Sebou Basin, Morocco – A Benefit-Cost Analysis using the Water and Evaluation and Planning Tool (WEAP)
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. Hunink, S. Kauffman, G. van Lynden
2011 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Hydropedological insights when considering catchment classification
Bouma, J., P. Droogers, M.P.W. Sonneveld, C.J. Ritsema, J.E. Hunink, W.W. Immerzeel, S. Kauffman
2011 - FutureWater Report 112
Physiographical baseline survey for the Upper Tana catchment: erosion and sediment yield assessment
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers
2011 - International Journal of Environmental Health Research
Q fever in The Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions
Van der Hoek, W., J. Hunink, P. Vellema, P. Droogers
2011 - FutureWater Report 98
Middle-East and Northern Africa Water Outlook
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, P. Hellegers, M. Bierkens, R. Van Beek
2011 - FutureWater Report 104
Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment in the Mekong River Basin
Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2011 - FutureWater Report 99
Towards a Proof-of-Concept of Green Water Credits for the Sebou Basin, Morocco
Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, J. Huting
2011 - Hoogheemraadschap Stichtse Rijnlanden
Berekening van de rivierwaterstanden rond 2050 als gevolg van klimaatverandering onder het W+ scenario
Terink, W., P. Droogers
2011 - FutureWater Report 106
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Uzbekistan. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems
Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers
2010 - 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments
The Role of Modelling in Integrated Water Management (A Case Study in Zayandeh Rud Basin)
Akbari, M., P. Droogers, H. Dehghnisanij
2010 - FutureWater Report 105
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Albania. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems
Hunink, J., P. Droogers
2010 - FutureWater Report 97
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation for the Water Sector
Droogers, P., M. Soet, H. van Schaik, M. Witmer
2010 - H2O
Klimaat Atlas: ontwikkeling wateroverlastkaarten
Immerzeel, W.W., H. Goosen, M. de Groot, P. Droogers
2010 - Agricultural Water Management
Estimating Actual Irrigation Application by Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Observations
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, I.J. Lorite
2010 - FutureWater Report 96
KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: Een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen
Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. van Bakel
2010 - Bodem
Het belang van lokale omgevingsfactoren voor de verspreiding van Q-koorts bij de mens
Hunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, P. Droogers, W. van der Hoek
2010 - Lhasa, China
Hydrological and cryospheric modeling in the Qugaqie catchment on the Tibetan plateau: theoretical approach. Abstract for the Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation
Immerzeel, W.W., S. Kang, T. Gao, M. Menenti, P. Droogers
2010 - H2O
Wat is het beste model?
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2010 - FutureWater Report 92
Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: ANALYSIS REPORT
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2010 - FutureWater Report 93
Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: FINAL REPORT
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, B. Berhanu
2010 - FutureWater Report 91
Food and Water: Analysis of potentially new themes in water management – future trends and research needs
Droogers, P., N. van de Giesen
2010 - H2O
NBW-actueel: ontwikkeling methode voor wateropgaven met een bandbreedte
Schuurmans, H., H. Niewold, G. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers
2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
Q Fever in the Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions in the largest epidemic ever reported
Van der Hoek, W., J.E. Hunink, T. Veenstra, P. Droogers
2010 - FutureWater Report 90
Q fever transmission to humans and local environmental conditions
Hunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, W. van der Hoek, P. Droogers
2010 - Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung
Satellite derived snow and runoff dynamics in the upper Indus river basin
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens
2009 - FutureWater Report 84
Green Water Credits for the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya. Phase II – Pilot Operations: Biophysical assessment using SWAT
Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2009 - FutureWater Report 88
Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Bunyala plains
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers
2009 - FutureWater Report 85
Climate Change and Hydropower, Impact and Adaptation Costs: Case Study Kenya
Droogers, P.
2009 - FutureWater Report 86
Penman-Monteith referentieverdamping: Inventarisatie beschikbaarheid en mogelijkheden tot regionalisatie
Schuurmans, H., P. Droogers
2009 - CEOP AEGIS technical report
CEOP-AEGIS: Model selection for the Tibetan plateau water balance monitoring system
Immerzeel, W.W., J.M. Schuurmans, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, C. de Michele, F. Vuolo, L. Changming, M. Menenti
2009 - FutureWater Report 83
Brede weerverzekering: natschade en droogteschade
Droogers, P., J.M. Schuurmans
2009 - Computers and Geosciences
Modelling climate change in a Dutch polder system using the FutureViewR modelling suite
Immerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers
2009 - FutureWater Report 82
Verbetering bepaling actuele verdamping voor het strategisch waterbeheer: definitiestudie
Droogers, P.
2009 - FutureWater Report 80
Application of Remote Sensing in National Water Plans: Demonstration cases for Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and Tunisia
Droogers, P., C. Perry, W.W. Immerzeel
2009 - FutureWater Report 87
Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: INCEPTION REPORT
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2009 - Remote Sensing of Environment
Spatial downscaling of TRMM precipitation using vegetative response on the Iberian Peninsula
Immerzeel, W.W., M.M. Rutten, P. Droogers
2009 - FutureWater Report 81
Uitbreiding modelinstrumentarium en scenario analyse Quarles van Ufford
Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel
2009 - Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector
Adapting to climate change in the water sector
Aerts, J, P. Droogers
2008 - FutureWater Report 78
Managing the real water consumer: evapotranspiration
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2008 - FutureWater Report 79
Scenario Based Water Resources Model to Support Policy Making
Droogers, P., C. Perry
2008 - FutureWater Report
Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania: Mara Valley, Bugwema, Isanga, Manonga, Ngono
Droogers, P., W. Bastiaanssen
2008 - FutureWater Report 77
Verkennende klimaatstudie Waterschap Vallei & Eem
Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel
2008 - Remote Sensing of Environment
Large-scale monitoring of snow cover and runoff simulation in Himalayan river basins using remote sensing
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens
2008 - FutureWater Report 76
Groundwater Management and Exploration Package: Scenario Analysis
Droogers, P., E. Hermans
2008 - FutureWater Report 75
Wateropgave droogte KNMI’06 klimaatscenario’s Waterschap Hunze en Aas
Droogers, P.
2008 - Journal of Hydrology
Calibration of a distributed hydrological model based on satellite evapotranspiration
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers
2008 - FutureWater Report 74
Groundwater management and evaluation: state of the art illustrated for Northern China
Hermans, E., P. Droogers, H. Winsemius
2008 - FutureWater Report 73
Klimaatverandering en lokale wateroverlast ten gevolge van extreme neerslag in Nederland
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers
2008 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Quantifying the impact of model inaccuracy in climate change impact assessment studies using an agro-hydrological model
Droogers, P., A. Van Loon, W. Immerzeel
2007 - FutureWater Report 72
Verdieping en verbreding verkenning innovaties. Innovatie Water en Ruimtelijke Ordening
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2007 - Green Water Credits Report 3
Green and Blue water Services in Tana River Basin, Kenya. Baseline information report – Assessment of improved soil and water management scenarios using an integrated modelling framework
Kauffman J.H., P. Droogers, E. Odada, P. Macharia, P. Gicheru, K. Dijkshoorn
2007 - Green Water Credits Report 4
Quantifying water usage and demand in the Tana River basin: an analysis using the Water and Evaluation Planning Tool (WEAP)
Hoff, H., S. Noel, P. Droogers
2007 - Agricultural Water Management
Twenty-five years modeling irrigated and drained soils: State of the art
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, P. Steduto
2007 - FutureWater Report
Klimaatverandering en adaptatie: Inventarisatie onderzoeksprojecten ten behoeve van ARK
Van Loon A.F., P. Droogers
2007 - Environmental Science and Policy
Translating soil science into environmental policy: A case study on implementing the EU soil protection strategy in The Netherlands
Bouma, J., P. Droogers
2007 - FutureWater Report 67
Invloed van Klimaatverandering op het Gelderse bos: Een analyse van de geo-spreiding van gevoeligheid voor klimaatverandering van bossen in Gelderland
Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers
2007 - FutureWater Report 68
Klimaatverandering en bossen: Modelanalyse voor landgoed Slangenburg
Droogers, P, W. Immerzeel, H. Schoonderwoerd
2007 - Water Air Soil Pollution
Leaching of Solutes from an Intensively Managed Peat Soil to Surface Water
Van Beek, C.L., P. Droogers, H.A. van Hardeveld, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.L. Velthof, O. Oenema
2007 - Agricultural Water Management
Monitoring irrigation performance in Esfahan, Iran, using NOAA satellite imagery
Akbari, M., N. Toomanian, P. Droogers, W. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske
2007 - FutureWater Report 66
Soil Water Assessement Tool, Gediz basin – Turkey
Droogers, P., A. van Loon
2007 - FutureWater Report 64
Soil Water Assessment Tool, Kitui – Kenya
Van Loon, A., P. Droogers
2007 - FutureWater Report 65
Water Evaluation And Planning System, Gediz basin – Turkey
Van Loon, A., H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers
2007 - FutureWater Report 69
Remotely Sensed Based Hydrological Model Calibration for Basin Scale Water Resources Planning, Embedding case for Krishna Basin, India
Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers, A. Gaur
2007 - FutureWater Report 62
FutureViewR: gedetailleerd hydrologisch en oppervlaktewater model getest op Quarles van Ufford
Immerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers
2007 - FutureWater Report 63
Water Management Support Methodologies: State of the Art
Van Loon, A. , R. Lasage, H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers
2006 - H2O
Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit
Loeve, R., T. Claassen, P. Droogers
2006 - FutureWater Report 59
Water Evaluation And Planning System, Kitui – Kenya
Van Loon, A.F., P. Droogers
2006 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Detecting the long-term impacts from climate variability and increasing water consumption on runoff in the Krishna river basin (India)
Bouwer, L. M. , J.C.J.H. Aerts, P. Droogers, A.J. Dolman
2006 - FutureWater Report 61
Mogelijkheden regelbare stuw Olstertocht, Oostelijk Flevoland
Droogers, P.
2006 - FutureWater Report 58
Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit
Loeve, R., P. Droogers, J. Veraart
2006 - Investigation Report: Pakistan - National Drainage Program Project
Annex C: Remote Sensing Analysis – Rainfall – Risk Assessment Report
Droogers, P.
2006 - FutureWater Report 54
Green and blue water services in Tana river basin, Kenya, exploring options using an intergrated modeling framework
Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, W.W. Immerzeel
2006 - ISRIC report 2006/04
Green Water Credits: Basin identification
Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, J.A. Dijkshoorn, W.W. Immerzeel, J.R.M. Huting
2006 - FutureWater Report 53
River basin models to support Green Water Credit Assessment
Droogers, P., S. Mantel, J.H. Kauffman
2006 - FutureWater Report 60
Berekening openwaterverdamping
Van Loon, A., P. Droogers
2006 - FutureWater Report 56
Calibration Methodologies in Hydrological Modeling: State of the Art
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2006 - Agricultural Water Management
Combining remote sensing-simulation modeling and genetic algorithm optimization to explore water management options in irrigated agriculture
Ines, A.V.M., K. Honda, A. Das Gupta, P. Droogers, R.S. Clemente
2006 - FutureWater Report 55
Remote Sensing and Evapotranspiration Mapping: State of the Art
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, A. Gieske
2006 - FutureWater Report 57
Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Upper Bhima Catchment
Immerzeel, W.W., A. Gaur, P. Droogers
2006 - H2O
Waterbeheer en de nieuwe KNMI klimaatscenario’s
Droogers, P., B. van den Hurk
2006 - International Journal of Water Resources Development
Assessing Options to Increase Water Productivity in Irrigated River Basins Using Remote Sensing and Modelling Tools
Van Dam, J. C., R. Singh, J.J.E. Bessembinder, P.A. Leffelaar, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.K. Jhorar, J.G. Kroes, P. Droogers
2006 - FutureWater Report 51
Modeling climate change impacts on forests: an overview
Graafstal, H., P. Droogers
2006 - WaterWatch Report
The hydrological flow path and options for sustainable water resources management in the overexploited Rio Bravo Basin
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., A. Klaasse, S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2006 - H2O
Droogte- en natschade onder wijzigende afvoernormen
Droogers, P., J. den Besten
2005 - FutureWater Report
Natschade bij optimale afwatering
Droogers, P., R. Loeve
2005 - WaterWatch Report
Water Resources Analysis of the Hai Basin in 2003 and Implications for Water Management
Soppe, R., W.M.G. Bastiaanssen, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2005 - FutureWater Report
Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s: West en Midden
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve
2005 - FutureWater Report
Kwel en wegzijging langs de grote rivieren. Een nieuwe modelmatige aanpak.
Van Heerwaarden, C.C., P. Droogers, R. Loeve
2005 - FutureWater Report
Vermindering van veenwater uitspoeling: een 2D modelanalyse
Droogers, P., J. van Dam, R. Loeve
2005 - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability: a comparative study between seven contrasting river basins
Droogers, P., J. Aerts
2005 - FutureWater Report
Positieve en negatieve effecten van drainage: een analyse in het kader van het «Eindadvies Berging en Afvoer» voor Wetterskip Fryslân
Droogers, P., R. Loeve
2005 - FutureWater Report
Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s: Westerwolde
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel
2005 - Mission Report
Adapting to Climate Change in South-East Asia: Identification of possibilities for cooperation
Rojas, A., P. Droogers
2005 - WaterWatch Report
Agrohydrologische analyse zuidelijk en oostelijk Flevoland
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers
2005 - FutureWater Report
Exploring evaporation reduction options in the Hai Basin using the SWAT model
Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers
2005 - FutureWater Report
Groundwater Irrigation Efficiency in Saudi Arabia
Droogers, P.
2005 - FutureWater Report
Hydrologisch vooronderzoek Landgoed Santhorst
Droogers, P., H. Schoonderwoerd, M. Japink, W.W. Immerzeel
2005 - FutureWater Report
Wateraanvoer en droogte: Analyse van de huidige situatie en de te verwachten invloed van klimaatverandering
Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve
2004 - H2O
Mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in Flevoland
Van den Bersselaar, D.J.M.C., M.N. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers
2004 - H2O
De (on)zekerheid van klimaatverandering
Droogers, P., R. Loeve, B. van den Hurk
2004 - H2O
Vasthouden van water met regelbare stuwen
Meijer, F., M. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers
2004 - Agricultural Water Management
Adaptation to climate change to enhance food security and preserve environmental quality: example for Southern Sri Lanka
Droogers, P.
2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment
Adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security
Droogers , P., J. van Dam, J. Hoogeveen, R. Loeve
2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment
Adaptation to Climate Change: A Research Agenda for the Future
Aerts, J., P. Droogers, S. Werners
2004 - CABI Books
Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment
Aerts, J., P. Droogers (Eds.)
2004 - FutureWater Report
Gecorrigeerd Actuele Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN)
Droogers, P., R. Loeve
2004 - Unsaturated-zone modeling: progress challanges and applications
Inserting man’s irrigation and drainage wisdom into soil water flow models and bringing it back out: how far have we progressed?
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers , G. D'Urso, P. Steduto
2004 - FutureWater Report
Regionale analyse van mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in het beheersgebied van Waterschap Zuiderzeeland
Droogers, P., R. Loeve
2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment
Will There be Sufficient Water Under Internal and External Changes? Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka
Jayatillake, H.M., P. Droogers
2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment
Will We Produce Sufficient Food Under Climate Change? Mekong Basin (South East Asia)
Hoanh, C.T., H. Guttman, P. Droogers , J. Aerts
2003 - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region
Exploring water management options using Genetic Algorithms: A case study of Bata Minor, Kaithal, Haryana, India
Ines, A.V.M., R. Clemente, P. Droogers, A.D. Gupta, K. Honda
2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India
A regional approach to model water productivity
Kroes, J.G., P. Droogers, R. Kumar, W.W. Immerzeel, R.S. Khatri, A. Roelevink, H.W. ter Maat, D.S. Dabas
2003 - IWMI Working Paper
Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on Water, Food, and Environment in Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka
Droogers, P.
2003 - IWMI Working Paper
Field scale adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security: a modeling approach across seven contrasting basins
Droogers, P., J.C. van Dam
2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India
Future water management in Sirsa district: options to improve water productivity
Droogers, P., R.S. Malik, J.G. Kroes, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, J.C. van Dam
2003 - Proceedings of the XXX IAHR Congress
Genetic Algorithms in assimilating agro-hydrological model parameters
Ines, A.V.M., A.D. Gupta, P. Droogers, K. Honda
2003 - IWMI Research Report
Scenario Assessment for Water Management Options in Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran
Murray-Rust, H., P. Droogers, A. Gieske, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, A.R. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, H.R. Salemi
2003 - Geographical Research Abstracts
Stochastic data assimilation technique in regional hydrology
Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers, K. Honda, A.D. Gupta
2003 - FutureWater Report
Vasthouden en bergen: de mogelijkheden van regelbare stuwen in Flevoland
Droogers, P., R. Loeve
2003 - Climate changes the water rules
Water for food in the context of climate change
Droogers, P.
2003 - IWMI Research Report
Water, food, climate: impact, projections and challenges
Droogers, P.
2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India
WATPRO Introduction
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers
2002 - Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Estimating reference evapotranspiration under inaccurate data conditions
Droogers P., R.G. Allen
2002 - Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Inverse modeling to quantify irrigation system characteristics and operational management
Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers
2002 - Proceedings of 18th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage
Assessment of improved water and salinity management by integrated basin scale and field scale modeling
M. Torabi, H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers
2002 - Hydrological Processes
Remotely sensed data used for modeling at different hydrological scales
Droogers, P., G.W. Kite
2002 - Proceedings of a workshop held at Koggala Beach Hotel, Sri Lanka
World water assessment programme Sri Lanka case study: Ruhuna Basins
Imbulana, K.A.U.S, P. Droogers, I.W. Makin (Eds.)
2002 - Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Irrigation performance using hydrological and remote sensing modeling
Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen
2002 - International Journal of Water
A model approach to evaluate irrigation system water balance: an example from the Gediz Basin, Turkey
Kayam, Y., M. Beyazgul, P. Droogers
2002 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 12
Field scale scenarios for water and salinity management by simulation modelling
Droogers, P., M. Torabi
2002 - IWMI Working Paper 36
Global Irrigated Area Mapping, overview and recommendations
Droogers, P.
2002 - Hydrology and Earth System Science
Inverse modelling in estimating soil hydraulic functions: a genetic algorithm approach
Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers
2002 - IAHS Red Books
Obtaining non-observable RS data from RS, using a combined model and Genetic Algorithm approach
Ines, Droogers P.
2002 - IWMI Working Paper 44
Simulating impacts of irrigation on the hydrology of the Karagan Lagoon in Sri Lanka
Stanzel, P., A. Öze, V. Smakhtin, E. Boelee, P. Droogers
2002 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 14
Water Resources Development and Water Utilization in the Zayandeh Rud basin, Iran
Murray-Rust, H., H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers
2002 - FutureWater Report
Water-Bodem-Boom Relaties op een Landgoed in Wassenaar
Droogers, P.
2002 - FutureWater Report
Water-boom relaties Parkboszone Amsterdamse Bos
Droogers, P.
2001 - Irrigation and Drainage
Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran
Droogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A.R. Mamanpoush
2001 - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Simulation modeling at different scales to evaluate the productivity of water
Droogers, P., G. Kite
2001 - Irrigation and Drainage
Field scale modeling to explore salinity in irrigated agriculture
Droogers, P., M. Torabi, M. Akbari, E. Pazira
2001 - IWMI Working Paper 27
Ruhuna Benchmark Basin Activities
Hemakumara, M., R. Barker, P. Droogers
2001 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 7
Assessment of irrigation performance using NOAA satellite imagery
Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske, N. Toomanian, M. Akbari
2001 - Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000
Combining remote sensing and hydrological models to enhance spatial and temporal variability
Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen
2001 - IWMI Working Paper 22
Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options
Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers, I.W. Makin, A.D. Gupta
2001 - IWMI Research Report 53
Estimating productivity of water at different scales using simulation modelling
Droogers, P., G. Kite
2001 - IWMI Working Paper 20
Estimating the potential of rainfed agriculture
Droogers, P., D. Seckler, I. Makin
2001 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 5
Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran
Droogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A. Mamanpoush
2001 - Proceedings of a PE&RC seminar series
Interactive hydrology and remote sensing models for irrigation performance assessment and water accounting studies
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., P. Droogers
2001 - IWMI Research Report 50
Modeling scenarios for water allocation in the Gediz Basin, Turkey
Kite, G., P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust, K. de Voogt
2000 - Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development
Climate change, water supply and crop production
Kite, G., P. Droogers, K. de Voogt
2000 - International Journal of Water Resources Development
Modelling water allocation between a wetland and irrigated agriculture in the Gediz Basin, Turkey
Voogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust
2000 - Irrigation Science
Use of simulation models to evaluate irrigation performance including water productivity, risk and system analyses
Droogers, P., G. Kite, H. Murray-Rust
2000 - Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000
Using public-domain datasets to model the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey
Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers
2000 - Journal of Hydrology
Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data
Kite, G.W., P. Droogers
2000 - Agricultural Water Management
Distributed agro-hydrological modeling of an irrigation system in western Turkey
Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, M. Beyazgül, Y. Kayam, G.W. Kite, H. Murray-Rust
2000 - Journal of Hydrology
Estimating actual evapotranspiration using a detailed agro-hydrological model
Droogers, P.
2000 - Journal of Hydrology
Preface: Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data
Kite, G.W., P. Droogers
2000 - IWMI Research Report 42
Comparison of actual evapotranspiration from satellites, hydrological models and field data: a case study from Western Turkey
Kite, G., P. Droogers
2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 2
Exploring field scale salinity using simulation modeling, example for Rudasht area, Esfahan Province, Iran
Droogers, P., M. Akbari, M. Torabi, E. Pazira
2000 - IWMI Research Report 43
Integrated Basin Modeling
Kite, G., P. Droogers
2000 - IWMI Working Paper 1
Modelling water allocation between wetlands and irrigated agriculture: Case study of the Gediz Basin, Turkey
Voogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust
2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 9
Spatial Analysis of Groundwater Trends: example for Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran
Droogers, P., M. Miranzadeh
2000 - IWMI Research Report 40
Using Datasets from the Internet for Hydrological Modeling: An Example from the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey
Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers
2000 - Proceedings of Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology
Using remotely sensed data for hydrological modeling at different spatial scales
Droogers, P., G.W. Kite, H. Korkmaz, O. Acar
2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 1
Water Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Basin, Esfahan Province, Iran
Salemi, H.R., A. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, N. Toomanian, H. Murray-Rust, P. Droogers, H. Sally, A. Gieske
1999 - Geoderma
Comparing different methods for estimating the soil moisture supply capacity of a soil series subjected to different types of management
Bouma, J., P. Droogers
1999 - Proceedings of 17th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage
Integrated basin modeling to evaluate water productivity
Droogers, P., G. Kite, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen
1999 - Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Water productivity from integrated basin modeling
Droogers, P., G. Kite
1999 - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Defining the «ideal» soil structure in surface soil of a typic fluvaquent in The Netherlands
Bouma, J., P. Droogers, P. Peters
1999 - International Journal of Water Resources Development
Irrigation modelling in a basin context
Kite, G.W., P. Droogers
1998 - Proceedings of International Symposium on Arid Region Soils
Land cover classification using public domain datasets: example for Gediz Basin, Turkey
Droogers, P., G.W. Kite, W. Bastiaanssen
1998 - Geoderma
A procedure to derive land quality indicators for sustainable agricultural production
Bouma, J., P. Droogers
1998 - Soil and Tillage Research
Point processes and random sets for analysing patterns of methylene blue coloured soil
Stein, A., P. Droogers, H. Booltink
1998 - Geoderma
Parameters for describing soil macroporosity derived from staining patterns
Droogers, P., A. Stein, J. Bouma, G. de Boer
1998 - Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Time aggregation of nitrogen leaching in relation to critical threshold values
Droogers, P.
1998 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 79
EFEDA-Spain and HAPEX-Sahel, A further analysis of data
Soet, M., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers, J. Esenbrink
1998 - Physical nonequilibrium in soils: modeling and application
Use of fractals to describe soil structure
Booltink, H.W.G., J. Bouma, P. Droogers
1997 - Journal of Hydrology
Effects of spatial and temporal variability on simulated transpiration ratios
Droogers, P.
1997 - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Area-average estimates of evaporation, wetness indicators and top soil moisture during two golden days in EFEDA
Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., H. Pelgrum, P. Droogers, H.A.R. de Bruin, M. Menenti
1997 - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Soil survey input in exploratory modeling of sustainable soil management practices
Droogers, P., J. Bouma
1997 - PhD thesis
Quantifying differences in soil structure induced by farm management
Droogers, P.
1997 - Journal of Hydrology
Soil measurements during HAPEX-Sahel intensive observation period
Cuenca, R.H., J. Brouwer, A. Chanzy, P. Droogers, S. Galle, S.R. Gaze, M. Sicot, H. Stricker, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, S.A. Boyle, J. Bromley, A.G. Chebhouni, J.D. Cooper, A.J. Dixon, J.C. Fies, M. Gandah, J. Gaudu, L. Laguerre, J. Lecocq, M. Soet, H.J. Steward, J.P. Vandervaere, M. Vauclin
1997 - Bodem
Soil quality: an agronomic perspective (Nederlands)
Bouma, J., P. Droogers
1997 - Rotation models for ecological farming
The modified WAVE model
Booltink, H.W.G., P. Droogers, J. Verhagen
1997 - Plant and Soil
Water accessibility to plant roots in different soil structures occurring in the same soil type
Droogers, P., F.B.W. van der Meer, J. Bouma
1996 - Geoderma
Effects of ecological soil management on workability and trafficability of a loamy soil in the Netherlands
Droogers, P., A. Fermont, J. Bouma
1995 - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Biodynamic vs. conventional farming effects on soil structure expressed by simulated potential productivity
Droogers, P., J. Bouma
1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 43
HAPEX-Sahel, basic description of methods and datasets
Soet, M., P. Droogers, M.N. Jaarsma, C.P. Kim, J.F. Monincx, J.N.M. Stricker
1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 37
Basic data sets description and preliminary results of EFEDA-Spain
Droogers, P., G.D. van de Abeele, J. Cobbaert, C.P. Kim, R. Rösslerová, M. Soet, J.N.M. Stricker
1993 - Water flow and solute transport in soils
Estimation of regional effective soil hydraulic parameters by inverse modelling
Feddes, R.A., G.H. De Rooy, J.C. Van Dam, P. Droogers, J.N.M. Stricker
1993 - HAPEX II - SAHEL Final Report
Soil moisture
Stricker, J.N.M., P. Droogers, M. Soet
1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 36
Spatial variability of land surface processes under programme: climate
Stricker, J.N.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers
1993 - Energy and water cycles in the climate system
The terrestrial hydrological cycle
Stricker, J.N.M., C.P. Kim, R.A. Feddes, J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers, G.H. de Rooy
1992 - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Inverse method to determine soil hydraulic functions from multistep outflow experiments
Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers
1991 - Wageningen Agricultural University Short note
Measurement of soil physical properties at the Castelnau site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area
Kim, C.P., P. Droogers, J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker
1990 - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Inverse method for determining soil hydraulic functions from one-step outflow experiments
Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers
1990 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 7
From One-step to Multi-step: Determination of soil hydraulic functions by outflow experiments
Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers
1990 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report
Measurement of soil physical properties at the Lubbon site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area
Droogers, P., J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker
1989 - Institute for Land and Water Management Report no. 1971
The combined ground- and surface-water model MOGROW tested for the Hupsel Catchment. (Nederlands)
Van Mourik, C.C.P., P. Droogers