Dr. Peter Droogers is an expert on water and climate with emphases on issues like water resources assessment, climate risk screening and climate risk assessment and adaptation. Peter has the unique combination of being able to contribute to high-level decision making and at the same time being very instrumental in modelling, data analysis and reporting.

Peter has over 25 years of experience working in The Netherlands and overseas (as a resident in Sri Lanka and Turkey). Non-resident assignments includes over 40 countries. Peter has worked at various institutions and companies including Wageningen University (Netherlands), International Irrigation Management Institute (Turkey), International Water Management Institute (Sri Lanka), SEI (Sweden), HiView (Netherlands), and FutureWater (Netherlands).

Peter has worked on numerous projects of various sizes for a range of clients. Some of the returning customers include Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Green Climate Fund (GCF), Water Boards, European Commission, Mekong River Commission, Nile Basin Initiative, National Governments, World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, amongst others.

Peter is part-time lecturer at several universities and has written over 200 publications of which 70 appeared in peer-reviewed journals (h-index of 30). Peter is external advisor to various projects and institutions including: World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Green Climate Fund (GCF), European Commission, FAO and National Science Foundations. Peter is founder and director science of FutureWater (offices in Netherlands and Spain).

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  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 205Droogers, P., A. Green, G.W.H. Simons, I. Brownhall, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar, J.E. Hunink. 2019. Rapid Assessment of the State of Water Resources for the Tonle Sap River Basin and Mekong Delta River Basin, Cambodia. FutureWater Report 205X

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  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 206Green, A., K.G. Hortle, W. Giese, B. van Balen, D. Yem, J. Mills, I. Brownhall, P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, J.E. Hunink, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar. 2019. Rapid Assessment of Eco-Hydrology for the Tonle Sap River Basin and Mekong Delta River Basin, Cambodia. FutureWater Report 206X

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  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 207Green, A., P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, B. van Balen, K. Hortle, C. Oeurng, T. Bonvongsar, D. Yem, J.E. Hunink. 2019. Detailed Surface Water Resources Assessment for the Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta River Basins, Cambodia. FutureWater Report 207X

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  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 193Koster, R., P. Droogers. 2019. Haalbaarheid van 'small-hydro climate risk assessment tool'. FutureWater Report 193.X

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    Koster, R., P. Droogers

  • 2019 - Environmental Modelling and SoftwareStraatsma, M., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, W. Berendrecht, J. Buitink, W. Buytaert, D. Karssenberg, O. Schmitz, E.H. Sutanudjaja, L.P.H. van Beek, C. Vitolo, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2019. Global to Regional Scale Evaluation of Adaptation Measures to Reduce the Future Water Gap. Environmental Modelling & Software 124 (2020). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104578 X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 173De Klerk, M., P. Droogers. 2017. Earth by Night: Exploring Night Light Satellites Imagery for Water Management. FutureWater Report 173.X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 171Droogers, P., A.F. Lutz, J.E. Hunink. 2017. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Western Uzbekistan Water Supply. FutureWater Report 171.X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 170Simons, G.W.H., N.I. den Besten, P. Droogers. 2017. A First-Order Water Productivity Assessment for the APROVALE Project, Mozambique. FutureWater Report 170.X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 169Droogers, P., G.W.H. Simons, N.I. den Besten, J. van Til, M. de Klerk. 2017. Monitoring Water Productivity: Demonstration Case for ThirdEye Mozambique. FutureWater Report 169.X

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    Droogers, P., G.W.H. Simons, N.I. den Besten, J. van Til, M. de Klerk

  • 2017 - White paperSimons, G.W.H., A. Poortinga, W. Bastiaanssen, D. Saah, A. Troy, J.E. Hunink, M. de Klerk, M. Rutten, P. Cutter, L. Rebelo, L. Thanh Ha, V. Phuong Nam, T. Hessels, M. Fenn, B. Bean, D. Ganz, P. Droogers, T. Erickson, N. Clinton. 2017. On Spatially Distributed Hydrological Ecosystem Services - Bridging the Quantitative Information Gap using Remote Sensing and Hydrological Models. White paper published by FutureWater.X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 168Hunink, J.E., M. de Klerk, F. de Boer, P. Droogers. 2017. Effectiveness of Improved Watershed Activities in Mbé River, Gabon. FutureWater Report 168.X

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    Hunink, J.E., M. de Klerk, F. de Boer, P. Droogers

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 166De Klerk, M., P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, J. van Til. 2017. Change in Water Productivity as a Result of ThirdEye Services in Mozambique. FutureWater Report 166.X

    Change in Water Productivity as a Result of ThirdEye Services in Mozambique

    De Klerk, M., P. Droogers, G.W.H. Simons, J. van Til

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 165Droogers, P., M. Kruisheer, F. de Boer, W. Terink, M. Andriessen, H. Pelgrum. 2017. Water Balance and Allocation Modelling in Rwanda. FutureWater Report 165.X

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 164Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers, S. Khanal, S. Nepal, A.B. Shrestha. 2017. Hydrological and Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin, Nepal. FutureWater Report 164.X

    Hydrological and Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin, Nepal

    Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers, S. Khanal, S. Nepal, A.B. Shrestha

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 163De Boer, F.S., M. de Klerk, G. Simons, P. Droogers. 2017. Pilot optimalisatie waterverdeling Hunze en Aa’s. FutureWater Report 163.X

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    De Boer, F.S., M. de Klerk, G. Simons, P. Droogers

  • 2017 - Remote SensingHunink J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, A. Baille. 2017. Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based
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    Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale

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  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 167Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers. 2017. Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps. FutureWater Report 167.X

    Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps

    Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 162Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers. 2017. Assistance in using Modeling Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Assessment. Armenia. FutureWater Report 162.X

    Assistance in using Modeling Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Assessment, Armenia

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 161Simons, G.W.H., J. Buitink, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink. 2017. Impacts of climate change on water and sediment flows in the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya. FutureWater Report 161.X

    Impacts of climate change on water and sediment flows in the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya

    Simons, G.W.H., J. Buitink, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 158De Boer, F., P. Droogers, W. Terink. 2016. Filling data gaps using the GapFiller tool. FutureWater Report 158X

    Filling data gaps using the GapFiller tool

    De Boer, F., P. Droogers, W. Terink

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 159Simons, G.W.H., F. Heuff, P. Droogers, F. Witte. 2016. Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een prototype informatieproduct voor natuurbrandbeheersing (SVIPE-W). FutureWater Report 159.X

    Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een prototype informatieproduct voor natuurbrandbeheersing (SVIPE-W)

    Simons, G.W.H., F. Heuff, P. Droogers, F. Witte

  • 2016 - Journal of Environmental ManagementVogl, A.L., B.P. Bryant, J.E. Hunink, S. Wolny, C. Apse, P. Droogers. 2016. Valuing investments in sustainable land management in the Upper Tana River basin, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.013.X

    Valuing investments in sustainable land management in the Upper Tana River basin, Kenya

    Vogl, A.L., B.P. Bryant, J.E. Hunink, S. Wolny, C. Apse, P. Droogers

  • 2016 - Agricultural Water ManagementRomero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás. 2016. Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing. Agricultural Water Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.09.014.X

    Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing

    Romero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 155De Klerk, M., J. van Til, P. Droogers. 2016. Inception Report - Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales. FutureWater Report 155X

    Flying Sensors for Ultra-High Resolution Flood Risk Identification at Local Scales – Inception Report

    De Klerk, M., J. van Til, P. Droogers

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 157Buitink, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, P. Torfs. 2016. Large scale adaptation strategies to climate change in the water-sector: An overview of the water allocation model WatCAM. FutureWater Report 157.X

    Large scale adaptation strategies to climate change in the water-sector: An overview of the water allocation model WatCAM

    Buitink, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, P. Torfs

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 154De Boer, F.S., P. Droogers. 2016. Water Allocation Models for the Incomati River Basin, Mozambique. FutureWater Report 154.X

    Water Allocation Models for the Incomati River Basin, Mozambique

    De Boer, F.S., P. Droogers

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 153Simons, G.W.H., F. Witte, P. Droogers. 2016. Satellietdatagebruik bij natuurbrandbeheersing: haalbaarheidsstudie naar de ontwikkeling van SWIPE. FutureWater Report 153.X

    Satellietdatagebruik bij natuurbrandbeheersing: haalbaarheidsstudie naar de ontwikkeling van SWIPE

    Simons, G.W.H., F. Witte, P. Droogers

  • 2016 - One HealthVan Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, J. Brandsma, W. Terink, J. Van de Kassteele, P. Droogers, F. Sauter, A.H. Havelaar, W. Van der Hoek. 2016. Human Q fever incidence is associated to spatiotemporal environmental conditions. One Health 2:77-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2016.03.004.X

    Human Q fever incidence is associated to spatiotemporal environmental conditions

    Van Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, J. Brandsma, W. Terink, J. Van de Kassteele, P. Droogers, F. Sauter, A.H. Havelaar, W. Van der Hoek

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 152Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers. 2016. Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer. FutureWater Report 152.X

    Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer

    Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers

  • 2016 - STOWA ReportSimons, G.W.H., P. Droogers. 2016. Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer. STOWA Report 2016-17.X

    Verkenning van remote sensing producten voor het waterbeheer

    Simons, G.W.H., P. Droogers

  • 2016 - AerobiologiaVan Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, P. Droogers, A. van Pul, D. Heederik, A.H. Havelaar. 2016. Climate change effects on airborne pathogenic bioaerosol concentrations: a scenario analysis. Aerobiologia 2:607-617. DOI 10.1007/s10453-016-9435-5.X

    Climate change effects on airborne pathogenic bioaerosol concentrations: a scenario analysis

    Van Leuken, J.P.G., A.N. Swart, P. Droogers, A. van Pul, D. Heederik, A.H. Havelaar

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 151De Klerk, M., P. Droogers. 2016. Flying Sensors informatie voor een duurzamere water en energie economie. FutureWater Report 151.X

    Flying Sensors informatie voor een duurzamere water en energie economie

    De Klerk, M., P. Droogers

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 150De Boer, F.S., J. van Til, P. Droogers, W. Immerzeel. 2016. Inspectie van waterkeringen met behulp van Flying Sensors en lasertechnieken. FutureWater Report 150. HiView Report 58.X

    Inspectie van waterkeringen met behulp van Flying Sensors en lasertechnieken

    De Boer, F.S., J. van Til, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2016 - FutureWater Report 149Hunink, J.E., A. Kasangaki, H. Edison, P. Droogers. 2016. Preliminary Hydrological and Agronomic Study for a Payment for Watershed Services Scheme in Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda. FutureWater Report 149X

    Preliminary Hydrological and Agronomic Study for a Payment for Watershed Services Scheme in Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda

    Hunink, J.E., A. Kasangaki, H. Edison, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 140Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, M. de Klerk, G.W.H. Simons. 2015. Water Resources Model for Kenneti Basin South-Sudan. FutureWater Report 140X

    Water Resources Model for Kenneti Basin South-Sudan

    Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, M. de Klerk, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 148Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers. 2015. Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. FutureWater Report 148X

    Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

    Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 139De Klerk, M., P. Droogers. 2015. Water Allocation Planning for Vega Baja del Segura Spain. FutureWater Report 139X

    Water Allocation Planning for Vega Baja del Segura Spain

    De Klerk, M., P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 137Simons, G.W.H., G.A.P.M. Van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers. 2015. Online Parcel-scale Irrigation management in Romania: spatio-temporal soil moisture modeling using SPHY. FutureWater Report 137X

    Online Parcel-scale Irrigation management in Romania: spatio-temporal soil moisture modeling using SPHY

    Simons, G.W.H., G.A.P.M. Van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - Geoscientific Model Development Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Geoscientific Model Development 8: 2009-2034X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 141Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers. 2015. Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. FutureWater Report 141X

    Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 135Terink, W., P. Droogers, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh. 2015. De toegevoegde waarde van hoge-resolutie neerslagradar voor het waterbeheer. Case-study binnen het "Daring Applications & Innovations in Sensor Systems" (DAISY) project. FutureWater Report 135X

    De toegevoegde waarde van hoge-resolutie neerslagradar voor het waterbeheer. Case-study binnen het «Daring Applications & Innovations in Sensor Systems» (DAISY) project

    Terink, W., P. Droogers, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh

  • 2015 - ReportVan Den Eertwegh, G., F. Witte, G. Simons, P. Hoefsloot, P. Droogers. 2015. Van SWIMM-methode naar NatuurVerdrogingsmonitor, Pilot voor drie Natte Natuur Parels in Noord-Brabant. X

    Van SWIMM-methode naar NatuurVerdrogingsmonitor

    Van Den Eertwegh, G., F. Witte, G. Simons, P. Hoefsloot, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - Water2Invest ReportBrandsma, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, M. Straatsma. 2015. Data-base and report on global analysis of water gap investments. Water2Invest ReportX

    Data-base and report on global analysis of water gap investments

    Brandsma, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, M. Straatsma

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 133Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers. 2015. Impact Assessment of Investment Portfolios for Business Case Development of the Nairobi Water Fund in the Upper Tana River, Kenya. FutureWater Report 133X

    Impact Assessment of Investment Portfolios for Business Case Development of the Nairobi Water Fund in the Upper Tana River, Kenya

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers

  • 2015 - Geoscientific Model Development DiscussionsTerink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8: 1687-1748X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 196Hunink, J.E., A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers. 2014. Regional Risk Assessment for Water Availability and Water-related Energy Sector Impacts in Central Asia. FutureWater Report 196.X

    Regional Risk Assessment for Water Availability and Water-related Energy Sector Impacts in Central Asia

    Hunink, J.E., A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 132Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, W. Terink. 2014. Water Allocation Models for the Umbeluzi River Basin, Mozambique. FutureWater Report 132X

    Water Allocation Models for the Umbeluzi River Basin, Mozambique

    Droogers, P., F.S. de Boer, W. Terink

  • 2014 - Data Water Sector ReportTaylor, T., A. Markandya, P. Droogers, A. Rugumayo. 2014. Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Uganda. Data Water Sector ReportX

    Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Uganda

    Taylor, T., A. Markandya, P. Droogers, A. Rugumayo

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 128Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., A. Lutz, P. Droogers. 2014. Climate adaptation Colombia: Climate data scaling and analysis for the Magdalena basin. FutureWater Report 128X

    Climate adaptation Colombia: Climate data scaling and analysis for the Magdalena basin

    Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., A. Lutz, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 126Terink, W., P. Droogers. 2014. Hydrological analysis and modelling of the Pungwe River Basin, Mozambique. A study performed under the 'Water Planning Tools to Support Water Governance' (WatPlaG) project. FutureWater Report 126X

    Hydrological analysis and modelling of the Pungwe River Basin, Mozambique. A study performed under the ‘Water Planning Tools to Support Water Governance’ (WatPlaG) project

    Terink, W., P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 127Droogers, P., C. van Kampen. 2014. Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting under Various Scenarios. FutureWater Report 127X

    Mapping the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting under Various Scenarios

    Droogers, P., C. van Kampen

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 129Droogers, P., W. Terink. 2014. Water Allocation Planning in Pungwe Basin Mozambique. FutureWater Report 129X

    Water Allocation Planning in Pungwe Basin Mozambique

    Droogers, P., W. Terink

  • 2014 - Bachelor ThesisWehling, M., P. Droogers, W. Terink, G. Simons, S. Eeman. 2014. ONLine parcel oriented irrigation advice Romania. Optimization of agricultural water resource management by using the SPHY model. Bachelor Thesis Land and water management, Hydrology, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied SciencesX

    ONLine parcel oriented irrigation advice Romania. Optimization of agricultural water resource management by using the SPHY model

    Wehling, M., P. Droogers, W. Terink, G. Simons, S. Eeman

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 124Terink, W., P. Droogers. 2014. Bodemvochtgegevens ter ondersteuning van leverbot analyses. FutureWater Report 124X

    Bodemvochtgegevens ter ondersteuning van leverbot analyses

    Terink, W., P. Droogers

  • 2014 - International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & ManagementKauffman, S., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, B. Mwaniki, F. Muchena, P. Gicheru, P. Bindraban, D. Onduru, R. Cleveringa, J. Bouma. 2014. Green Water Credits - exploring its potential to enhance ecosystem services by reducing soil erosion in the Upper Tana basin, Kenya. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 10: 133-143X

    Green Water Credits – exploring its potential to enhance ecosystem services by reducing soil erosion in the Upper Tana basin, Kenya

    Kauffman, S., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, B. Mwaniki, F. Muchena, P. Gicheru, P. Bindraban, D. Onduru, R. Cleveringa, J. Bouma

  • 2014 - FutureWater ReportLutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, T. Piman. 2014. Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. FutureWater ReportX

    Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin

    Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, T. Piman

  • 2014 - FutureWater ReportLutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2014. Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. Appendices. FutureWater ReportX

    Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. Appendices.

    Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2014 - FutureWater ReportHunink, J.E., P. Droogers, K. Tran-Mai. 2014. Past and Future Trends in Crop Production and Food Demand and Supply in the Lower Mekong Basin. Prepared by FutureWater for Mekong River Commission (MRC) Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI)X

    Past and Future Trends in Crop Production and Food Demand and Supply in the Lower Mekong Basin

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers, K. Tran-Mai

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 123Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P.J.T. van Bakel, L. Stuyt, A. van Iersel, L. Kuipers, M. Talsma, P. Droogers. 2013. KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen. FutureWater Report 123X

    KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen

    Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P.J.T. van Bakel, L. Stuyt, A. van Iersel, L. Kuipers, M. Talsma, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 120Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P. Droogers. 2013. KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: analyse van kosten en baten voor waterbeheerder en agrariër. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 5: Economisch onderzoek. FutureWater Report 120X

    KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: analyse van kosten en baten voor waterbeheerder en agrariër. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 5: Economisch onderzoek

    Van den Eertwegh, G.A.P.H., P. Droogers

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 117Terink, W., J. van Bakel, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers. 2013. KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 2: Rekenmodules (SWAP). FutureWater Report 117X

    KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen. Eindrapportage Werkpakket 2: Rekenmodules (SWAP)

    Terink, W., J. van Bakel, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 129Droogers, P., J. Brandsma, Z. Bai, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.W.J. van Lynden. 2013. Benefit-Cost Analysis Based on SupplyDemand Modeling by WEAP for the Upper Duhe Basin, China - Feasibility Study. FutureWater Report 129X

    Benefit-Cost Analysis Based on SupplyDemand Modeling by WEAP for the Upper Duhe Basin, China – Feasibility Study

    Droogers, P., J. Brandsma, Z. Bai, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.W.J. van Lynden

  • 2013 - International Journal of ClimatologyTerink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. Climate change projections of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration for the Middle East and Northern Africa until 2050. International Journal of Climatology 33: 3055-3072X

    Climate change projections of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration for the Middle East and Northern Africa until 2050

    Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 126Brandsma, J., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers, Z. Bai, S. Zhang. 2013. Green and Blue Water Resources and Management Scenarios using the SWAT model for the Upper Duhe Basin, China - Feasibility Study. FutureWater Report 126X

    Green and Blue Water Resources and Management Scenarios using the SWAT model for the Upper Duhe Basin, China – Feasibility Study

    Brandsma, J., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers, Z. Bai, S. Zhang

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 128Droogers, P.. 2013. Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Towards a widening of the water agenda. FutureWater Report 128X

    Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Towards a widening of the water agenda

    Droogers, P.

  • 2013 - Journal of HydrologyHellegers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. Economic concepts to address future water supply–demand imbalances in Iran, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 502, 10 October 2013, Pages 62-67, ISSN 0022-1694. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.08.024X

    Economic concepts to address future water supply–demand imbalances in Iran, Morocco and Saudi Arabia

    Hellegers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - Remote Sensing of EnvironmentHunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. A High-resolution Precipitation Two-step mapping Procedure (HiP2P): development and application to a tropical mountainous area. Remote Sensing of Environment 140: 179-188X

    A High-resolution Precipitation Two-step mapping Procedure (HiP2P): development and application to a tropical mountainous area

    Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 130Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers. 2013. Agricultural runoff and urban flooding in Mauritius: evidence, methods and mitigation measures. FutureWater Report 130X

    Agricultural runoff and urban flooding in Mauritius: evidence, methods and mitigation measures

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers

  • 2013 - 11th International Precipitation ConferenceHunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. Estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation using remote sensing proxies and observed data in a tropical mountainous region. Abstract for the 11th International Precipitation Conference, Wageningen, Netherlands, 30th of June – 3rd of July 2013X

    Estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation using remote sensing proxies and observed data in a tropical mountainous region

    Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - Advances in Data Mining, Workshop ProceedingsTerink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt, A. Ines. 2013. Satellite based data mining to support Egypt's agriculture. Advances in Data Mining, Workshop Proceedings, ICDM 2013, pp. 171-180. ISSN 1164 - 9734. ISBN 978-3-942952-23-1X

    Satellite based data mining to support Egypt’s agriculture

    Terink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt, A. Ines

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 125Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2013. Análisis de Patrones Espaciales de Precipitación en la Provincia de Tungurahua. FutureWater Report 125X

    Análisis de Patrones Espaciales de Precipitación en la Provincia de Tungurahua

    Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2013 - Hydrological Sciences JournalHunink, J.E., I.A. Niadas, P. Antonaropoulos, P. Droogers, J. de Vente. 2013. Targeting of intervention areas to reduce reservoir sedimentation in the Tana catchment (Kenya) using SWAT. Hydrological Sciences Journal 58: 600-614X

    Targeting of intervention areas to reduce reservoir sedimentation in the Tana catchment (Kenya) using SWAT

    Hunink, J.E., I.A. Niadas, P. Antonaropoulos, P. Droogers, J. de Vente

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 122Terink, W., J. van Leuken, P. Droogers, A. Swart, W. van der Hoek. 2012. "Spatial Processes in Hydrology" (SPHY) - Bodemvocht bepaling ter ondersteuning van analyse Q-koorts transmissie risico. FutureWater Report 122X

    «Spatial Processes in Hydrology» (SPHY) – Bodemvocht bepaling ter ondersteuning van analyse Q-koorts transmissie risico

    Terink, W., J. van Leuken, P. Droogers, A. Swart, W. van der Hoek

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 116Terink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt. 2012. The added value of high-resolution above coarse-resolution remote sensing images in crop yield forecasting: a case study in the Egyptian Nile Delta. FutureWater Report 116X

    The added value of high-resolution above coarse-resolution remote sensing images in crop yield forecasting: a case study in the Egyptian Nile Delta

    Terink, W., P. Droogers, J. van Dam, G. Simons, M. Voogt

  • 2012 - H2OTerink, W., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers. 2012. Model voor landsdekkende berekening bodemvocht in wortelzone en actuele verdamping. H2O 23: 16-18X

    Model voor landsdekkende berekening bodemvocht in wortelzone en actuele verdamping

    Terink, W., G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 124Droogers, P., W. Terink. 2012. SPHY (Spatial Processes in HYdrology) toepassing Hupselse Beek. FutureWater Report 124X

    SPHY (Spatial Processes in HYdrology) toepassing Hupselse Beek

    Droogers, P., W. Terink

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 115Terink, W., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, G. van den Eertwegh. 2012. SPHY - Een hydrologisch model gericht op de berekening van bodemvocht en de actuele verdamping. FutureWater Report 115X

    SPHY – Een hydrologisch model gericht op de berekening van bodemvocht en de actuele verdamping

    Terink, W., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, G. van den Eertwegh

  • 2012 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesDroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, M.F.P. Bierkens, L.P.H. Van Beek, B. Debele. 2012. Water resources trends in Middle East and North Africa towards 2050. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3101-3114, doi:10.5194/hess-16-3101-2012 16: 3101-3114X

    Water resources trends in Middle East and North Africa towards 2050

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, M.F.P. Bierkens, L.P.H. Van Beek, B. Debele

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 114Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. FutureWater Report 114X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix Burundi. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Burundi

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix DR Congo. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix DR Congo

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix Kenya. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Kenya

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix Rwanda. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Rwanda

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix South Sudan. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix South Sudan

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix Tanzania. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Tanzania

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 113Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda - Appendix Uganda. Phase 2 country reports. FutureWater Report 113X

    Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – Appendix Uganda

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J.E. Brandsma, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - Journal of Environmental ManagementHunink, J.E., P. Droogers, S. Kauffman, B.M. Mwaniki, J. Bouma. 2012. Quantitative simulation tools to analyze up- and downstream interactions of soil and water conservation measures: Supporting policy making in the Green Water Credits program of Kenya. Journal of Environmental Management 111: 187-194X

    Quantitative simulation tools to analyze up- and downstream interactions of soil and water conservation measures: Supporting policy making in the Green Water Credits program of Kenya

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers, S. Kauffman, B.M. Mwaniki, J. Bouma

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 111Helleman-Melling, J., S.S. Awadalla, P. Droogers, J. Neumann. 2012. Addressing Climate Vulnerability of Africa's Infrastructure. Stock-Taking Exercise: Overview of Existing Analytical Work. FutureWater Report 111X

    Addressing Climate Vulnerability of Africa’s Infrastructure. Stock-Taking Exercise: Overview of Existing Analytical Work

    Helleman-Melling, J., S.S. Awadalla, P. Droogers, J. Neumann

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 110Lutz, A.F., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on the Water Resources in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins. FutureWater Report 110X

    Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on the Water Resources in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins

    Lutz, A.F., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 108Droogers, P., J. Hunink. 2012. Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Wheat in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. FutureWater Report 108X

    Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Wheat in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

    Droogers, P., J. Hunink

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 107Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2012. Climate Change Impacts on the Upstream Water Resources of the Amu and Syr Darya River Basins. FutureWater Report 107X

    Climate Change Impacts on the Upstream Water Resources of the Amu and Syr Darya River Basins

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 109Brandsma, J.E., J. Leuken, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, A. Swart, W. Hoek. 2012. Correlation between C. burnetii Transmission Rates and Satellite Based Vegetation Indices. FutureWater Report 109X

    Correlation between C. burnetii Transmission Rates and Satellite Based Vegetation Indices

    Brandsma, J.E., J. Leuken, P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, A. Swart, W. Hoek

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 101Terink, W., J. Hunink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, G. van Lynden, S. Kauffman. 2011. Green and Blue Water Resources for the Sebou Basin, Morocco- Soil-Water Management Scenarios using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). FutureWater Report 101X

    Green and Blue Water Resources for the Sebou Basin, Morocco- Soil-Water Management Scenarios using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)

    Terink, W., J. Hunink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, G. van Lynden, S. Kauffman

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 102Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. Hunink, S. Kauffman, G. van Lynden. 2011. Water Use and Demand in the Sebou Basin, Morocco - A Benefit-Cost Analysis using the Water and Evaluation and Planning Tool (WEAP). FutureWater Report 102X

    Water Use and Demand in the Sebou Basin, Morocco – A Benefit-Cost Analysis using the Water and Evaluation and Planning Tool (WEAP)

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. Hunink, S. Kauffman, G. van Lynden

  • 2011 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesBouma, J., P. Droogers, M.P.W. Sonneveld, C.J. Ritsema, J.E. Hunink, W.W. Immerzeel, S. Kauffman. 2011. Hydropedological insights when considering catchment classification. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15: 1909-1919X

    Hydropedological insights when considering catchment classification

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers, M.P.W. Sonneveld, C.J. Ritsema, J.E. Hunink, W.W. Immerzeel, S. Kauffman

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 112Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers. 2011. Physiographical baseline survey for the Upper Tana catchment: erosion and sediment yield assessment. FutureWater Report 112X

    Physiographical baseline survey for the Upper Tana catchment: erosion and sediment yield assessment

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers

  • 2011 - International Journal of Environmental Health ResearchVan der Hoek, W., J. Hunink, P. Vellema, P. Droogers. 2011. Q fever in The Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 21: 1-11X

    Q fever in The Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions

    Van der Hoek, W., J. Hunink, P. Vellema, P. Droogers

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 98Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, P. Hellegers, M. Bierkens, R. Van Beek. 2011. Middle-East and Northern Africa Water Outlook. World Bank Study. FutureWater Report 98X

    Middle-East and Northern Africa Water Outlook

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, W. Terink, J. Hoogeveen, P. Hellegers, M. Bierkens, R. Van Beek

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 104Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2011. Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment in the Mekong River Basin. FutureWater Report 104X

    Drought Monitoring and Impact Assessment in the Mekong River Basin

    Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 99Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, J. Huting. 2011. Towards a Proof-of-Concept of Green Water Credits for the Sebou Basin, Morocco. FutureWater Report 99X

    Towards a Proof-of-Concept of Green Water Credits for the Sebou Basin, Morocco

    Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, P. Droogers, H. Reuter, J. Huting

  • 2011 - Hoogheemraadschap Stichtse RijnlandenTerink, W., P. Droogers. 2011. Berekening van de rivierwaterstanden rond 2050 als gevolg van klimaatverandering onder het W+ scenario. Hoogheemraadschap Stichtse RijnlandenX

    Berekening van de rivierwaterstanden rond 2050 als gevolg van klimaatverandering onder het W+ scenario

    Terink, W., P. Droogers

  • 2011 - FutureWater Report 106Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers. 2011. Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Uzbekistan. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems. FutureWater Report 106X

    Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Uzbekistan. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems

    Hunink, J.E., P. Droogers

  • 2010 - 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid EnvironmentsAkbari, M., P. Droogers, H. Dehghnisanij. 2010. The Role of Modelling in Integrated Water Management (A Case Study in Zayandeh Rud Basin). 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments (ICWRAE 4)X

    The Role of Modelling in Integrated Water Management (A Case Study in Zayandeh Rud Basin)

    Akbari, M., P. Droogers, H. Dehghnisanij

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 105Hunink, J., P. Droogers. 2010. Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Albania. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems. FutureWater Report 105X

    Climate Change Impact Assessment on Crop Production in Albania. World Bank Study on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Agricultural Systems

    Hunink, J., P. Droogers

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 97Droogers, P., M. Soet, H. van Schaik, M. Witmer. 2010. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation for the Water Sector. FutureWater Report 97X

    Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation for the Water Sector

    Droogers, P., M. Soet, H. van Schaik, M. Witmer

  • 2010 - H2OImmerzeel, W.W., H. Goosen, M. de Groot, P. Droogers. 2010. Klimaat Atlas: ontwikkeling wateroverlastkaarten. H2O 10: 33-36X

    Klimaat Atlas: ontwikkeling wateroverlastkaarten

    Immerzeel, W.W., H. Goosen, M. de Groot, P. Droogers

  • 2010 - Agricultural Water ManagementDroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, I.J. Lorite. 2010. Estimating Actual Irrigation Application by Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Observations. Agricultural Water Management 97: 1351-1359X

    Estimating Actual Irrigation Application by Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Observations

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, I.J. Lorite

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 96Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. van Bakel. 2010. KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: Een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen. FutureWater Report 96X

    KlimaatAdaptieve Drainage: Een innovatieve methode om piekafvoeren en watertekorten te verminderen

    Droogers, P., W. Terink, J. van Bakel

  • 2010 - BodemHunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, P. Droogers, W. van der Hoek. 2010. Het belang van lokale omgevingsfactoren voor de verspreiding van Q-koorts bij de mens. Bodem 4: 23-24X

    Het belang van lokale omgevingsfactoren voor de verspreiding van Q-koorts bij de mens

    Hunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, P. Droogers, W. van der Hoek

  • 2010 - Lhasa, ChinaImmerzeel, W.W., S. Kang, T. Gao, M. Menenti, P. Droogers. 2010. Hydrological and cryospheric modeling in the Qugaqie catchment on the Tibetan plateau: theoretical approach. Abstract for the Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation. X

    Hydrological and cryospheric modeling in the Qugaqie catchment on the Tibetan plateau: theoretical approach. Abstract for the Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation

    Immerzeel, W.W., S. Kang, T. Gao, M. Menenti, P. Droogers

  • 2010 - H2ODroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2010. Wat is het beste model?. H2O 4: 38-41X

    Wat is het beste model?

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 92Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2010. Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: ANALYSIS REPORT. FutureWater Report 92X

    Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: ANALYSIS REPORT

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 93Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, B. Berhanu. 2010. Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: FINAL REPORT. FutureWater Report 93X

    Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: FINAL REPORT

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, B. Berhanu

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 91Droogers, P., N. van de Giesen. 2010. Food and Water: Analysis of potentially new themes in water management - future trends and research needs. FutureWater Report 91X

    Food and Water: Analysis of potentially new themes in water management – future trends and research needs

    Droogers, P., N. van de Giesen

  • 2010 - H2OSchuurmans, H., H. Niewold, G. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers. 2010. NBW-actueel: ontwikkeling methode voor wateropgaven met een bandbreedte. H2O 1: 25-29X

    NBW-actueel: ontwikkeling methode voor wateropgaven met een bandbreedte

    Schuurmans, H., H. Niewold, G. van den Eertwegh, P. Droogers

  • 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Emerging Infectious DiseasesVan der Hoek, W., J.E. Hunink, T. Veenstra, P. Droogers. 2010. Q Fever in the Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions in the largest epidemic ever reported. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, AtlantaX

    Q Fever in the Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions in the largest epidemic ever reported

    Van der Hoek, W., J.E. Hunink, T. Veenstra, P. Droogers

  • 2010 - FutureWater Report 90Hunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, W. van der Hoek, P. Droogers. 2010. Q fever transmission to humans and local environmental conditions. FutureWater Report 90X

    Q fever transmission to humans and local environmental conditions

    Hunink, J.E., T. Veenstra, W. van der Hoek, P. Droogers

  • 2010 - Grazer Schriften der Geographie und RaumforschungImmerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2010. Satellite derived snow and runoff dynamics in the upper Indus river basin. Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung 45: 303-312X

    Satellite derived snow and runoff dynamics in the upper Indus river basin

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 84Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2009. Green Water Credits for the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya. Phase II - Pilot Operations: Biophysical assessment using SWAT. FutureWater Report 84X

    Green Water Credits for the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya. Phase II – Pilot Operations: Biophysical assessment using SWAT

    Hunink, J.E., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 88Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers. 2009. Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Bunyala plains. FutureWater Report 88X

    Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Water Resources of the Bunyala plains

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 85Droogers, P.. 2009. Climate Change and Hydropower, Impact and Adaptation Costs: Case Study Kenya. FutureWater Report 85X

    Climate Change and Hydropower, Impact and Adaptation Costs: Case Study Kenya

    Droogers, P.

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 86Schuurmans, H., P. Droogers. 2009. Penman-Monteith referentieverdamping: Inventarisatie beschikbaarheid en mogelijkheden tot regionalisatie. FutureWater Report 86X

    Penman-Monteith referentieverdamping: Inventarisatie beschikbaarheid en mogelijkheden tot regionalisatie

    Schuurmans, H., P. Droogers

  • 2009 - CEOP AEGIS technical reportImmerzeel, W.W., J.M. Schuurmans, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, C. de Michele, F. Vuolo, L. Changming, M. Menenti. 2009. CEOP-AEGIS: Model selection for the Tibetan plateau water balance monitoring system. CEOP AEGIS technical report, Strasbourg, FranceX

    CEOP-AEGIS: Model selection for the Tibetan plateau water balance monitoring system

    Immerzeel, W.W., J.M. Schuurmans, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, C. de Michele, F. Vuolo, L. Changming, M. Menenti

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 83Droogers, P., J.M. Schuurmans. 2009. Brede weerverzekering: natschade en droogteschade. FutureWater Report 83X

    Brede weerverzekering: natschade en droogteschade

    Droogers, P., J.M. Schuurmans

  • 2009 - Computers and GeosciencesImmerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers. 2009. Modelling climate change in a Dutch polder system using the FutureViewR modelling suite. Computers and Geosciences 35: 446-458X

    Modelling climate change in a Dutch polder system using the FutureViewR modelling suite

    Immerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 82Droogers, P.. 2009. Verbetering bepaling actuele verdamping voor het strategisch waterbeheer: definitiestudie. FutureWater Report 82X

    Verbetering bepaling actuele verdamping voor het strategisch waterbeheer: definitiestudie

    Droogers, P.

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 80Droogers, P., C. Perry, W.W. Immerzeel. 2009. Application of Remote Sensing in National Water Plans: Demonstration cases for Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and Tunisia. FutureWater Report 80X

    Application of Remote Sensing in National Water Plans: Demonstration cases for Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and Tunisia

    Droogers, P., C. Perry, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 87Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2009. Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: INCEPTION REPORT. FutureWater Report 87X

    Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: INCEPTION REPORT

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2009 - Remote Sensing of EnvironmentImmerzeel, W.W., M.M. Rutten, P. Droogers. 2009. Spatial downscaling of TRMM precipitation using vegetative response on the Iberian Peninsula. Remote Sensing of Environment 113-2: 362-370X

    Spatial downscaling of TRMM precipitation using vegetative response on the Iberian Peninsula

    Immerzeel, W.W., M.M. Rutten, P. Droogers

  • 2009 - FutureWater Report 81Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2009. Uitbreiding modelinstrumentarium en scenario analyse Quarles van Ufford. FutureWater Report 81X

    Uitbreiding modelinstrumentarium en scenario analyse Quarles van Ufford

    Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2009 - Climate Change Adaptation in the Water SectorAerts, J, P. Droogers. 2009. Adapting to climate change in the water sector. In: Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector (Eds. F. Ludwig, Pavel Kabat, H. van Schaik and M. van der Valk). Earthscan, LondonX

    Adapting to climate change in the water sector

    Aerts, J, P. Droogers

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 78Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2008. Managing the real water consumer: evapotranspiration. FutureWater Report 78X

    Managing the real water consumer: evapotranspiration

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 79Droogers, P., C. Perry. 2008. Scenario Based Water Resources Model to Support Policy Making. FutureWater Report 79X

    Scenario Based Water Resources Model to Support Policy Making

    Droogers, P., C. Perry

  • 2008 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., W. Bastiaanssen. 2008. Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania: Mara Valley, Bugwema, Isanga, Manonga, Ngono. FutureWater ReportX

    Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania: Mara Valley, Bugwema, Isanga, Manonga, Ngono

    Droogers, P., W. Bastiaanssen

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 77Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2008. Verkennende klimaatstudie Waterschap Vallei & Eem. FutureWater Report 77X

    Verkennende klimaatstudie Waterschap Vallei & Eem

    Hermans, E., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2008 - Remote Sensing of EnvironmentImmerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2008. Large-scale monitoring of snow cover and runoff simulation in Himalayan river basins using remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 113: 40-49X

    Large-scale monitoring of snow cover and runoff simulation in Himalayan river basins using remote sensing

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, S.M. de Jong, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 76Droogers, P., E. Hermans. 2008. Groundwater Management and Exploration Package: Scenario Analysis. FutureWater Report 76X

    Groundwater Management and Exploration Package: Scenario Analysis

    Droogers, P., E. Hermans

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 75Droogers, P.. 2008. Wateropgave droogte KNMI'06 klimaatscenario's Waterschap Hunze en Aas. FutureWater Report 75X

    Wateropgave droogte KNMI’06 klimaatscenario’s Waterschap Hunze en Aas

    Droogers, P.

  • 2008 - Journal of HydrologyImmerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers. 2008. Calibration of a distributed hydrological model based on satellite evapotranspiration. Journal of Hydrology 349: 411-424X

    Calibration of a distributed hydrological model based on satellite evapotranspiration

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 74Hermans, E., P. Droogers, H. Winsemius. 2008. Groundwater management and evaluation: state of the art illustrated for Northern China. FutureWater Report 74X

    Groundwater management and evaluation: state of the art illustrated for Northern China

    Hermans, E., P. Droogers, H. Winsemius

  • 2008 - FutureWater Report 73Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers. 2008. Klimaatverandering en lokale wateroverlast ten gevolge van extreme neerslag in Nederland. FutureWater Report 73X

    Klimaatverandering en lokale wateroverlast ten gevolge van extreme neerslag in Nederland

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers

  • 2008 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesDroogers, P., A. Van Loon, W. Immerzeel. 2008. Quantifying the impact of model inaccuracy in climate change impact assessment studies using an agro-hydrological model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12: 1-10X

    Quantifying the impact of model inaccuracy in climate change impact assessment studies using an agro-hydrological model

    Droogers, P., A. Van Loon, W. Immerzeel

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 72Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2007. Verdieping en verbreding verkenning innovaties. Innovatie Water en Ruimtelijke Ordening. FutureWater Report 72X

    Verdieping en verbreding verkenning innovaties. Innovatie Water en Ruimtelijke Ordening

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2007 - Green Water Credits Report 3Kauffman J.H., P. Droogers, E. Odada, P. Macharia, P. Gicheru, K. Dijkshoorn. 2007. Green and Blue water Services in Tana River Basin, Kenya. Baseline information report - Assessment of improved soil and water management scenarios using an integrated modelling framework. Green Water Credits Report 3, ISRIC - World Soil Information, WageningenX

    Green and Blue water Services in Tana River Basin, Kenya. Baseline information report – Assessment of improved soil and water management scenarios using an integrated modelling framework

    Kauffman J.H., P. Droogers, E. Odada, P. Macharia, P. Gicheru, K. Dijkshoorn

  • 2007 - Green Water Credits Report 4Hoff, H., S. Noel, P. Droogers. 2007. Quantifying water usage and demand in the Tana River basin: an analysis using the Water and Evaluation Planning Tool (WEAP). Green Water Credits Report 4, ISRIC - World Soil Information, WageningenX

    Quantifying water usage and demand in the Tana River basin: an analysis using the Water and Evaluation Planning Tool (WEAP)

    Hoff, H., S. Noel, P. Droogers

  • 2007 - Agricultural Water ManagementBastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, P. Steduto. 2007. Twenty-five years modeling irrigated and drained soils: State of the art. Agricultural Water Management 92: 111-125X

    Twenty-five years modeling irrigated and drained soils: State of the art

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers, G. D'Urso, P. Steduto

  • 2007 - FutureWater ReportVan Loon A.F., P. Droogers. 2007. Klimaatverandering en adaptatie: Inventarisatie onderzoeksprojecten ten behoeve van ARK. FutureWater ReportX

    Klimaatverandering en adaptatie: Inventarisatie onderzoeksprojecten ten behoeve van ARK

    Van Loon A.F., P. Droogers

  • 2007 - Environmental Science and PolicyBouma, J., P. Droogers. 2007. Translating soil science into environmental policy: A case study on implementing the EU soil protection strategy in The Netherlands. Environmental Science and Policy 10: 454-463X

    Translating soil science into environmental policy: A case study on implementing the EU soil protection strategy in The Netherlands

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 67Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers. 2007. Invloed van Klimaatverandering op het Gelderse bos: Een analyse van de geo-spreiding van gevoeligheid voor klimaatverandering van bossen in Gelderland. FutureWater Report 67X

    Invloed van Klimaatverandering op het Gelderse bos: Een analyse van de geo-spreiding van gevoeligheid voor klimaatverandering van bossen in Gelderland

    Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 68Droogers, P, W. Immerzeel, H. Schoonderwoerd. 2007. Klimaatverandering en bossen: Modelanalyse voor landgoed Slangenburg. FutureWater Report 68X

    Klimaatverandering en bossen: Modelanalyse voor landgoed Slangenburg

    Droogers, P, W. Immerzeel, H. Schoonderwoerd

  • 2007 - Water Air Soil PollutionVan Beek, C.L., P. Droogers, H.A. van Hardeveld, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.L. Velthof, O. Oenema. 2007. Leaching of Solutes from an Intensively Managed Peat Soil to Surface Water. Water Air Soil Pollution 182: 291-301X

    Leaching of Solutes from an Intensively Managed Peat Soil to Surface Water

    Van Beek, C.L., P. Droogers, H.A. van Hardeveld, G.A.P.H. van den Eertwegh, G.L. Velthof, O. Oenema

  • 2007 - Agricultural Water ManagementAkbari, M., N. Toomanian, P. Droogers, W. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske. 2007. Monitoring irrigation performance in Esfahan, Iran, using NOAA satellite imagery. Agricultural Water Management 88: 99-109X

    Monitoring irrigation performance in Esfahan, Iran, using NOAA satellite imagery

    Akbari, M., N. Toomanian, P. Droogers, W. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 66Droogers, P., A. van Loon. 2007. Soil Water Assessement Tool, Gediz basin - Turkey. FutureWater Report 66X

    Soil Water Assessement Tool, Gediz basin – Turkey

    Droogers, P., A. van Loon

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 64Van Loon, A., P. Droogers. 2007. Soil Water Assessment Tool, Kitui - Kenya. FutureWater Report 64X

    Soil Water Assessment Tool, Kitui – Kenya

    Van Loon, A., P. Droogers

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 65Van Loon, A., H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers. 2007. Water Evaluation And Planning System, Gediz basin - Turkey. FutureWater Report 65X

    Water Evaluation And Planning System, Gediz basin – Turkey

    Van Loon, A., H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 69Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers, A. Gaur. 2007. Remotely Sensed Based Hydrological Model Calibration for Basin Scale Water Resources Planning, Embedding case for Krishna Basin, India. FutureWater Report 69X

    Remotely Sensed Based Hydrological Model Calibration for Basin Scale Water Resources Planning, Embedding case for Krishna Basin, India

    Immerzeel, W., P. Droogers, A. Gaur

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 62Immerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers. 2007. FutureViewR: gedetailleerd hydrologisch en oppervlaktewater model getest op Quarles van Ufford. FutureWater Report 62X

    FutureViewR: gedetailleerd hydrologisch en oppervlaktewater model getest op Quarles van Ufford

    Immerzeel, W.W., C.C. van Heerwaarden, P. Droogers

  • 2007 - FutureWater Report 63Van Loon, A. , R. Lasage, H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers. 2007. Water Management Support Methodologies: State of the Art. FutureWater Report 63X

    Water Management Support Methodologies: State of the Art

    Van Loon, A. , R. Lasage, H. Mathijssen, P. Droogers

  • 2006 - H2OLoeve, R., T. Claassen, P. Droogers. 2006. Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit. H2OX

    Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit

    Loeve, R., T. Claassen, P. Droogers

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 59Van Loon, A.F., P. Droogers. 2006. Water Evaluation And Planning System, Kitui - Kenya. FutureWater Report 59X

    Water Evaluation And Planning System, Kitui – Kenya

    Van Loon, A.F., P. Droogers

  • 2006 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesBouwer, L. M. , J.C.J.H. Aerts, P. Droogers, A.J. Dolman. 2006. Detecting the long-term impacts from climate variability and increasing water consumption on runoff in the Krishna river basin (India). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10: 703-713X

    Detecting the long-term impacts from climate variability and increasing water consumption on runoff in the Krishna river basin (India)

    Bouwer, L. M. , J.C.J.H. Aerts, P. Droogers, A.J. Dolman

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 61Droogers, P.. 2006. Mogelijkheden regelbare stuw Olstertocht, Oostelijk Flevoland. FutureWater Report 61X

    Mogelijkheden regelbare stuw Olstertocht, Oostelijk Flevoland

    Droogers, P.

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 58Loeve, R., P. Droogers, J. Veraart. 2006. Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit. FutureWater Report 58X

    Klimaatverandering en waterkwaliteit

    Loeve, R., P. Droogers, J. Veraart

  • 2006 - Investigation Report: Pakistan - National Drainage Program ProjectDroogers, P.. 2006. Annex C: Remote Sensing Analysis - Rainfall - Risk Assessment Report. In: Investigation Report: Pakistan - National Drainage Program Project, World Bank, 30pX

    Annex C: Remote Sensing Analysis – Rainfall – Risk Assessment Report

    Droogers, P.

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 54Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, W.W. Immerzeel. 2006. Green and blue water services in Tana river basin, Kenya, exploring options using an intergrated modeling framework. Green Water Credits Report 3. FutureWater Report 54X

    Green and blue water services in Tana river basin, Kenya, exploring options using an intergrated modeling framework

    Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2006 - ISRIC report 2006/04Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, J.A. Dijkshoorn, W.W. Immerzeel, J.R.M. Huting. 2006. Green Water Credits: Basin identification. Green Water Credits report 1. ISRIC report 2006/04. ISRIC, WageningenX

    Green Water Credits: Basin identification

    Droogers, P., J.H. Kauffman, J.A. Dijkshoorn, W.W. Immerzeel, J.R.M. Huting

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 53Droogers, P., S. Mantel, J.H. Kauffman. 2006. River basin models to support Green Water Credit Assessment. FutureWater Report 53X

    River basin models to support Green Water Credit Assessment

    Droogers, P., S. Mantel, J.H. Kauffman

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 60Van Loon, A., P. Droogers. 2006. Berekening openwaterverdamping. FutureWater Report 60X

    Berekening openwaterverdamping

    Van Loon, A., P. Droogers

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 56Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2006. Calibration Methodologies in Hydrological Modeling: State of the Art. FutureWater Report 56X

    Calibration Methodologies in Hydrological Modeling: State of the Art

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2006 - Agricultural Water ManagementInes, A.V.M., K. Honda, A. Das Gupta, P. Droogers, R.S. Clemente. 2006. Combining remote sensing-simulation modeling and genetic algorithm optimization to explore water management options in irrigated agriculture. Agricultural Water Management 83: 221-232X

    Combining remote sensing-simulation modeling and genetic algorithm optimization to explore water management options in irrigated agriculture

    Ines, A.V.M., K. Honda, A. Das Gupta, P. Droogers, R.S. Clemente

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 55Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, A. Gieske. 2006. Remote Sensing and Evapotranspiration Mapping: State of the Art. FutureWater Report 55X

    Remote Sensing and Evapotranspiration Mapping: State of the Art

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers, A. Gieske

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 57Immerzeel, W.W., A. Gaur, P. Droogers. 2006. Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Upper Bhima Catchment. FutureWater Report 57X

    Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Upper Bhima Catchment

    Immerzeel, W.W., A. Gaur, P. Droogers

  • 2006 - H2ODroogers, P., B. van den Hurk. 2006. Waterbeheer en de nieuwe KNMI klimaatscenario's. H2O 12: 25-28X

    Waterbeheer en de nieuwe KNMI klimaatscenario’s

    Droogers, P., B. van den Hurk

  • 2006 - International Journal of Water Resources DevelopmentVan Dam, J. C., R. Singh, J.J.E. Bessembinder, P.A. Leffelaar, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.K. Jhorar, J.G. Kroes, P. Droogers. 2006. Assessing Options to Increase Water Productivity in Irrigated River Basins Using Remote Sensing and Modelling Tools. International Journal of Water Resources Development 22: 115 - 133X

    Assessing Options to Increase Water Productivity in Irrigated River Basins Using Remote Sensing and Modelling Tools

    Van Dam, J. C., R. Singh, J.J.E. Bessembinder, P.A. Leffelaar, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.K. Jhorar, J.G. Kroes, P. Droogers

  • 2006 - FutureWater Report 51Graafstal, H., P. Droogers. 2006. Modeling climate change impacts on forests: an overview. FutureWater Report 51X

    Modeling climate change impacts on forests: an overview

    Graafstal, H., P. Droogers

  • 2006 - WaterWatch ReportBastiaanssen, W.G.M., A. Klaasse, S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2006. The hydrological flow path and options for sustainable water resources management in the overexploited Rio Bravo Basin. WaterWatch ReportX

    The hydrological flow path and options for sustainable water resources management in the overexploited Rio Bravo Basin

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., A. Klaasse, S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2006 - H2ODroogers, P., J. den Besten. 2006. Droogte- en natschade onder wijzigende afvoernormen. H2O 4: 31-34X

    Droogte- en natschade onder wijzigende afvoernormen

    Droogers, P., J. den Besten

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., R. Loeve. 2005. Natschade bij optimale afwatering. FutureWater ReportX

    Natschade bij optimale afwatering

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve

  • 2005 - WaterWatch ReportSoppe, R., W.M.G. Bastiaanssen, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2005. Water Resources Analysis of the Hai Basin in 2003 and Implications for Water Management. WaterWatch Report, Wageningen, 54pX

    Water Resources Analysis of the Hai Basin in 2003 and Implications for Water Management

    Soppe, R., W.M.G. Bastiaanssen, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve. 2005. Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa's: West en Midden. FutureWater ReportX

    Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s: West en Midden

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportVan Heerwaarden, C.C., P. Droogers, R. Loeve. 2005. Kwel en wegzijging langs de grote rivieren. Een nieuwe modelmatige aanpak. . FutureWater ReportX

    Kwel en wegzijging langs de grote rivieren. Een nieuwe modelmatige aanpak.

    Van Heerwaarden, C.C., P. Droogers, R. Loeve

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., J. van Dam, R. Loeve. 2005. Vermindering van veenwater uitspoeling: een 2D modelanalyse. FutureWater ReportX

    Vermindering van veenwater uitspoeling: een 2D modelanalyse

    Droogers, P., J. van Dam, R. Loeve

  • 2005 - Physics and Chemistry of the EarthDroogers, P., J. Aerts. 2005. Adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability: a comparative study between seven contrasting river basins. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 30: 339-346X

    Adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability: a comparative study between seven contrasting river basins

    Droogers, P., J. Aerts

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., R. Loeve. 2005. Positieve en negatieve effecten van drainage: een analyse in het kader van het "Eindadvies Berging en Afvoer" voor Wetterskip Fryslân. FutureWater ReportX

    Positieve en negatieve effecten van drainage: een analyse in het kader van het «Eindadvies Berging en Afvoer» voor Wetterskip Fryslân

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel. 2005. Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa's: Westerwolde. FutureWater ReportX

    Wateropgave droogte Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s: Westerwolde

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2005 - Mission ReportRojas, A., P. Droogers. 2005. Adapting to Climate Change in South-East Asia: Identification of possibilities for cooperation. Mission Report, 30pX

    Adapting to Climate Change in South-East Asia: Identification of possibilities for cooperation

    Rojas, A., P. Droogers

  • 2005 - WaterWatch ReportBastiaanssen, W.G.M., S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2005. Agrohydrologische analyse zuidelijk en oostelijk Flevoland. WaterWatch rapport, Wageningen, 85pX

    Agrohydrologische analyse zuidelijk en oostelijk Flevoland

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., S. Zwart, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportImmerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers. 2005. Exploring evaporation reduction options in the Hai Basin using the SWAT model. FutureWater ReportX

    Exploring evaporation reduction options in the Hai Basin using the SWAT model

    Immerzeel, W.W., P. Droogers

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P.. 2005. Groundwater Irrigation Efficiency in Saudi Arabia. FutureWater ReportX

    Groundwater Irrigation Efficiency in Saudi Arabia

    Droogers, P.

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., H. Schoonderwoerd, M. Japink, W.W. Immerzeel. 2005. Hydrologisch vooronderzoek Landgoed Santhorst. Silve en FutureWater Report, Wageningen, 27pX

    Hydrologisch vooronderzoek Landgoed Santhorst

    Droogers, P., H. Schoonderwoerd, M. Japink, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2005 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve. 2005. Wateraanvoer en droogte: Analyse van de huidige situatie en de te verwachten invloed van klimaatverandering. FutureWater ReportX

    Wateraanvoer en droogte: Analyse van de huidige situatie en de te verwachten invloed van klimaatverandering

    Droogers, P., W.W. Immerzeel, R. Loeve

  • 2004 - H2OVan den Bersselaar, D.J.M.C., M.N. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers. 2004. Mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in Flevoland. H2O 24: 21-24X

    Mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in Flevoland

    Van den Bersselaar, D.J.M.C., M.N. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers

  • 2004 - H2ODroogers, P., R. Loeve, B. van den Hurk. 2004. De (on)zekerheid van klimaatverandering. H2O 19: 85-88X

    De (on)zekerheid van klimaatverandering

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve, B. van den Hurk

  • 2004 - H2OMeijer, F., M. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers. 2004. Vasthouden van water met regelbare stuwen. H2O 12: 22-25X

    Vasthouden van water met regelbare stuwen

    Meijer, F., M. Jaarsma, R. Loeve, P. Droogers

  • 2004 - Agricultural Water ManagementDroogers, P.. 2004. Adaptation to climate change to enhance food security and preserve environmental quality: example for Southern Sri Lanka. Agricultural Water Management 66: 15-33X

    Adaptation to climate change to enhance food security and preserve environmental quality: example for Southern Sri Lanka

    Droogers, P.

  • 2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environmentDroogers , P., J. van Dam, J. Hoogeveen, R. Loeve. 2004. Adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security. In J. Aerts and P. Droogers (Eds). Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment. CABI Books, Londen, pp. 49-74X

    Adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security

    Droogers , P., J. van Dam, J. Hoogeveen, R. Loeve

  • 2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environmentAerts, J., P. Droogers, S. Werners. 2004. Adaptation to Climate Change: A Research Agenda for the Future. In J. Aerts and P. Droogers (Eds). Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment. CABI Books, Londen, pp. 255-260X

    Adaptation to Climate Change: A Research Agenda for the Future

    Aerts, J., P. Droogers, S. Werners

  • 2004 - CABI BooksAerts, J., P. Droogers (Eds.). 2004. Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment. CABI Books, Londen. 288 pX

    Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment

    Aerts, J., P. Droogers (Eds.)

  • 2004 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., R. Loeve. 2004. Gecorrigeerd Actuele Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN). FutureWater ReportX

    Gecorrigeerd Actuele Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN)

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve

  • 2004 - Unsaturated-zone modeling: progress challanges and applicationsBastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers , G. D'Urso, P. Steduto. 2004. Inserting man's irrigation and drainage wisdom into soil water flow models and bringing it back out: how far have we progressed?. In: R.A. Feddes, G.H. de Rooij and J.C. van Dam (Eds.), Unsaturated-zone modeling: progress challanges and applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 263-299X

    Inserting man’s irrigation and drainage wisdom into soil water flow models and bringing it back out: how far have we progressed?

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., R.G. Allen, P. Droogers , G. D'Urso, P. Steduto

  • 2004 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., R. Loeve. 2004. Regionale analyse van mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in het beheersgebied van Waterschap Zuiderzeeland. FutureWater ReportX

    Regionale analyse van mogelijkheden tot vasthouden van water in het beheersgebied van Waterschap Zuiderzeeland

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve

  • 2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environmentJayatillake, H.M., P. Droogers . 2004. Will There be Sufficient Water Under Internal and External Changes? Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka. In J. Aerts and P. Droogers (Eds). Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment. CABI Books, Londen, pp. 195-214X

    Will There be Sufficient Water Under Internal and External Changes? Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka

    Jayatillake, H.M., P. Droogers

  • 2004 - Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environmentHoanh, C.T., H. Guttman, P. Droogers , J. Aerts. 2004. Will We Produce Sufficient Food Under Climate Change? Mekong Basin (South East Asia). In J. Aerts and P. Droogers (Eds). Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food, and environment. CABI Books, Londen, pp. 157-180X

    Will We Produce Sufficient Food Under Climate Change? Mekong Basin (South East Asia)

    Hoanh, C.T., H. Guttman, P. Droogers , J. Aerts

  • 2003 - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific RegionInes, A.V.M., R. Clemente, P. Droogers, A.D. Gupta, K. Honda. 2003. Exploring water management options using Genetic Algorithms: A case study of Bata Minor, Kaithal, Haryana, India. In Takara, K. and Kojima, T. (Eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region, Kyoto, Japan, 13-15 March 2003. 2: 933-938X

    Exploring water management options using Genetic Algorithms: A case study of Bata Minor, Kaithal, Haryana, India

    Ines, A.V.M., R. Clemente, P. Droogers, A.D. Gupta, K. Honda

  • 2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, IndiaKroes, J.G., P. Droogers, R. Kumar, W.W. Immerzeel, R.S. Khatri, A. Roelevink, H.W. ter Maat, D.S. Dabas. 2003. A regional approach to model water productivity. In: Dam, J.C. van, and Malik, R.S. (Eds.) Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India, Wageningen UR and CCS Haryana Agricultural University. WATRPRO final report, pp. 101-119. ISBN 9064648646X

    A regional approach to model water productivity

    Kroes, J.G., P. Droogers, R. Kumar, W.W. Immerzeel, R.S. Khatri, A. Roelevink, H.W. ter Maat, D.S. Dabas

  • 2003 - IWMI Working PaperDroogers, P.. 2003. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on Water, Food, and Environment in Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka. IWMI Working Paper. International Water Management Institute, Sri LankaX

    Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on Water, Food, and Environment in Walawe Basin, Sri Lanka

    Droogers, P.

  • 2003 - IWMI Working PaperDroogers, P., J.C. van Dam. 2003. Field scale adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security: a modeling approach across seven contrasting basins. IWMI Working Paper. International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka. (submitted)X

    Field scale adaptation strategies to climate change to sustain food security: a modeling approach across seven contrasting basins

    Droogers, P., J.C. van Dam

  • 2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, IndiaDroogers, P., R.S. Malik, J.G. Kroes, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, J.C. van Dam. 2003. Future water management in Sirsa district: options to improve water productivity. In: Dam, J.C. van, and Malik, R.S. (Eds.) Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India, Wageningen UR and CCS Haryana Agricultural University. WATRPRO final report, pp. 135-156. ISBN 9064648646X

    Future water management in Sirsa district: options to improve water productivity

    Droogers, P., R.S. Malik, J.G. Kroes, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, J.C. van Dam

  • 2003 - Proceedings of the XXX IAHR CongressInes, A.V.M., A.D. Gupta, P. Droogers, K. Honda. 2003. Genetic Algorithms in assimilating agro-hydrological model parameters. In: Ganouris, J., Prinos, P., Korfiatis, G. and Chistodoulou, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXX IAHR Congress. IAHR, Tesseloniki, Greece. Theme D: 55-62X

    Genetic Algorithms in assimilating agro-hydrological model parameters

    Ines, A.V.M., A.D. Gupta, P. Droogers, K. Honda

  • 2003 - IWMI Research ReportMurray-Rust, H., P. Droogers, A. Gieske, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, A.R. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, H.R. Salemi. 2003. Scenario Assessment for Water Management Options in Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. IWMI Research Report. International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka. (in press)X

    Scenario Assessment for Water Management Options in Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran

    Murray-Rust, H., P. Droogers, A. Gieske, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, A.R. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, H.R. Salemi

  • 2003 - Geographical Research AbstractsInes, A.V.M., P. Droogers, K. Honda, A.D. Gupta. 2003. Stochastic data assimilation technique in regional hydrology. Geographical Research Abstracts 5: X

    Stochastic data assimilation technique in regional hydrology

    Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers, K. Honda, A.D. Gupta

  • 2003 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P., R. Loeve. 2003. Vasthouden en bergen: de mogelijkheden van regelbare stuwen in Flevoland. FutureWater ReportX

    Vasthouden en bergen: de mogelijkheden van regelbare stuwen in Flevoland

    Droogers, P., R. Loeve

  • 2003 - Climate changes the water rulesDroogers, P.. 2003. Water for food in the context of climate change. In: Pavel Kabat and Henk van Schaik (eds.). Climate changes the water rules. Published by Dialogue on Water and Climate, NetherlandsX

    Water for food in the context of climate change

    Droogers, P.

  • 2003 - IWMI Research ReportDroogers, P.. 2003. Water, food, climate: impact, projections and challenges. IWMI Research Report. International Water Management Institute, Sri LankaX

    Water, food, climate: impact, projections and challenges

    Droogers, P.

  • 2003 - Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, IndiaBastiaanssen, W.G.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers. 2003. WATPRO Introduction. In: Dam, J.C. van, and Malik, R.S. (Eds.) Water productivity of irrigated crops in Sirsa District, India, Wageningen UR and CCS Haryana Agricultural University. WATRPRO final report, pp. 11-20. ISBN 9064648646X

    WATPRO Introduction

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers

  • 2002 - Irrigation and Drainage SystemsDroogers P., R.G. Allen. 2002. Estimating reference evapotranspiration under inaccurate data conditions. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 16: 33-45X

    Estimating reference evapotranspiration under inaccurate data conditions

    Droogers P., R.G. Allen

  • 2002 - Irrigation and Drainage SystemsInes, A.V.M., P. Droogers. 2002. Inverse modeling to quantify irrigation system characteristics and operational management. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 16: 233-252X

    Inverse modeling to quantify irrigation system characteristics and operational management

    Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers

  • 2002 - Proceedings of 18th Congress on Irrigation and DrainageM. Torabi, H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers. 2002. Assessment of improved water and salinity management by integrated basin scale and field scale modeling. In: Proceedings of 18th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Montréal, Canada, 21-28 July 2002X

    Assessment of improved water and salinity management by integrated basin scale and field scale modeling

    M. Torabi, H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers

  • 2002 - Hydrological ProcessesDroogers, P., G.W. Kite. 2002. Remotely sensed data used for modeling at different hydrological scales. Hydrological Processes 16: 1543-1556X

    Remotely sensed data used for modeling at different hydrological scales

    Droogers, P., G.W. Kite

  • 2002 - Proceedings of a workshop held at Koggala Beach Hotel, Sri LankaImbulana, K.A.U.S, P. Droogers, I.W. Makin (Eds.). 2002. World water assessment programme Sri Lanka case study: Ruhuna Basins. Proceedings of a workshop held at Koggala Beach Hotel, Sri Lanka, 7-9 April 2002. International Water Management Institute, Sri LankaX

    World water assessment programme Sri Lanka case study: Ruhuna Basins

    Imbulana, K.A.U.S, P. Droogers, I.W. Makin (Eds.)

  • 2002 - Journal of Irrigation and Drainage EngineeringDroogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen. 2002. Irrigation performance using hydrological and remote sensing modeling. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 128: 11-18X

    Irrigation performance using hydrological and remote sensing modeling

    Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen

  • 2002 - International Journal of WaterKayam, Y., M. Beyazgul, P. Droogers. 2002. A model approach to evaluate irrigation system water balance: an example from the Gediz Basin, Turkey. International Journal of Water 2: 123-137X

    A model approach to evaluate irrigation system water balance: an example from the Gediz Basin, Turkey

    Kayam, Y., M. Beyazgul, P. Droogers

  • 2002 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 12Droogers, P., M. Torabi. 2002. Field scale scenarios for water and salinity management by simulation modelling. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 12X

    Field scale scenarios for water and salinity management by simulation modelling

    Droogers, P., M. Torabi

  • 2002 - IWMI Working Paper 36Droogers, P.. 2002. Global Irrigated Area Mapping, overview and recommendations. IWMI Working Paper 36X

    Global Irrigated Area Mapping, overview and recommendations

    Droogers, P.

  • 2002 - Hydrology and Earth System ScienceInes, A.V.M., P. Droogers. 2002. Inverse modelling in estimating soil hydraulic functions: a genetic algorithm approach. Hydrology and Earth System Science 6: 49-65X

    Inverse modelling in estimating soil hydraulic functions: a genetic algorithm approach

    Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers

  • 2002 - IAHS Red BooksInes, Droogers P.. 2002. Obtaining non-observable RS data from RS, using a combined model and Genetic Algorithm approach. IAHS Red BooksX

    Obtaining non-observable RS data from RS, using a combined model and Genetic Algorithm approach

    Ines, Droogers P.

  • 2002 - IWMI Working Paper 44Stanzel, P., A. Öze, V. Smakhtin, E. Boelee, P. Droogers. 2002. Simulating impacts of irrigation on the hydrology of the Karagan Lagoon in Sri Lanka. IWMI Working Paper 44X

    Simulating impacts of irrigation on the hydrology of the Karagan Lagoon in Sri Lanka

    Stanzel, P., A. Öze, V. Smakhtin, E. Boelee, P. Droogers

  • 2002 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 14Murray-Rust, H., H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers. 2002. Water Resources Development and Water Utilization in the Zayandeh Rud basin, Iran. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 14X

    Water Resources Development and Water Utilization in the Zayandeh Rud basin, Iran

    Murray-Rust, H., H.R. Salemi, P. Droogers

  • 2002 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P.. 2002. Water-Bodem-Boom Relaties op een Landgoed in Wassenaar. FutureWater ReportX

    Water-Bodem-Boom Relaties op een Landgoed in Wassenaar

    Droogers, P.

  • 2002 - FutureWater ReportDroogers, P.. 2002. Water-boom relaties Parkboszone Amsterdamse Bos. FutureWater ReportX

    Water-boom relaties Parkboszone Amsterdamse Bos

    Droogers, P.

  • 2001 - Irrigation and DrainageDroogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A.R. Mamanpoush. 2001. Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. Irrigation and Drainage 50: 335-348X

    Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran

    Droogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A.R. Mamanpoush

  • 2001 - Physics and Chemistry of the EarthDroogers, P., G. Kite. 2001. Simulation modeling at different scales to evaluate the productivity of water. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 26: 877-880X

    Simulation modeling at different scales to evaluate the productivity of water

    Droogers, P., G. Kite

  • 2001 - Irrigation and DrainageDroogers, P., M. Torabi, M. Akbari, E. Pazira. 2001. Field scale modeling to explore salinity in irrigated agriculture. Irrigation and Drainage 50: 77-90X

    Field scale modeling to explore salinity in irrigated agriculture

    Droogers, P., M. Torabi, M. Akbari, E. Pazira

  • 2001 - IWMI Working Paper 27Hemakumara, M., R. Barker, P. Droogers. 2001. Ruhuna Benchmark Basin Activities. IWMI Working Paper 27X

    Ruhuna Benchmark Basin Activities

    Hemakumara, M., R. Barker, P. Droogers

  • 2001 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 7Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske, N. Toomanian, M. Akbari. 2001. Assessment of irrigation performance using NOAA satellite imagery. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 7X

    Assessment of irrigation performance using NOAA satellite imagery

    Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, A. Gieske, N. Toomanian, M. Akbari

  • 2001 - Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen. 2001. Combining remote sensing and hydrological models to enhance spatial and temporal variability. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000. (Proceedings of a symposium held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000). IAHS Publication. 267: 574-579X

    Combining remote sensing and hydrological models to enhance spatial and temporal variability

    Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen

  • 2001 - IWMI Working Paper 22Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers, I.W. Makin, A.D. Gupta. 2001. Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options. IWMI Working Paper 22X

    Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options

    Ines, A.V.M., P. Droogers, I.W. Makin, A.D. Gupta

  • 2001 - IWMI Research Report 53Droogers, P., G. Kite. 2001. Estimating productivity of water at different scales using simulation modelling. IWMI Research Report 53X

    Estimating productivity of water at different scales using simulation modelling

    Droogers, P., G. Kite

  • 2001 - IWMI Working Paper 20Droogers, P., D. Seckler, I. Makin. 2001. Estimating the potential of rainfed agriculture. IWMI Working Paper 20X

    Estimating the potential of rainfed agriculture

    Droogers, P., D. Seckler, I. Makin

  • 2001 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 5Droogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A. Mamanpoush. 2001. Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 5X

    Exploring basin scale salinity problems using a simplified water accounting model: the example of Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran

    Droogers, P., H.R. Salemi, A. Mamanpoush

  • 2001 - Proceedings of a PE&RC seminar seriesBastiaanssen, W.G.M., P. Droogers. 2001. Interactive hydrology and remote sensing models for irrigation performance assessment and water accounting studies. In Stein, Jetten and Schut (eds.) A forum of methodology, Proceedings of a PE&RC seminar series 2001, The C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation, Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis 23: 91-106X

    Interactive hydrology and remote sensing models for irrigation performance assessment and water accounting studies

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., P. Droogers

  • 2001 - IWMI Research Report 50Kite, G., P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust, K. de Voogt. 2001. Modeling scenarios for water allocation in the Gediz Basin, Turkey. IWMI Research Report 50X

    Modeling scenarios for water allocation in the Gediz Basin, Turkey

    Kite, G., P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust, K. de Voogt

  • 2000 - Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable DevelopmentKite, G., P. Droogers, K. de Voogt. 2000. Climate change, water supply and crop production. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development. 19-21 Dec 2000, New Delhi, India, pp. 1055-1062X

    Climate change, water supply and crop production

    Kite, G., P. Droogers, K. de Voogt

  • 2000 - International Journal of Water Resources DevelopmentVoogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust. 2000. Modelling water allocation between a wetland and irrigated agriculture in the Gediz Basin, Turkey. International Journal of Water Resources Development 16: 639-650X

    Modelling water allocation between a wetland and irrigated agriculture in the Gediz Basin, Turkey

    Voogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust

  • 2000 - Irrigation ScienceDroogers, P., G. Kite, H. Murray-Rust. 2000. Use of simulation models to evaluate irrigation performance including water productivity, risk and system analyses. Irrigation Science 19: 139-145X

    Use of simulation models to evaluate irrigation performance including water productivity, risk and system analyses

    Droogers, P., G. Kite, H. Murray-Rust

  • 2000 - Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers. 2000. Using public-domain datasets to model the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000. (Proceedings of a symposium held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000). IAHS Red Books 267, pp. 601-604X

    Using public-domain datasets to model the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey

    Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers

  • 2000 - Journal of HydrologyKite, G.W., P. Droogers. 2000. Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data. Journal of Hydrology 229: 3-18X

    Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data

    Kite, G.W., P. Droogers

  • 2000 - Agricultural Water ManagementDroogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, M. Beyazgül, Y. Kayam, G.W. Kite, H. Murray-Rust. 2000. Distributed agro-hydrological modeling of an irrigation system in western Turkey. Agricultural Water Management 43: 183-202X

    Distributed agro-hydrological modeling of an irrigation system in western Turkey

    Droogers, P., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, M. Beyazgül, Y. Kayam, G.W. Kite, H. Murray-Rust

  • 2000 - Journal of HydrologyDroogers, P.. 2000. Estimating actual evapotranspiration using a detailed agro-hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology 229: 50-58X

    Estimating actual evapotranspiration using a detailed agro-hydrological model

    Droogers, P.

  • 2000 - Journal of HydrologyKite, G.W., P. Droogers. 2000. Preface: Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data. Journal of Hydrology 229: 1-2X

    Preface: Comparing evapotranspiration estimates from satellites, hydrological models and field data

    Kite, G.W., P. Droogers

  • 2000 - IWMI Research Report 42Kite, G., P. Droogers. 2000. Comparison of actual evapotranspiration from satellites, hydrological models and field data: a case study from Western Turkey. IWMI Research Report 42X

    Comparison of actual evapotranspiration from satellites, hydrological models and field data: a case study from Western Turkey

    Kite, G., P. Droogers

  • 2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 2Droogers, P., M. Akbari, M. Torabi, E. Pazira. 2000. Exploring field scale salinity using simulation modeling, example for Rudasht area, Esfahan Province, Iran. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 2X

    Exploring field scale salinity using simulation modeling, example for Rudasht area, Esfahan Province, Iran

    Droogers, P., M. Akbari, M. Torabi, E. Pazira

  • 2000 - IWMI Research Report 43Kite, G., P. Droogers. 2000. Integrated Basin Modeling. IWMI Research Report 43X

    Integrated Basin Modeling

    Kite, G., P. Droogers

  • 2000 - IWMI Working Paper 1Voogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust. 2000. Modelling water allocation between wetlands and irrigated agriculture: Case study of the Gediz Basin, Turkey. IWMI Working Paper 1X

    Modelling water allocation between wetlands and irrigated agriculture: Case study of the Gediz Basin, Turkey

    Voogt, de K., G. Kite, P. Droogers, H. Murray-Rust

  • 2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 9Droogers, P., M. Miranzadeh. 2000. Spatial Analysis of Groundwater Trends: example for Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 9X

    Spatial Analysis of Groundwater Trends: example for Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran

    Droogers, P., M. Miranzadeh

  • 2000 - IWMI Research Report 40Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers. 2000. Using Datasets from the Internet for Hydrological Modeling: An Example from the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey. IWMI Research Report 40X

    Using Datasets from the Internet for Hydrological Modeling: An Example from the Küçük Menderes Basin, Turkey

    Lacroix, M., G. Kite, P. Droogers

  • 2000 - Proceedings of Application of Remote Sensing in HydrologyDroogers, P., G.W. Kite, H. Korkmaz, O. Acar. 2000. Using remotely sensed data for hydrological modeling at different spatial scales. In: Proceedings of Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology. Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA, 4-6 November 1998. National Water Research Institute, Canada. p. 41-50X

    Using remotely sensed data for hydrological modeling at different spatial scales

    Droogers, P., G.W. Kite, H. Korkmaz, O. Acar

  • 2000 - IAERI-IWMI Research Report 1Salemi, H.R., A. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, N. Toomanian, H. Murray-Rust, P. Droogers, H. Sally, A. Gieske. 2000. Water Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Basin, Esfahan Province, Iran. IAERI-IWMI Research Report 1X

    Water Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Basin, Esfahan Province, Iran

    Salemi, H.R., A. Mamanpoush, M. Miranzadeh, M. Akbari, M. Torabi, N. Toomanian, H. Murray-Rust, P. Droogers, H. Sally, A. Gieske

  • 1999 - GeodermaBouma, J., P. Droogers. 1999. Comparing different methods for estimating the soil moisture supply capacity of a soil series subjected to different types of management. Geoderma 92: 185-197X

    Comparing different methods for estimating the soil moisture supply capacity of a soil series subjected to different types of management

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers

  • 1999 - Proceedings of 17th Congress on Irrigation and DrainageDroogers, P., G. Kite, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen. 1999. Integrated basin modeling to evaluate water productivity. In: Proceedings of 17th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID. Granda, Spain, 11-19 September. Vol 1A, pp. 1-13X

    Integrated basin modeling to evaluate water productivity

    Droogers, P., G. Kite, W.G.M. Bastiaanssen

  • 1999 - Irrigation and Drainage SystemsDroogers, P., G. Kite. 1999. Water productivity from integrated basin modeling. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 13: 275-290X

    Water productivity from integrated basin modeling

    Droogers, P., G. Kite

  • 1999 - Soil Science Society of America JournalBouma, J., P. Droogers, P. Peters. 1999. Defining the "ideal" soil structure in surface soil of a typic fluvaquent in The Netherlands. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 343-348X

    Defining the «ideal» soil structure in surface soil of a typic fluvaquent in The Netherlands

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers, P. Peters

  • 1999 - International Journal of Water Resources DevelopmentKite, G.W., P. Droogers. 1999. Irrigation modelling in a basin context. International Journal of Water Resources Development 15: 43-54X

    Irrigation modelling in a basin context

    Kite, G.W., P. Droogers

  • 1998 - Proceedings of International Symposium on Arid Region SoilsDroogers, P., G.W. Kite, W. Bastiaanssen. 1998. Land cover classification using public domain datasets: example for Gediz Basin, Turkey. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Arid Region Soils. Menemen, Turkey, 21-25 September 1998, pp. 34-40X

    Land cover classification using public domain datasets: example for Gediz Basin, Turkey

    Droogers, P., G.W. Kite, W. Bastiaanssen

  • 1998 - GeodermaBouma, J., P. Droogers. 1998. A procedure to derive land quality indicators for sustainable agricultural production. Geoderma 85: 103-110X

    A procedure to derive land quality indicators for sustainable agricultural production

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers

  • 1998 - Soil and Tillage ResearchStein, A., P. Droogers, H. Booltink. 1998. Point processes and random sets for analysing patterns of methylene blue coloured soil. Soil and Tillage Research 46: 273-288X

    Point processes and random sets for analysing patterns of methylene blue coloured soil

    Stein, A., P. Droogers, H. Booltink

  • 1998 - GeodermaDroogers, P., A. Stein, J. Bouma, G. de Boer. 1998. Parameters for describing soil macroporosity derived from staining patterns. Geoderma 83: 293-308X

    Parameters for describing soil macroporosity derived from staining patterns

    Droogers, P., A. Stein, J. Bouma, G. de Boer

  • 1998 - Journal of Contaminant HydrologyDroogers, P.. 1998. Time aggregation of nitrogen leaching in relation to critical threshold values. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 30: 363-373X

    Time aggregation of nitrogen leaching in relation to critical threshold values

    Droogers, P.

  • 1998 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 79Soet, M., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers, J. Esenbrink. 1998. EFEDA-Spain and HAPEX-Sahel, A further analysis of data. Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Sub-dept. Water Resources, Wageningen Agricultural University. Report no. 79X

    EFEDA-Spain and HAPEX-Sahel, A further analysis of data

    Soet, M., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers, J. Esenbrink

  • 1998 - Physical nonequilibrium in soils: modeling and applicationBooltink, H.W.G., J. Bouma, P. Droogers. 1998. Use of fractals to describe soil structure. In: H.M. Selim and L. Ma (Eds.) Physical nonequilibrium in soils: modeling and application. Ann Harbor Press. Chelsea, USA, pp. 157-193X

    Use of fractals to describe soil structure

    Booltink, H.W.G., J. Bouma, P. Droogers

  • 1997 - Journal of HydrologyDroogers, P.. 1997. Effects of spatial and temporal variability on simulated transpiration ratios. Journal of Hydrology 203: 189-197X

    Effects of spatial and temporal variability on simulated transpiration ratios

    Droogers, P.

  • 1997 - Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyBastiaanssen, W.G.M., H. Pelgrum, P. Droogers, H.A.R. de Bruin, M. Menenti. 1997. Area-average estimates of evaporation, wetness indicators and top soil moisture during two golden days in EFEDA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 87: 119-137X

    Area-average estimates of evaporation, wetness indicators and top soil moisture during two golden days in EFEDA

    Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., H. Pelgrum, P. Droogers, H.A.R. de Bruin, M. Menenti

  • 1997 - Soil Science Society of America JournalDroogers, P., J. Bouma. 1997. Soil survey input in exploratory modeling of sustainable soil management practices. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61: 1704-1710X

    Soil survey input in exploratory modeling of sustainable soil management practices

    Droogers, P., J. Bouma

  • 1997 - PhD thesisDroogers, P.. 1997. Quantifying differences in soil structure induced by farm management. PhD thesis. Wageningen Agricultural University, WageningenX

    Quantifying differences in soil structure induced by farm management

    Droogers, P.

  • 1997 - Journal of HydrologyCuenca, R.H., J. Brouwer, A. Chanzy, P. Droogers, S. Galle, S.R. Gaze, M. Sicot, H. Stricker, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, S.A. Boyle, J. Bromley, A.G. Chebhouni, J.D. Cooper, A.J. Dixon, J.C. Fies, M. Gandah, J. Gaudu, L. Laguerre, J. Lecocq, M. Soet, H.J. Steward, J.P. Vandervaere, M. Vauclin. 1997. Soil measurements during HAPEX-Sahel intensive observation period. Journal of Hydrology 188-189: 224-266X

    Soil measurements during HAPEX-Sahel intensive observation period

    Cuenca, R.H., J. Brouwer, A. Chanzy, P. Droogers, S. Galle, S.R. Gaze, M. Sicot, H. Stricker, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, S.A. Boyle, J. Bromley, A.G. Chebhouni, J.D. Cooper, A.J. Dixon, J.C. Fies, M. Gandah, J. Gaudu, L. Laguerre, J. Lecocq, M. Soet, H.J. Steward, J.P. Vandervaere, M. Vauclin

  • 1997 - BodemBouma, J., P. Droogers. 1997. Soil quality: an agronomic perspective (Nederlands). Bodem 3: 96-97X

    Soil quality: an agronomic perspective (Nederlands)

    Bouma, J., P. Droogers

  • 1997 - Rotation models for ecological farmingBooltink, H.W.G., P. Droogers, J. Verhagen. 1997. The modified WAVE model. In M.C. Plentinger and F.W.T. Penning de Vries (Eds.) Rotation models for ecological farming. Quantitative approaches in systems analysis, No. 10. AB-DLO, PE, Wageningen, pp. 93-101X

    The modified WAVE model

    Booltink, H.W.G., P. Droogers, J. Verhagen

  • 1997 - Plant and SoilDroogers, P., F.B.W. van der Meer, J. Bouma. 1997. Water accessibility to plant roots in different soil structures occurring in the same soil type. Plant and Soil 188: 83-91X

    Water accessibility to plant roots in different soil structures occurring in the same soil type

    Droogers, P., F.B.W. van der Meer, J. Bouma

  • 1996 - GeodermaDroogers, P., A. Fermont, J. Bouma. 1996. Effects of ecological soil management on workability and trafficability of a loamy soil in the Netherlands. Geoderma 73: 131-145X

    Effects of ecological soil management on workability and trafficability of a loamy soil in the Netherlands

    Droogers, P., A. Fermont, J. Bouma

  • 1995 - Soil Science Society of America JournalDroogers, P., J. Bouma. 1995. Biodynamic vs. conventional farming effects on soil structure expressed by simulated potential productivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60: 1552-1558X

    Biodynamic vs. conventional farming effects on soil structure expressed by simulated potential productivity

    Droogers, P., J. Bouma

  • 1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 43Soet, M., P. Droogers, M.N. Jaarsma, C.P. Kim, J.F. Monincx, J.N.M. Stricker. 1993. HAPEX-Sahel, basic description of methods and datasets. Dept. of Water Resources, Wageningen Agricultural University. Report no. 43X

    HAPEX-Sahel, basic description of methods and datasets

    Soet, M., P. Droogers, M.N. Jaarsma, C.P. Kim, J.F. Monincx, J.N.M. Stricker

  • 1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 37Droogers, P., G.D. van de Abeele, J. Cobbaert, C.P. Kim, R. Rösslerová, M. Soet, J.N.M. Stricker. 1993. Basic data sets description and preliminary results of EFEDA-Spain. Dept. of Water Resources, Wageningen Agricultural University. Report no. 37X

    Basic data sets description and preliminary results of EFEDA-Spain

    Droogers, P., G.D. van de Abeele, J. Cobbaert, C.P. Kim, R. Rösslerová, M. Soet, J.N.M. Stricker

  • 1993 - Water flow and solute transport in soilsFeddes, R.A., G.H. De Rooy, J.C. Van Dam, P. Droogers, J.N.M. Stricker. 1993. Estimation of regional effective soil hydraulic parameters by inverse modelling. In: D. Russo, and G. Dagan (Eds.) Water flow and solute transport in soils. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 211-231. X

    Estimation of regional effective soil hydraulic parameters by inverse modelling

    Feddes, R.A., G.H. De Rooy, J.C. Van Dam, P. Droogers, J.N.M. Stricker

  • 1993 - HAPEX II - SAHEL Final ReportStricker, J.N.M., P. Droogers, M. Soet. 1993. Soil moisture. In: P. Kabat and J.P. Goutorbe (Eds.) HAPEX II - SAHEL Final Report. Commission of the European Communities, pp. 45-60X

    Soil moisture

    Stricker, J.N.M., P. Droogers, M. Soet

  • 1993 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 36Stricker, J.N.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers. 1993. Spatial variability of land surface processes under programme: climate. Dept. of Water Resources, Wageningen Agricultural University. Report no. 36X

    Spatial variability of land surface processes under programme: climate

    Stricker, J.N.M., J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers

  • 1993 - Energy and water cycles in the climate systemStricker, J.N.M., C.P. Kim, R.A. Feddes, J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers, G.H. de Rooy. 1993. The terrestrial hydrological cycle. In: E. Raschke, and D. Jacob (Eds.) Energy and water cycles in the climate system. NATO-ASI series, vol. I 5, pp. 419-444. X

    The terrestrial hydrological cycle

    Stricker, J.N.M., C.P. Kim, R.A. Feddes, J.C. van Dam, P. Droogers, G.H. de Rooy

  • 1992 - Soil Science Society of America JournalVan Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers. 1992. Inverse method to determine soil hydraulic functions from multistep outflow experiments. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58: 647-652X

    Inverse method to determine soil hydraulic functions from multistep outflow experiments

    Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers

  • 1991 - Wageningen Agricultural University Short noteKim, C.P., P. Droogers, J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker. 1991. Measurement of soil physical properties at the Castelnau site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area. Dept. of Hydrology, Soil Physics and Hydraulics, Wageningen Agricultural University. Short note.X

    Measurement of soil physical properties at the Castelnau site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area

    Kim, C.P., P. Droogers, J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker

  • 1990 - Soil Science Society of America JournalVan Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers. 1990. Inverse method for determining soil hydraulic functions from one-step outflow experiments. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56: 1042-1050X

    Inverse method for determining soil hydraulic functions from one-step outflow experiments

    Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers

  • 1990 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report no. 7Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers. 1990. From One-step to Multi-step: Determination of soil hydraulic functions by outflow experiments. Dept. of Hydrology, Soil Physics and Hydraulics, Wageningen Agricultural University. Report no. 7X

    From One-step to Multi-step: Determination of soil hydraulic functions by outflow experiments

    Van Dam, J.C., J.N.M. Stricker, P. Droogers

  • 1990 - Wageningen Agricultural University Report Droogers, P., J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker. 1990. Measurement of soil physical properties at the Lubbon site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area. Dept. of Hydrology, Soil Physics and Hydraulics, Wageningen Agricultural UniversityX

    Measurement of soil physical properties at the Lubbon site of the HAPEX Mobilhy area

    Droogers, P., J.C. van Dam, J.N.M. Stricker

  • 1989 - Institute for Land and Water Management Report no. 1971Van Mourik, C.C.P., P. Droogers. 1989. The combined ground- and surface-water model MOGROW tested for the Hupsel Catchment. (Nederlands). Institute for Land and Water Management, Wageningen. Report no. 1971X

    The combined ground- and surface-water model MOGROW tested for the Hupsel Catchment. (Nederlands)

    Van Mourik, C.C.P., P. Droogers